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Payment Option Problem


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hi everyone, i have a big problem. I don’t get the option to choose to pay using my Debit Card. Instead, it forces me to use PayPal (which i don't even use)
I even removed the checkmark on “Remember for Future Payments” to see if that makes change but still the only option i have is PayPal.
I'm stuck this problem almost 3 days and all the Fiverr instruction & guides are outdated and don't work at all. most instructions say "Go to Billing info" to change the payment option but the Billing info is all about address and doesn't include any payment options. this is a serious problem. something must be wrong with Fiverr.

if someone can help me solve it, I would appreciate. thanks!

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Para retirar a la tarjeta Payoneer debes llegar a un mínimo (creo que son 30 dólares, no estoy seguro del monto) Si tienes ese monto y la opción de pago aún no aparece debes contactar al soporte técnico de Fiverr para que puedan Resuelve el problema por ti.

Edit: Sorry, I was wrong and I thought you were talking about card withdrawal but when I reread it I realized that you were talking about payments. In that case, you should still contact Fiverr support to ask what is happening to you.

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