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how does it work NOW, if deal dont work out?


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I hope i dont have personal reasons for this,lol. But came across some old threads where people have had bad experiences with sellers

and basically just lost their money because fiverr dont have a genuin support thing or whatever, and i was just curious what is the thing NOW in 2022.

Ive been on fiverr before, but on another account and back then i gave up before i made a deal due to the communication-skills of the people i interacted with. 

I made a deal this weekend, hope to see or hear something tomorrow, but got me thinking..What if said person/seller dont deliver, as a buyer what can i do?

and what can i expect? Basically just want to know, IF this doesnt work out at all, what my options are and what i can expect 😉


Robert from Norway

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Guest lloydsolutions
7 minutes ago, robertlarsen216 said:

What if said person/seller dont deliver, as a buyer what can i do?

Check this out:  (Resolution Centre)

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14 minutes ago, lloydsolutions said:

Check this out: Fiverr Help and Education Center (Resolution Centre)

Intresting read. my question is that as fiverr is protecting both sides (which is awesome), what happens if the seller and buyer dont agree? talking neither on the project OR solution if it doesnt work out. What can I expect as the buyer? Should i just consider fiverr fail and move on, or should i "fight" thinking theres a chance i get my money back or something? Seems that (because its protecting both sides) theres a whole lot of mutual things going on, and based on experience (not really on fiverr) some bad apples and some people just dont see eye to eye sorta thing.


Robert in Norway

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1 hour ago, robertlarsen216 said:

what happens if the seller and buyer dont agree?

In my experience Fiverr cancels the order then refunds me in full (because I fulfil all the preconditions for the Seller Protection Program with each order anyway). Others don't, but that typically means they failed to deliver in full in some capacity or other. Your job would be to find that chink and provide evidence - if a seller promises to write you 500 words but only delivered 100, that sort of thing. My 'wins' come after a lot of tedious communicating though - explaining my deliverables, showing how I completed the work in full, professionally responding to someone in full-on hellfire harridan mode etc. It's all a colossal waste of time in my view and overly rewarding to (in my case) buyers on the scam, but their marketplace, their rules. 

You'll be fine - vet your sellers properly, know your rights, and don't let bad sellers get away with sloppy work and tired excuses - trust me, if granny died last night, she'll be resurrected for another sad, yet oddly convenient, demise soon enough. And don't do dumb things like hurl abuse at the seller when things go wrong. I love it when buyers do that, as breaking TOS in a dispute concerning money, well, that's a bit tragic for them 🙂 

tl;dr: be a normal person with a professional approach and a mind on your rights as a consumer; you are bringing money in, whereas sellers are ten-a-penny and the vast majority aren't going to be all that good or successful (rightly or wrongly). And don't put too much stock into Fiverr horror stories - people love to complain, rarely will they come back to correct a complaint when it is resolved in their favor (and in any case, you only have one side of the story...). 

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Guest lloydsolutions

Disputes and Cancellations

We encourage our Buyers and Sellers to try and settle conflicts amongst themselves. If for any reason this fails after using the Resolution Center or if you encounter non-permitted usage on the Site, users can contact Fiverr's Customer Support department for assistance . For more information about disputes, Order cancellations and refunds please refer to the .

The above is from the Terms of Service at the bottom of the Fiverr main page. 

Suggest you read the Terms of Service before buying anything. 


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12 hours ago, emmaki said:


In my experience Fiverr cancels the order then refunds me in full (because I fulfil all the preconditions for the Seller Protection Program with each order anyway). Others don't, but that typically means they failed to deliver in full in some capacity or other. Your job would be to find that chink and provide evidence - if a seller promises to write you 500 words but only delivered 100, that sort of thing. My 'wins' come after a lot of tedious communicating though - explaining my deliverables, showing how I completed the work in full, professionally responding to someone in full-on hellfire harridan mode etc. It's all a colossal waste of time in my view and overly rewarding to (in my case) buyers on the scam, but their marketplace, their rules. 

You'll be fine - vet your sellers properly, know your rights, and don't let bad sellers get away with sloppy work and tired excuses - trust me, if granny died last night, she'll be resurrected for another sad, yet oddly convenient, demise soon enough. And don't do dumb things like hurl abuse at the seller when things go wrong. I love it when buyers do that, as breaking TOS in a dispute concerning money, well, that's a bit tragic for them 🙂 

tl;dr: be a normal person with a professional approach and a mind on your rights as a consumer; you are bringing money in, whereas sellers are ten-a-penny and the vast majority aren't going to be all that good or successful (rightly or wrongly). And don't put too much stock into Fiverr horror stories - people love to complain, rarely will they come back to correct a complaint when it is resolved in their favor (and in any case, you only have one side of the story...). 

Very good and detailed answer! Thanks! And that actually answer the genuine question i had. Very good to know! And as far as the deal i did which made me think, looks like it works out, even if the communication isnt what i hoped for, the end-result i think will be quite good:) 

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I feel a lot relies on mindset. I've delivered over 300 jobs and never had a fall-out with a buyer. Yes, I've had difficult buyers but by being fair and polite--and showing a sincere interest in their job--everything's gone smoothly in the end.

If you go into any relationship--business or otherwise--with a view that it probably won't work for you, or that it might not work, then guess what? It won't work for you because you'll be there waiting for the seller to fail! Expect the worst, and the worst will come. Expect the best--and facilitate it on your side--and you should get a good experience. I can't see why you wouldn't.

Go into it positively, choose your seller with a solid track record or sound skills (if they're new, run a pre-test small project) and good communications.

The latter means on your side too; believe me, we get buyers with terrible communications. Then expect and work towards the best.

The 'work' is on both sides when you use any freelancer platform. The seller puts in the work. You also must put in the work. 

That means working hard to foster a good working relationship by being polite, fair, punctual/fast to respond, descriptive, accurate in describing what you are seeking, and not expecting the world when you only paid for one back alley on Liechtenstein. 🙂

I hope you have a great time on Fiverr! There are wonderful sellers and buyers here; we just need to give each a fair chance.



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On 6/18/2022 at 5:37 PM, robertlarsen216 said:

i gave up before i made a deal due to the communication-skills of the people i interacted with. 

Then you may have contacted the wrong people. I'm a seller, but I've also bought two dozen or so Gigs, and communication wasn't an issue save in one case, where the seller never delivered nor responded (hopefully, they just abandoned their account), and I got a refund. In my opinion and experience, Fiverr is very safe for buyers, as long as they read and stick to the ToS, choose their sellers wisely, inform themselves (Buyer Help Center Articles) adequately about "how it works", and act accordingly in case of any red or deep orange flags from the seller. 

For sellers, it's far less safe, but that's another story.

I'd really recommend reading the ToS, and the articles in the Buyer Help Center, that should prepare you for anything that might go awry, and, armed with knowledge about how the platform works, you should be far more ar ease, when making a purchase.

There are so many buyers who make purchases here often, even on a daily basis, for years. It's a bit daunting when you start out, maybe, but with a little experience, it becomes easier, and if you know how things should work, you can also easily spot it if a seller "tries something funny". In any case, there are many people just like you, buyers and sellers, who just want to do business in a mutually beneficial way. You just need to find the right fit(s) for you.

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On 6/20/2022 at 3:31 AM, miiila said:

Then you may have contacted the wrong people.

Exactly my thought. I hope you are not using buyer's requests. Avoid BR at all costs. Then if you do use a new seller (always a gamble), vet them really well. When I buy a service, I only buy from PRO, TRS or Level 2 sellers with over 200 reviews.  No problems. 

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On 6/22/2022 at 11:50 PM, newsmike said:

Exactly my thought. I hope you are not using buyer's requests. Avoid BR at all costs. Then if you do use a new seller (always a gamble), vet them really well. When I buy a service, I only buy from PRO, TRS or Level 2 sellers with over 200 reviews.  No problems. 

Not sure what BR or TRS is, the rest makes sense. I have probably contacted the wrong people, the thing is though i have absolutely no clue how to do better. I feel like i chose "wisely", the seller had alot of positive reviews, i liked a few of her samples, and when i first contacted her she responded quite well. Before i paid i felt like she knew what i meant, so i felt good about it. The thing is though..i specified in 3 different messages that i valued communication pretty much above all, she basically replied that she understood and respected what i meant. Then the second i had paid she started ignoring me, i asked her about it and she basically asked me to respect that she didnt like to communicate but rather work in peace and that she would contact me when she had a concept ready for revision (or what its called). She did, and granted if i put my will to it she did add the things i said, BUT in a totally different way then i saw in my head. I said i liked that she had added the things i asked for, but that it was totally different style and concept then what i wanted and felt like i paid for, and basically tried to explain that IF she had bothered to discuss with me like i asked her concept would have been different, but if to make what i saw in my head she basically would have to start over, but i offered to find more examples and stuff as it was clear something was lost in translation (im from Norway, she from India or pakistan i think..). She basically just ignored it and asked me to add revision to the concept she had made. I decided (as it felt like a total fail) to just add some changes to her unusable concept to make the best out of it. All in all it was 100% fail and i genuinly feel like i threw £30 out of the window. When we "settled" i just wanted to get things over with to be honest. In the end she did add what i asked in my original message (just obviously in a totally different way and style then i feel like i asked for), She did get the fact that i valued communication, but told me to respect she didnt, and she did send me all the files (which i deleted after i downloaded). SO to sum up, it was fail, and i honestly dont know what else i could have done (apart from not trusting reviews and my gut i mean). As of now i feel like ive tried fiverr and i cant really justify failing again, so plan A right now is either to live without the logo i wanted OR take the time to learn how to do it myself, at least i dont feel like fiverr is for me. Cant really justify trying and failing kind of thing. And i of course havnt taken the time to dispute anything or anything like that. Thanks for all the insight and at least its good to know other peoples thoughts and experiences. 


Robert in Norway

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37 minutes ago, robertlarsen216 said:

Not sure what BR or TRS is, the rest makes sense. I have probably contacted the wrong people, the thing is though i have absolutely no clue how to do better. I feel like i chose "wisely", the seller had alot of positive reviews, i liked a few of her samples, and when i first contacted her she responded quite well. Before i paid i felt like she knew what i meant, so i felt good about it. The thing is though..i specified in 3 different messages that i valued communication pretty much above all, she basically replied that she understood and respected what i meant. Then the second i had paid she started ignoring me, i asked her about it and she basically asked me to respect that she didnt like to communicate but rather work in peace and that she would contact me when she had a concept ready for revision (or what its called). She did, and granted if i put my will to it she did add the things i said, BUT in a totally different way then i saw in my head. I said i liked that she had added the things i asked for, but that it was totally different style and concept then what i wanted and felt like i paid for, and basically tried to explain that IF she had bothered to discuss with me like i asked her concept would have been different, but if to make what i saw in my head she basically would have to start over, but i offered to find more examples and stuff as it was clear something was lost in translation (im from Norway, she from India or pakistan i think..). She basically just ignored it and asked me to add revision to the concept she had made. I decided (as it felt like a total fail) to just add some changes to her unusable concept to make the best out of it. All in all it was 100% fail and i genuinly feel like i threw £30 out of the window. When we "settled" i just wanted to get things over with to be honest. In the end she did add what i asked in my original message (just obviously in a totally different way and style then i feel like i asked for), She did get the fact that i valued communication, but told me to respect she didnt, and she did send me all the files (which i deleted after i downloaded). SO to sum up, it was fail, and i honestly dont know what else i could have done (apart from not trusting reviews and my gut i mean). As of now i feel like ive tried fiverr and i cant really justify failing again, so plan A right now is either to live without the logo i wanted OR take the time to learn how to do it myself, at least i dont feel like fiverr is for me. Cant really justify trying and failing kind of thing. And i of course havnt taken the time to dispute anything or anything like that. Thanks for all the insight and at least its good to know other peoples thoughts and experiences. 


Robert in Norway

Robert, BR is "Buyer's Requests", and TRS is "Top Rated Seller."  Just a thought as to what I would have done in that situation. As soon as she switched from being respectful about communication to basically telling you to leave her alone after she got her hands on your Euros, I would have gone to resolution center and cancelled the order.  That said, I think you should contact Customer Service and tell them this story, and ask them to cancel the order. Fiverr is not built for you to have to be told to let her work alone if you asked for communication, nor is it meant for you to settle.  You absolutely deserve your money back. Here's the link.  They'll get you your money back, just tell them you are not satisfied.   https://www.fiverr.com/support/

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19 minutes ago, robertlarsen216 said:

A right now is either to live without the logo i wanted OR take the time to learn how to do it myself, at least i dont feel like fiverr is for me.

Just out of curiosity, did her samples on the gig match the style you were looking for? Or did you ask for something different from her examples? Did you show her a rough sketch of what you had in mind for the concept? 

If you don’t mind, can you share your brief here with us? So maybe we can point you if there was something unclear or ways to improve it for a seller to better understand it 

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17 minutes ago, mariashtelle1 said:

Just out of curiosity, did her samples on the gig match the style you were looking for? Or did you ask for something different from her examples? Did you show her a rough sketch of what you had in mind for the concept? 

If you don’t mind, can you share your brief here with us? So maybe we can point you if there was something unclear or ways to improve it for a seller to better understand it 

Well...yes and no. I refferenced the font in one of her example-logoes and tried to explain the difference between that and what i saw in my head and i sent her a drawing of one detail i wanted included (she did include it but i dont think she understood the word "sticker", (as in one of those things you peel off and can stick on surfaces) so she just added what i sent her it seemed. And in my revision i did try to explain once again what i meant both with font and design but she basically ignored it and just changed the colour and angle of font. All in all i think its a combination of language-barrrier and the fact that she didnt feel like talking to me when she started designing, as i imagine it would have been easier to tell her she was on the wrong track if i knew what track she was on sort of thing,lol. I dont know. 


Robert in Norway

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28 minutes ago, newsmike said:

Robert, BR is "Buyer's Requests", and TRS is "Top Rated Seller."  Just a thought as to what I would have done in that situation. As soon as she switched from being respectful about communication to basically telling you to leave her alone after she got her hands on your Euros, I would have gone to resolution center and cancelled the order.  That said, I think you should contact Customer Service and tell them this story, and ask them to cancel the order. Fiverr is not built for you to have to be told to let her work alone if you asked for communication, nor is it meant for you to settle.  You absolutely deserve your money back. Here's the link.  They'll get you your money back, just tell them you are not satisfied.   https://www.fiverr.com/support/

Aha! I see! I will think about it. Of course i feel in my heart you are right about not settling when you buy and right about how i should have reacted when her "attitude" changed. I did make this original post the second i felt things changed and i guess by the time she got back to me and i realized i was basically not making myself understood i did in fact settle and just wanted to get things over with i guess. I dont know if its worth fighting for me, a part of me just want to be over with it and sort of just accept that it was a fail and "lesson learned" sort of thing. But i will definately think about it. I mean i had goals of using fiverr for stuff so sucks to sort of give up, but then again, i guess im just dissapointed and frustrated and blame myself mostly.. 


Robert Norway

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8 minutes ago, robertlarsen216 said:

I dont know if its worth fighting for me,

You won't have to fight. Don't communicate with the seller any longer, just tell CS that you were not satisfied with the end product, or the lack of professionalism and communication from the seller, and tell them you can't use what she provided, so you want a refund to try another seller.  Easy. 

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2 minutes ago, newsmike said:

You won't have to fight. Don't communicate with the seller any longer, just tell CS that you were not satisfied with the end product, or the lack of professionalism and communication from the seller, and tell them you can't use what she provided, so you want a refund to try another seller.  Easy. 

Going to the gym now, but appreciate the advice and will seriously consider it! Thanks alot Mike!


Robert in Norway


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16 minutes ago, robertlarsen216 said:

but i dont think she understood the word "sticker", (as in one of those things you peel off and can stick on surfaces)

There definitely could’ve been a miscommunication there depending what you meant by “sticker”. Is it a sticker style logo (eg with kind of cartoonish look and white border around it) or were you just going to use your logo on a sticker (and then it doesn’t really affect the design itself only the files for printing)? 

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2 minutes ago, mariashtelle1 said:

There definitely could’ve been a miscommunication there depending what you meant by “sticker”. Is it a sticker style logo (eg with kind of cartoonish look and white border around it) or were you just going to use your logo on a sticker (and then it doesn’t really affect the design itself only the files for printing)? 

No. The logo itself would be text/font, BUT i wanted to add a drawing/illusion of a sticker on one of the letters (of which i gave example AND  tried to explain several times). Long story but in the late 90`s we had a sticker-thing that we placed around town and i wanted to incorporate that in the logo. 

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 6/27/2022 at 7:33 AM, robertlarsen216 said:

No. The logo itself would be text/font, BUT i wanted to add a drawing/illusion of a sticker on one of the letters (of which i gave example AND  tried to explain several times). Long story but in the late 90`s we had a sticker-thing that we placed around town and i wanted to incorporate that in the logo. 

Just figured id alert people how it went. Contacted support, spoke with a woman named Joanna who read our messages and reviewed the art and

and i ended up getting my money back as Customer support cancelled the whole thing for me 🙂 And to top it off she also reccomended another artist

who was both in my budget (with the money back in my balance) and who also valued communication. We had a minor bump right away, but it was just an honest misunderstanding and said person has already sent me two concepts which i have asked for a few minor revisions for and i should have it by today or tomorrow 🙂 Same requirements (but with more examples to avvoid misunderstandings) and complete different logo/concept. Artist actually got what i meant, and was 90% on first draft,lol. SO..It worked out. Both got my money back and spent it on an artist who actually took both me, my design and communication seriously. So all in all it worked out and i am a happy fiverr 😉 


Robert in Norway

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