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Why do some buyers writing weird buyer requests?

Guest extiza7643

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Guest extiza7643

So, these are the buyer requests I saw today:

what1547×348 42.2 KB

This user is saying that they want a logo and then says that their budget is $5 and don’t ask for more. And then says that write “Hello” as the first word.

I have never seen such a buyer request on Fiverr. And the other person has given a link to their youtube video probably just to gain more views and watch time.

My question is, why doesn’t Fiverr review all of the buyer requests that appear to sellers? Such buyer requests are very annoying and I don’t know why on earth do sellers send offers to such buyers?!

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They’re probably asking for the first word to be “Hello” so they can tell which offers are from people who have actually fully read the request and which haven’t (since many people don’t fully read the requests and just send a template response). Some other buyer requests ask for other keywords for the same reason.

I think the one asking to look at the youtube video that references a particular time was to a point in the video where it showed some videohive type template being used. The videohive templates are usually licensed for one time use so it would probably be a loss if it was used for that request. Also by saying “Exact same” might mean the video would be copyright-infringing (unless he meant to just use the same template but with different images).

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The first one is not a real request but a trick to get youtube plays for free.

I had one like that couple days ago:


It had 30 offers. I went on YT and saw the video, it was 3 minutes of identical thing, nothing to create 10 comics from. I left comment and he replied that he is serious, that he wants 10 comics not views. The video did not get more views than the offers so at least 50% or more did not open the YT link at all.

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