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  1. How else..... He does 2 week fast track course... 0 - Expert in 2 weeks guaranteed for just 2000 Indian rupees
  2. That is ok until you find out he actually stole the samples off somebody else like lots do and he cant speak English The truth is this year new sellers can't be trusted.... I'd love to say its the minority spoiling it for the majority... But in reality this year it seems like 90% of new sellers are frauds or expert pros with no experience
  3. two week fast track institute brother... Better than Harvard. Everyone is expert pro we just cant type sentences
  4. mate it doesnt work like that The whole point of an algorithm is that its taking all the site wide data and it works from that... It doesn't work on a set period like 8 months..... No one knows how it works I doubt even customer service know how it works fully.... Its just a fact of life on fiverr... one day you can be number 1 the next you can be number 100 This is why everyone recommends fiverr not being your whole source of income.. Diversify and have other income routes then you wont need to be so reliable on the fiverr algorithm You are clearly a highly skilled seller from your reviews you could have social media pages or websites. There are numerous other places to sell genuine skills at the same time
  5. Most relevant reviews then. Your gigs literally have orders in the queue you are moaning about nothing You aren't going to spend your whole life on the front page of fiverr its not realistic gigs rotate you have nearly 1000 reviews how do you not about fiverrs algorithm yourself already
  6. out of your last 5 reviews only 2 of them are 5 star There will be 20000 sellers who have their last 5 reviews as 5 star Maybe you need to treat your customers better
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