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Buyer selling my service?



Hi everyone,

I've done 4 jobs for a buyer. He always comes with translation tasks for different people, absolutely unrelated: a person's resume, a machine's manual, another's ID, a certificate of someone else... He sends me their requests, admitting that they're not made by himself: "Hey, this person said that he wants this bla bla bla", and I get the feeling that he's selling. An additional argument: he always bargains the price because "it's not in my budget"; actually, he came to me 6 times, but we've only worked together 4 because 2 of them had a fee too high "for his budget". He calls this requests "projects" and sometimes he talks to me about them before they are confirmed: "I might have a project for you... give me a minute", and then he sends me the request that someone has. I have strong arguments to think that he sells a service for price X, then asks me to do it for less than X and gets the profit without doing anything.

Did anyone come across something like this? How can I investigate the situation?

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@olyasr well, everyone's innocent until declared guilty, aren't we all? I came with the intention of honestly listening to other people's opinion... if they all had agreed that it was a violation of the ToS I would have reported it and stopped working for him. Since I wasn't sure yet, I was still debating it and looking for information. Considering there's more noes than maybes, I'll continue working for him with a slight doubt... charging low for the reviews but not for so long.

Regarding the emoji, I really felt it was mocking. It's not very constructive anyway: if you really want to help, like you say everyone does, you just ask "Hey I didn't understand this or that" as you've did. Then I can rephrase myself and continue to ask for your help. If someone's honestly confused about what I want, I don't believe he/she would put that emoji and react positively on everyone else's comments... he/she would ask. At least that's my vision. If not, it turned out to be a mocking emoji later because, after I said so, Maria and 2 more people started reacting with it in all of my posts.  But enough on the matter.

Thank you very much for your concern! It has been a pleasure 😃 Have a great day

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Guest imad_09

For me, this is no problem, as long they pay my normal fee.

I think he gets the orders on any other platform, or he has an offline agency, or anything else.

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Admittedly I haven't read everything in here as there is a lot of reading material, but it does alarm me how many of the folks here seem like they are fine with people blatantly ripping their work 'so long as they themselves get a fee'. This is not a healthy way to promote art in any community imo - it teaches people that they can outsource without telling the person doing the work what is going on, which could very much violate said creator's TOS. I guess the point I want to drive home is:


Fiverr allows creators to create content that is both COMMERCIAL USE or PRIVATE USE. If you are NOT selling your works for COMMERCIAL USE, then it should NEVER be okay for someone to buy from you, then turn around and resell the work regardless of whether you got 'paid what you asked for or not'. If OP has not made their work for commercial use, then the buyer is not buying the rights/licensing to resell said work and, IMO, should therefor be reported.


This is just my understanding of commercial vrs private, though, as to my understanding private means you buy it to be the only one using it and it wont be for monetary gain, while commercial means you can use it to make a profit.

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If he is selling it on Fiverr—it goes against TOS. If he is outsourcing work then he is probably an agency or the way he does business. In that case, that is something he can do, if you don't like that—you can simply deny the order, but I would do this. As my buyer's white label my service most of the time.

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On 2/20/2022 at 2:18 AM, agustinbulzomi said:

Hi everyone,

I've done 4 jobs for a buyer. He always comes with translation tasks for different people, absolutely unrelated: a person's resume, a machine's manual, another's ID, a certificate of someone else... He sends me their requests, admitting that they're not made by himself: "Hey, this person said that he wants this bla bla bla", and I get the feeling that he's selling. An additional argument: he always bargains the price because "it's not in my budget"; actually, he came to me 6 times, but we've only worked together 4 because 2 of them had a fee too high "for his budget". He calls this requests "projects" and sometimes he talks to me about them before they are confirmed: "I might have a project for you... give me a minute", and then he sends me the request that someone has. I have strong arguments to think that he sells a service for price X, then asks me to do it for less than X and gets the profit without doing anything.

Did anyone come across something like this? How can I investigate the situation?

That's a good way to get more & more reviews. Do his works as long as he gives you fees as your packages and also reviews. It's good to have this type of regular customer.

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On 2/22/2022 at 12:21 PM, lloydsolutions said:


Ownership and limitations: When purchasing a Gig on Fiverr, unless clearly stated otherwise on the Seller's Gig page/description, when the work is delivered, and subject to payment, the Buyer is granted all intellectual property rights, including but not limited to, copyright in the work delivered from the Seller, and the Seller waives any and all moral rights therein. 

The above is from the Terms of Service at the bottom of the Fiverr main page.

Here is a topic where this is discussed: 


It says right in the thing though that the seller can clearly notate whether it's commercial use or not. Guess I better go add to all mine that NOTHING is for commercial use, then.

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On 2/20/2022 at 1:48 AM, agustinbulzomi said:

Hi everyone,

I've done 4 jobs for a buyer. He always comes with translation tasks for different people, absolutely unrelated: a person's resume, a machine's manual, another's ID, a certificate of someone else... He sends me their requests, admitting that they're not made by himself: "Hey, this person said that he wants this bla bla bla", and I get the feeling that he's selling. An additional argument: he always bargains the price because "it's not in my budget"; actually, he came to me 6 times, but we've only worked together 4 because 2 of them had a fee too high "for his budget". He calls this requests "projects" and sometimes he talks to me about them before they are confirmed: "I might have a project for you... give me a minute", and then he sends me the request that someone has. I have strong arguments to think that he sells a service for price X, then asks me to do it for less than X and gets the profit without doing anything.

Did anyone come across something like this? How can I investigate the situation?


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On 2/19/2022 at 9:18 PM, agustinbulzomi said:

Hi everyone,

I've done 4 jobs for a buyer. He always comes with translation tasks for different people, absolutely unrelated: a person's resume, a machine's manual, another's ID, a certificate of someone else... He sends me their requests, admitting that they're not made by himself: "Hey, this person said that he wants this bla bla bla", and I get the feeling that he's selling. An additional argument: he always bargains the price because "it's not in my budget"; actually, he came to me 6 times, but we've only worked together 4 because 2 of them had a fee too high "for his budget". He calls this requests "projects" and sometimes he talks to me about them before they are confirmed: "I might have a project for you... give me a minute", and then he sends me the request that someone has. I have strong arguments to think that he sells a service for price X, then asks me to do it for less than X and gets the profit without doing anything.

Did anyone come across something like this? How can I investigate the situation?

I believe it is only and exclusively correct if you agree and are aware of it. Otherwise it is not correct.

My point is this.

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Okay it's my first answer on forum. Here is my opinion from my personal experience on Fiverr. I think it's absolutely fine if someone is outsourcing any work. Let me explain my scenario: I am a Logo designer and I got one client 6 months back and he asked me how much would I charge if he will be using my service frequently. So we negotiated and agreed to a price $90 USD for a Logo (it was my premium package price at that time). After few days I realised that they design website for their clients and they hire me for their Logo design work. But it does not affect me at all. Till now we have worked on 13+ projects together and he is one of my top client. But now my gig price is raised and premium package is of $120 USD, but still I design Logo for them for $90. Because when my profile was down I got projects from them which helped me a lot in re ranking.

So I would say if you could work on their price quote then go for it. Work for anyone until you get paid well for the project. Because till date I have understood that returning buyer and repeat business is very important on fiverr. They are the one who help you in ranking when your profile is down.

Sorry for my English (not my first language)

Have a great day 🙂

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If you are ok with the budget, if you are ok with the "projects", why not?

Maybe he gets the orders on any other platform, or he has an offline agency, or anything else. He offers some job, pays for it. Everything is going on inside of Fiverr system. I don't see any problem, as long as both sides work according to the ToS

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Thank you both for your replies @olyasr @filipdevaere

The problem is he's not actually paying my normal fee... he's always asking for a reduction, and I give in because I need the reviews and he's Fiverr select. It seems to be an unfair system: if you get a name in a platform, you can charge higher and just live off other people's hard work, getting profits without doing the job. Since other people do your work, you can manage many many orders in a short span of time, which translators can't do, getting the edge and increasing the reputation... creating a snowball situation which allows you to charge even higher.

I know that individually you may think "he pays, then it's ok"... but when I analyze it as a system, it looks really gray.

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Well, it's not grey - he offers a job and pays for it, you agree or disagree. That simple. If you think that the fee is too low, just stop this cooperation. Many new sellers are ready to work for nothing to get the review - if you already have some reviews, just inform this buyer that your rate has changed.

This is a situation that is very common, and a lot of people work this way. You are ok or not with that - that's business


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