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Misusing Request Revision Option and Order Canceling

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I am mentioning here is a terrible thing that happens on Fiverr,
Freelancing is not an easy thing cause most of time the seller and buyer not knowing each other and it might be a problem when they are working together,both of these parties has some attitude issues,I have seen lot of sellers has uploaded some random works which are owns to someone else and of course I am pretty sure lot of buyers were cheated by some sellers…

So in this I am mentioning something that I have faced up few times in Fiverr…

I am working as a product designer/Product Developer/Product Visualizer in here,so Fiverr workflow is not quite smooth with my service,cause me and buyer both we should have some sort of discussions,few sample works and lot of revisions to do before finalizing anything,
then I have to follow different workflow before activating any order,I am giving my client a chance to choose me before anything paid by showing a sample,after his approval I am starting the project without any activated order,but we both are agreed about the price/quality/formats and all stuff related to the project.I am sending the final sample one step before its finals,after approval I am sending custom order and will deliver the stuff as we discussed.

this workflow is smooth and always works if the partner is genuine,I have been cheated a few times after sending the final sample.cause I am not applying any watermark for the samples.yeah that was my fault,but I am always trusting peoples and most of time the persons are understanding what I am doing here and they are really appreciated the service.

but a few of them,very few of them are really misusing the modification request option,I am really glad to do anything reasonable but some of them asking something really unreasonable,
It is not about the money,it is all about the time,cause I am following the steps that I have mentioned above to save the time and deliver the best of mine.

I am not looking for a claim or justice,but both seller and buyer should have some agreement and good understanding between them,both of them have to understand the value of time.And most of these buyers and sellers are totally strangers,so the main thing is understand sellers are doing their jobs here and buyers are came to get some service…service has to be fair enough and probably should deliver the stuff what are the client exactly looking for…

I am asking buyers to not to misuse the options the website provided here but use them fairly until you get the right stuff.

And Fiverr has some areas that would not fair for sellers,I have no idea how truth it is but I just have felt it few times.

Project Cancelling-Sometimes clients do some purchases without having any idea about the gig.I guess every project canceling affects the seller Order Completion Rates.But I can understand it have to be like that,but if there any option to activate the order after some reviewing by seller/GIG holder it would be great.then the seller can review/may be have some chat with the buyer and accept/decline the order.Until then buyer would not have to pay anything.I know the WebSite need the activated orders,cause this is a business,but key point is if there is any canceling means no money,only disappointments.But after accept the order will be activated and after that is there any cancellation yeah the rates will speaks and it would be really fair.

I would like have some ideas of you fellas,


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