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"Pending approval??"


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So last night I posted something, nothing serious, it was my usual random silly content...
and then I got this "pending approval." Not sure if I should take this as a warning, though.

Why does it need approval, I don't think I typed in anything that might cause a problem. (or did I...?)
It's been more than 10 hours and it's still stuck.

Not sure why though, has anyone else had that problem? If so, how long did you have to wait?

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I've had posts in pending for trigger words, it may have been something you didn't think could be a trigger word at all, like, I've had it with... twentyfourseven (not sure if the usual way of writing it in words may trigger the AI, too, so trying this) in numbers, I don't think for anything close to 10 hours, but I'm not sure.

Maybe you posted at a time when no m od was around to manually check and allow the post, and maybe it's stuck in a m oderation queue or even got forgotten somehow, or slipped through some crack.

I think I had a case where a post completely disappeared, however, with notifications being a hot mess without enough fine-tuning options, it may have turned up at a later point, without me ever noticing. If I'm not mistaken, that kind of thing worked better in the old forum, you could still see it and follow a pending post's fate and had a "paper trail" of notifications for posts waiting for approval or warnings, and once your post got approved, I seem to remember(?), so you could check on the fate of your posts.

So, maybe a "warning" (not a good one if you're not told what kind of offending content you posted), or you'll find it in your activities eventually if you check, or it might just have got lost. I guess only m ods could tell. 

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Can't edit my above post any longer already (m ods, this setting seems to be a bit very strict?), so, sorry for another post, where an ETA would have sufficed.

Your pending post got approved, Zeus! Don't ask how I know, I just know 😉 

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