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Scam, be carefull!

Guest nicred

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HI guys I just got an inbox claiming to offer me more sales?? Seemed fishy. Link led me to a page asking for my username, email, password and telephone number - My scam senses are tingling I wouldn’t advise anyone to enter any info on this page…

This is what it says in the message I received:


Hello nicred,

No Sales? No Revenues?

Don’t worry here is the best place for challenge it.

Fragglesrock - Link Removed

Just vote with your Fiverr account and then you can get your Gigs into main category page within second!

Please do it with your unique Fiverr account and don’t use multiple accounts.

This offer valid until 28th February.

Fiverr Team

Vote Camp 2014.

Attached is a screen shot of the page you get linked too.

Just want to warn everyone 🙂 Be safe!

Happy gigging

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This is 100% an attempt to get your username and password.

There are several giveaways here.

#1 Fiverr do not use a mickey Mouse domain with a TK extension. Unfortunately some people will not look at the address bar.

#2 If you are already on fiverr and logged in you don’t need to login again and this is a clear attempt to grab your login credentials.

#3 The language and grammar, or lack of, used in the message is another giveaway.

#4 The form presented to you is asking for far more information than fiverr ( or any other site for that matter) would ask at login and is obviously trying to get every piece of information needed to gain access to your account and compromise it.

I would report this to support. They are obviously not able to do anything about external sites (except report them) but at least they can ban this person.

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Reply to @markp: I reported immediately and im sure it will be taken care of - I would hate for anyone to be hacked, its such a shame when I see that someone has lost their earnings on Fiverr.

I reported the offender and posted to the forum within 5 minutes of receiving the message.

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I have reported this person and botfiverr who have sent me this same message.

Botfiverr made me confused for a second so I had to contact CS. The reason-remember when FiverrBot sent us messages about live portfolio-they used almost the same name for this scam.

Not to mention the “potential clients” sending .exe files as a sample of what would they like to be designed.

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