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Let's talk - What do you want to see in the Logo Maker Sellers Forum? ​👂​

Logo Maker Team

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Attention awesome Logo Makers: Yes, we’re talking to you!

In order to better understand our global community of superstars (still you), we wanted to find out a little more about what draws you in, and gets you coloring outside the lines. 

Comment below if you have any suggestions as to what you love, and what you only like on this forum. Is there anything you’d like to see more of?  What do you feel the forum is lacking? What information would be useful to you? Tips? Tricks? General news?

We can’t wait to hear what you have to say. We’re all ears. 


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I actually love what you've been doing with the forum so far! I visit it every couple of days to check if there's been something new and interesting here.

I personally am mostly interested in things that can help my logo store and my sales. Tips and tricks, trending topics, details about how the algoritm works and which logos he prioritizes. Super happy to read and use any information that I can use to improve my sales. All of those are great and super helpful👍

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4 hours ago, Logo Maker Team said:

Is there anything you’d like to see more of?

I'd like to see spam reduction. 

4 hours ago, Logo Maker Team said:

What do you feel the forum is lacking?

A means to customize notifications levels. I miss the old forum. Also, slightly better organization. https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/279072-whats-up-with-the-uiux-lately-come-on-fiverr-really/?do=findComment&comment=1763276

4 hours ago, Logo Maker Team said:

What information would be useful to you? Tips? Tricks? General news?

I would like to be able to turn notifications back on, but the settings are all-or-nothing. 'All' is too much information, so I miss out on being able to subscribe to forum channels (like 'News' and 'Rules') because of all the zero-content spam posts.

As much as I'd like to read interesting "Tips? Tricks? General news?" 

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I love what you've been doing with the forum so far!

I'm interested in getting things that can help me to get more logo sales. I'd like to read tips and tricks, new topics and information about how the algorithm works.

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Source files should not be available to buyer until they complete the order. Because sometimes people take the files and then open disputes. Fiverr watermark works only on png and jpg files. 

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Hello fiverr , this community is great and helping alot of newbies. 

what we would like to be added is that buyer can give us a review on logo maker,  for example if someone buy the logo they can leave a review on the same logo.

so our logo can be more representable to other buyers also.

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2 minutes ago, nichole_rose said:

Everything is awesome! I love just fiverr, just one thing need revision comment visible in Mobile app.

Well I love fiverr .. I wish I could add as much logos as I could create . Because I am not getting orders on my gigs that's why I am free to work . I have more then 100 logos but only 60 are visible to people as there is a limit to upload number of logos 

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It's been 8 years and I have to say I never though any website of freelance work could create a reliable, steady income source for an artist/seller. Of course, everything comes along hard work, drive and professionalism. The real professional is that who structures a schedule from the start of the day to the end of it, even if working from home and without anyone "controlling" your actions. It is just you responding to your own way of doings things. The results would be a direct effect of that discipline (or lack of it). 

Another good thing from fiverr: rewarding good perfomances from sellers. We are the face of fiverr in a way, so the more signifficant rewards we can get from you guys, the better the experience will be, and you guys will get more loyal users in shape of sellers and buyers definitely.

The logo maker platform is also a good thing. If anyone has that tool enabled, use it, but use it wisely. Really think about trends, and make sure you keep things simple but high quality of course. Never give away the value of your work.

Things to improve? I had a bunch of suggestions years ago. But I think fiverr is a good example of how a business can improve itself through experience (good and bad). As of now, I don't really think I have much suggestions left. The only thing I always think of is that, reaching a top seller status should have more benefits, and what better benefit than reducing the 20% fee from our sales. In the end, being a top seller improves the price range of our services, increases our volume of sales, so it would be fair to reduce that comission fee since we both are doing better (fiverr and us as sellers), for instance, why not make it 15% after reaching an all time renevue goal (you put the number, $50k, $100k, $150k)? Maybe encourage users to get to a point where you stay here long enough to sell more than $200K, and reward them with a new comission rate of 10%? 

I say this because after 5 years of having reached the Top Seller status, I lost it for the first time 2 months ago, and I didn't really feel the actual need to push things up to get there again the very next month. I think after so much time, I do feel the need of another type of reward coming along that top seller status. Maybe you won't make it happen, but since you asked 😉

I'm always thankful for this platform. For me, it changed my life and made many things possible for me. Thanks for the free speech space.

Greetings to all sellers!

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I actually love what you've been doing with the forum so far! I visit it every couple of days to check if there's been something new and interesting here.

I personally am mostly interested in things that can help my logo store and my sales. Tips and tricks, trending topics, details about how the algorithm works and which logos he prioritizes. Super happy to read and use any information that I can use to improve my sales. All of those are great and super helpful

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Thanks for all the hard you put in to it !
It is very Appreciated !

Btw, Thanks a lot for the Share Logo option ! It is very important and was missed

A few things I think can increase the experience :

Logo Editing:

  • Allow editing and creating gradient
  • Preserve fonts properties when changing layout
  • allow to select a variation and on a click of a button change layout
  • allow replacing logomark and preserve all variations already made
  • Allow to delete parts / elements of the logomark
  • In general, It would be great to find a way to make color / font editing quicker:
    May be show panel near the selection instead in the side panel, Like Microsoft:

Logo details:

  • allow copy / paste industry tags
  • auto suggest industry tags

Logo dashboard

  • Improve / allow to see all the logos quicker and more accessibly. currently there a list in Lazy-Load
    so the search not effective there, and takes a while to find a logo.
  • Improve search logo from the list
  • show more useful data for the logo sales:
    what are the best selleres / trends / keywords users used to buy a certain logo / views / conversion  / etc
  • In general the dashboard need to be taken to the next level
  • Allow to select a logo and download Professional / Essential package -
    Will save a lot of time when users want custom changes - Currently we need to recreate the variation and than make the user's changes

User Order

  • Where Customize For Me Feature has gone ? Users still want custom changes
  • When downloading a package of user's order - Please Name the zip file as the order number

User side - Search Results

  • Search results sometimes shows irrelevant results, For example: Searching Football will sometimes show tennis ball
  • May be show a little more results
  • The animation  / waiting for results are too long in my opinion

Thanks again !


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Honestly i do not consider the logo maker option as valid as it may sound to some of the people out here.

I have been working on fiverr for last two years and have worked as a company before i started solo, and of all the times i have worked here i haven't seen many people coming to us for icon based logos like logo maker is providing 

i mean as the categories for logo designs are provided on the platform, for example feminine logo or signature styles or watercolor logos or even minimalist logo does not need to have an icon or a shape or a flower or something of that kind of representation. so for some people, this might be good but not for everyone.

I have seen many other platforms with the logo maker option exactly like fiverr have started recently, and there is not difference in them and fiverr anymore.

all i wanted to ask is what was the purpose of the logo maker when there is just a one category not many styles?



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11 hours ago, alexfun said:

Source files should not be available to buyer until they complete the order. Because sometimes people take the files and then open disputes. Fiverr watermark works only on png and jpg files. 

I included that after cancellation of order still source file option to download is availabel. It sshould be disappeaar!

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