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Client wants free trial for a language lesson



Hello everyone!

So, I do language tutorials and recently got a message from someone requesting a free session (with very limited explanation, kind of like: "Hi, I need a trial"

Anyone's had a similar experience? I was thinking of offering a short session for free. 

Thanks a lot in advance 🙏🏽

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7 answers to this question

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I don't think it would be allowed. You don't say how the tutorial is done but the TOS says:


To protect our users' privacy, user identities are kept anonymous. Requesting or providing Email addresses, s***e/IM usernames, telephone numbers or any other personal contact details to communicate outside of Fiverr in order to circumvent or abuse the Fiverr messaging system or Fiverr platform is not permitted.

Any necessary exchange of personal information required to continue a service may be exchanged within the Order Page.

And if it was using the video chat option on Fiverr, that only works before the order in some circumstances (eg. with Fiverr Select buyers etc.).

So what might be okay for the order page might get an account warning if it was done in the inbox (eg. exchange of contact details).

If it was something like a logo it would be a okay to send a watermarked sample through the inbox.

You could contact CS and ask them, saying how you would do it (eg. with inbox, how you would be communicating) and see whether they say it would be allowed, but I don't think it would be before ordering..

Instead you could create a cheaper, custom offer for a custom order (instead of doing it for free), even if it was just $5. Then it could be done through the order page.

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2 hours ago, paras2syd said:

got a message from someone requesting a free session (with very limited explanation, kind of like: "Hi, I need a trial"

I'd advise you to run to the hills.

Any serious buyer would be willing to put up their money or at least inquire about the possibility of placing a small scale order first as an initial experience with your services.

The lack of details in their request raises additional red flags that this "buyer" isn't serious and may simply be trolling about for free services.


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I don't think so you provide someone a free trial or anything free without place an order, 

so discuss with buyerr and told them, you will give the full tutorials, but they need to place an order first, and never share your email address or break any kind of tos ... i hope you get the solutions

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In almost every circumstance, I don't think it's wise to provide a trial. 

If I had received this message, I would have politely told them no. It screams problematic. Your best buyers will always be the ones that value your time, treat you with respect, and pay you accordingly for your work.

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