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Everything posted by bigbeardvo

  1. I mix, edit, and master podcasts. I also do audio restoration and occasionally edit audiobooks.
  2. I really can't say. Situations vary. With that said, I've still had to do a lot of my own leg work. I'm responding to buyer requests and marketing myself via social media. It seems that Fiverr wants to give its best performing gigs the best positioning, and you need to do whatever to ensure that the algorithm takes notice. As long as you do great work, respond in a timely manner, and score well on your reviews, you'll rise through the ranks again.
  3. I from the United States, but I'm a citizen of the world. I've lived all over.
  4. I went out of office for 3 years in a category of roughly 2500 sellers. I contacted one of my old buyers and she immediately placed an order. 2 weeks later, I resumed my previous position in the results. I suppose it just takes time.
  5. Exactly! Software compatibility was a little rough at first, but virtually everything I need is natively supported or runs great through Rosetta. I don't miss the fan noise.
  6. I can live with 20%. I'm paying .20 cents on the dollar to operate on a platform with many useful features and a lot of traffic. My experience with customer service has been good, and generally speaking, the few buyers I've had have been great. It isn't perfect, but I'm happy.
  7. I have an Electro Voice RE-27 w/ Cloudlifter, Ableton Push 2, Roland TR-8S, Kali Audio LP-8 monitors, and a Waldorf Iridium. It's all connected through a cheap Beringer interface that I'll eventually replace (it does the job) and an M1 Mac Mini. I absolutely love the M1. It's serving me just as well, if not better, then the 2015 MacBook Pro it replaced. The RME interface I want is back ordered for months.
  8. I totally agree. I was attempting to be funny 😅
  9. Mac's aren't invulnerable to viruses. You should definitely have good antivirus/malware protection running.
  10. OP is 💯 Always remember, a new client will almost always buy their first impression of YOU as a person, and not necessarily the product you're selling. They can likely find what you're offering just about anywhere, especially on Fiverr. Are you warm and friendly? Are you able to quickly adapt to different personality types? Are you presenting yourself as a knowledgeable and trustworthy person? Are you genuine? Are you asking open-ended questions? If you're doing it right, the client will provide you with all the information you need to serve as the foundation of a long term business relationship. Now If only I could boost my search position 😄 I've been in sales for most of my life, and these are lessons I've picked up along the way.
  11. I want a gig image that reflects the darkness of my soul. Black borders, black background, black Comic Sans Typeface, and black as night imagery. My target market is sad. 😝 😄
  12. I started Fiverr with the intention of doing VoiceOver work, but ended up doing something else. I understand why name changes aren't allowed. They're important for establishing a chain of trust, and the unfettered ability to change a username may result in widespread fraud and abuse. In my case, I'd be happy to wait until I reach Level Two status and pay a fee to change it. By that time, It's my hope that I'd be trusted enough to do the fight thing for myself, the platform, and most importantly, the buyers.
  13. So glad to see another member of team Wavelab/Cubase
  14. I use Cubase 11 Pro to write and mix. When it's time to master, I use Wavelab 11 Pro. It's dead simple to transfer a project from Cubase to Wavelab, and vice versa. Each new release is much easier to use than the last. I wish Steinberg had an equivalent to the Push 2. When I'm editing audiobooks or podcasts, I almost exclusively work using Wavelab 11 Pro. The Audio Montage is practically made for this type of work, and having a tight workflow that gives me quick access to a spectrogram, comprehensive metering, and a great selection of plugins makes work a breeze...not to mention features like auto ducking (with controllable volume envelopes). I'd never judge anyone for using Fruityloops. If the workflow makes sense and it helps you make the music you love, use it.
  15. I look at it this way. They can increase their commission take, or tack on service fees for all buyers. With service fees, you only pay extra if you buy something, just like everyone else.
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