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Many gigs of one person for same service


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Hi fellow sellers I have observed that many sellers created many gigs for the same service with little different title or video so does in this way they do get order quick and more compared to those who have only one gig :thinking:

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Hi, Fiverr may take down your duplicate gig as I don’t think that is allowed. Also, think of it this way - would you rather have 10 reviews on 1 gig or 5 reviews on each of the two gigs? Also, when buyers see your profile and see so many duplicate gigs it may impact them negatively.

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You may want to refer to this thread:

Yesterday Fiverr CS removed my 2 gig. They tell me that It was my duplicate gig
[ Duplicate means I want to duplicate my account gig… not others… ] …But I see many seller use duplicate gig and get more and more order…So do you know any tips for create duplicate gig???

Note : Duplicate means I want to duplicate my account gig… not others…

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