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Sellers safety..



Hello experts,

According to In the last update, any buyer will be able to get refund after complete the order also.
On the other hand there've huge sellers who are really fraud.
So how we can stay safe from these buyers? And what's the exact process in refund buyer?

Thank you

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1 answer to this question

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4 hours ago, doerbiplob said:

According to In the last update, any buyer will be able to get refund after complete the order also.

Says who? Where is the announcement of this "new policy" after said "last update"? 

4 hours ago, doerbiplob said:

On the other hand there've huge sellers who are really fraud.

Documentation please. I ask you to prove your claim of "huge sellers who are really fraud".

4 hours ago, doerbiplob said:

So how we can stay safe from these buyers?

Raise your prices.

4 hours ago, doerbiplob said:

And what's the exact process in refund buyer?

Perhaps you will find your answer in Fiverr's "Help & Support" section. I bet there's a link to this at the bottom of this page. 😉 

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