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Got a Big deal, Please pray for me that I can complete this order successfully.


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So just to clarify your gig says


You are a "professional" graphic designer with over 5 years experience delivering these exact products.. AND you also have a masters degree in management at the same time ( even though you cant spell management correctly)


But when you get a single order it makes you nervous and you aren't actually sure if you can complete it or not you just hope you can


your gig is clearly all lies



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At first Thank you so much drasniafor my wrong spelling. When i open my account then it was a problem there and i can't write my full masters degree in Management there. I try again and again but can't took there management there last letter T always missed. For that i think there have limited letter. Then i was busy to fill my profile and i forget there have a mistake. Again thank you for that. Now i am gather few experience about Fiverr. After you told me here i direct go to my profile and watch there have mistake and now update this one.

Here I feel nerves because its a big deal. I am new in Fiverr not in design. I told in my topic already before make this order I discuss with my client everything and after that I make custom offer and my client accept this. 

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5 hours ago, gfxbd247 said:

Please pray for me that I can complete this order successfully. 

A professional does not ask others to pray for them to be able to do their job. Develop your skills. It is not about prayer, magic, or anything like that. Just talent and hard work. 

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"Got a big deal!"

Decides to post about it.

Posts screenshots and hides the only relevant information (namely, the size of the deal), so ends up showing absolutely nothing of interest.

Wut. Can you even explain why the screenshot? To show us you have 6 days to deliver? We all know what an order page looks like lmao

I clicked this thread fully expecting to satisfy my curiosity in regards to the order value. My disappointment is immeasurable. 

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