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Buyer Thread Me, To Destroy My Career And Banned My Fiverr Account


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First Of All I Was little depress cause last few days, i didn't get any order, so today, a buyer place an order without discussion with me, what they need, then i was told them, "what kind of website you want, and what's your budget and deadline" they told me, they need 8-10page website and its will be woocommerece products related site, and subscription form they wants, 

--- when i ask for him, okay i'm able to make that kind of website, can you share me your deadline and budget, they without discussion place on order for $5.. now i just told them , "That is huge website, and you don't discussion with me budget and deadline you place an order" then buyerr fire with me and send a cancelation (dispute) request, i just shocking, I'm told nothing bad, after i was say, please dont need to cancel that order, i will do that work, they repeatedly using slung word, and blame me i'm a scammer and they will finish my career, fiverr is bad platform " 

and more, 


--Now what i'm doing, can i accept that dispute request, i' was already submit a request on fiverr cc and share that screenshots also, 

is it any problem to my account ? 


Uhh, you should have accepted the cancellation request to be blunt.

A buyer demanding a huge amount of work, giving very little details on what they want done, and all for just 5 bucks? You should have bit his hand off in accepting the cancellation request as soon as it showed up. Such a buyer is only going to be trouble, and him actually giving you a way out of the order was probably the best way to quickly avoid a nightmare situation.

I'm guessing you don't have a properly established Order Requirements page?

Addendum: Cancellations do hurt your gig analytics, profile stats and level, but there are times when it is preferable to trying to slug it out with the buyer and CS. If you have evidence of the buyer being abusive or demanding more than what your gig offers, present it to CS.


Sad to hear this. That's a good approach you have contacted cc and make your gig be specific as possible to avoid this kind of situation the next time.

5 hours ago, ashiqraazz said:

after i was say, please dont need to cancel that order, i will do that work, they

This is your biggest mistake.

Remember that Seller aren't not Buyer Slave.

If you got a bad buyer like this.., first thing to do is contact CS.

Provide them with fact, screen shot..., that Buyer took advantage from Fiverr System.

You can ask Fiverr CS to cancel the order without getting penalty.

I have done this before (Buyer want to cancel the order because he is using wrong credit card)


And i don't see any ongoing project from any of your gigs?

Did your buyer already cancel this order?





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