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  1. @Lena i am facing an issue like i got demoted from level to level 0 even though my gigs score total is 62 and had 10 gigs, even if we see like that it would have been 6.2 score, but my score is 4. or this is also so-called AI is calculating?
  2. now i am level 0 with score of 4, and i have 35 orders last month and all 5, and 4.9 and one rating was 3.9 and the gig score went from 6 to 4
  3. Hi, i am level one now, had 40 orders with 5 stars and one order with 4.6 rating, and the score went from 7 to 4, so fed-up with new scores
  4. i got 5 times in the past before the new score system comes in. not yet, i need 3 more score for the level two, I believe after that i will get
  5. Hi Milos, I got cash advance 4 times and paid them back and this time i didn't get the cash advance option, i can only see the payments which i don't, only thing happened was i was demoted to level 1 from level 2 by Fiverr new scoring system, may be because of that i am not getting the cash advance option? and the scoring system is playing with me, i didn't have any negative reviews and my score stuck in 6 and even though i have gigs which has only 5 star rating the score of that gig says only 5 points
  6. my gig with all 5 star rating show 5 as success score
  7. I have no idea how this works as my gig has all 5-star reviews and the score is 5 not 10, i don't know how this calculates things and do good to seller
  8. I think after new success score, we all got demoted may be that's what playing the role in the scenario.
  9. i also didn't get it's my 5th though, after new score system my level went low, may be due to that i haven't received yet.
  10. sorry within 10 days of implementing the score system, now my score is 67 in total, that means 6.7 score
  11. score was 4 before the implement the level system, on March 15th its 5 so i became level one and now 6, so within a month
  12. it happened to me too brother from level to i dropped to level 0 and came back to level 1 with success score 6 and my notification say there will be a evaluation after 6 months for top rated seller though, but my current total points are 67 that means 67/10(10gig)=6.7 I will need 0.3 more point for level 2 (3 more score). within a month the score got updated from 4 to 6 and one of my higher selling gig went from 4 to 6 too. so, I think the score getting updated with number of order and the time they have fixed, unfortunately no one is telling the period. And one of my gigs has 12 completed orders with all 5-star rating and still the score of the gig is 6 and its saying due to client satisfaction.
  13. my top rated evaluation notification came with the mentioned duration of "6 months", i think now the score might take 6 months to update on the profile
  14. one of my gig has 15 orders and all 5 star ratter still its only 5 score for the gig
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