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Latest years best soundtrack


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I recently stumbled across “Lord of War” OST in my playlist. It’s a 2005 movie where Nicholas Cage and Jared Leto play Ukrainian arm dealers. They also call each other by full names the entire time despite being brothers because Hollywood seems to think slavs don’t use hypocorisms ever. Which always cracks me up. 

But the soundtrack by Antonio Pinto is one of my top favourites. It’s pretty minimalist but at the same time, there are a lot of intertwined bits and motifs sort of echoing throughout. “Everything That Comes from the Earth” is probably in my top 10 OST tunes ever written. 

As for the most recent ones, I’ll eat up everything that was written for Christopher Nolan’s movies. It’s so grand and uniquely structured, I love it. 

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I don't know why, but I thoroughly enjoy "Legend of the Sword" from King Arthur OST (by Daniel Pemberton)


Interstellar's OST was something remarkable, because of the dimension it added to the film. I don't think of a particualr score, but rather the entire thing. 


Also find myself enjoying "Suits, Maps and Guns" from John Wick 2. 


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