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Are some gigs always ethical to sell but not always to buy?


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Beyond good and evil by Nietzsche .

I read it at uni about 15 years ago.

Truth is we could go back and forth for days, others have been debating this for centuries, but thank you for allowing me to challenge you, in the words of Nietzsche “the higher man courts opposition, and provokes it”. I respect you for accepting my opposition.

As for why I believe it it, I suppose I think if people were predisposed to lie rather than tell the truth then trust, relationships and society would be very hard to build. Why would you trust anyone if most people you met lied to you.

For example, I believe that you are sharing your sincere and truthful beliefs here, because I think why wouldn’t you be. If I just assumed you were automatically untruthful I wouldn’t bother engaging.

As for books, my most recent was Trillion Dollar Coach, it covers how early leaders at Google and others were coached. It says to lead with love, openness and honesty makes for the most trusted and impactful leader. I agree with it. I always respond better to love, openness and honesty than to the opposite. So do my teams in my experience.

If you’re ever in London let me know, we can continue this over a pint, if the pubs ever open again!

Then, please believe that the professional resume writer, ghostwriter, journalist, editor, unnamed creator, thesis helper, etc. will do the due diligence and produce truth only.


I’m sorry I had to make that joke! :rofl:

Because no creator, regardless of whether they get credit for it or not, would ever want their creation to be challenged and proven wrong. Especially when there is money involved.

A fabricated resume is likely to come from someone who wrote it themselves.

I hope that gives you enough reason to trust a biography that isn’t an autobiography.

P.S. If you have hired any legit resume writing services, they don’t just take your broken list of jobs and write one. They go the extra mile to interview you, dig for stories and stats, and sometimes unearthen the qualities you didn’t know you had!

Most of them are proven HRs with years of experience. Of course, I’m not talking about the gigs on Fiverr.

As for books, my most recent was Trillion Dollar Coach, it covers how early leaders at Google and others were coached. It says to lead with love, openness and honesty makes for the most trusted and impactful leader.

Then, how come Google Chrome wasn’t open source to begin with? Android was open-source, but they didn’t develop. Why isn’t Chrome OS available as a download?

No one knows how Google’s ranking algorithm works exactly. Or Adsense?

That’s a bit too much openness.

If you’re ever in London let me know, we can continue this over a pint, if the pubs ever open again!


I sure have plans to… XD

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Then, please believe that the professional resume writer, ghostwriter, journalist, editor, unnamed creator, thesis helper, etc. will do the due diligence and produce truth only.


I’m sorry I had to make that joke! :rofl:

Because no creator, regardless of whether they get credit for it or not, would ever want their creation to be challenged and proven wrong. Especially when there is money involved.

A fabricated resume is likely to come from someone who wrote it themselves.

I hope that gives you enough reason to trust a biography that isn’t an autobiography.

P.S. If you have hired any legit resume writing services, they don’t just take your broken list of jobs and write one. They go the extra mile to interview you, dig for stories and stats, and sometimes unearthen the qualities you didn’t know you had!

Most of them are proven HRs with years of experience. Of course, I’m not talking about the gigs on Fiverr.

As for books, my most recent was Trillion Dollar Coach, it covers how early leaders at Google and others were coached. It says to lead with love, openness and honesty makes for the most trusted and impactful leader.

Then, how come Google Chrome wasn’t open source to begin with? Android was open-source, but they didn’t develop. Why isn’t Chrome OS available as a download?

No one knows how Google’s ranking algorithm works exactly. Or Adsense?

That’s a bit too much openness.

If you’re ever in London let me know, we can continue this over a pint, if the pubs ever open again!


I sure have plans to… XD

Re google the book covers how to lead people effectively, being open with your team and giving them the full picture. Being open with your team does not IMO mean you also have to make your product open source, I see them as 2 very different things. But hey that’s just my view.

Re fabrication, I know CV writing professionals don’t do that and will likely refuse to do it, I never said they fabricate or make stuff up. What they do is dig like you say, take the information and rewrite, polish and improve. The guy I used was fiver TRS and was great, we had multiple calls and I feel he’s an ethical pro at what he does. Is this polishing unethical, no, I don’t believe it is. But that’s my opinion and my line. The topic was to see where other people’s lines were, just discussion for discussions sake.

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I know that scraping and sending unsolicited emails is widely considered unethical, typically against ToS and in some countries illegal.

But I was wondering if people feel the same way about other gigs…

How about buying business plans, ghost writing, rewriting someones CV or LinkedIn, even managing a tinder profile for a buyer? (All gigs I’ve seen).

I am not saying it is wrong to sell these in good faith in any way. I have personally purchased a couple myself over the years. I have no criticism of the sellers or that they are selling them.

But, if a buyer is passing off someone else’s work as their own and gaining from it, is that ethical? I don’t know, where is the line on this?

I know that scraping and sending unsolicited emails is widely considered unethical, typically against ToS and in some countries illegal.

image734×560 139 KB
image757×612 150 KB

This image as is on the Fiverr seller profile for GIG is against TOS? Correct?

Showing emails and private data?

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I know that scraping and sending unsolicited emails is widely considered unethical, typically against ToS and in some countries illegal.

This image as is on the Fiverr seller profile for GIG is against TOS? Correct?

Showing emails and private data?

Unless that’s a spread sheet of fake names and emails being used as a dummy example then I’d say it’s wrong for sure, at best unprofessional but at worst against ToS or the law.

The reason it might be just unprofessional IMO is I’m not sure where he got that data from though. If he went to each companies website to get the info that is publicly available and put it in a sheet then I don’t think that’s wrong or illegal. But I doubt he did that, and I don’t think it should be on a gig profile.

So it’s a difficult one to be certain on, but on balance of probabilities my belief is that it’s wrong and is not allowed.

Also, just a friendly FYI, I know you shared this with the most positive/honourable of intentions but you are now yourself also sharing their person information (assuming it’s not fake) 😆 Even though it’s already public on his page perhaps best to blur it out here.

On a separate note I heard back from Tinder, they advised re managing someones account: “As a safety measure, Tinder does not allow users to maintain more than one account at a time. This means that a phone number can only be associated with one active Tinder profile at any given time.”

Therefore I believe these gigs are also ToS violations. Fiver is playing catchup, we all know they’re swamped and aren’t cleaning up gigs as quickly as they’d like to be. They will catchup one day. So, just because a gig has been allowed so far, doesn’t mean it is truly allowed and will be allowed going forward.

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