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  1. I also been demoted but only appear on the app, when I open fiverr at the desktop I still at my existing level. does anyone experience the same? so am I demoted or not, I confused
  2. Hi @animstudiolk same story here. got all my past order, mostly from buyer request and till now I just got one "get matched with buyers". Now that buyer request's gone I honestly worried, where will I get order from.
  3. your story and stefanpetre26 are the same third story I heard this week. I hope someone can give better explanation on this case. @zcbeats please continue updating this thread , I really like to know where it ends, it’s not an easy issue to accept with,
  4. hi, i am new with fiverr and i am wondering if i edit my price gig, does it also effect my rank?
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