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Lost Gig Ranking


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Guest jhakz1234

Deliver best quality works and get some good reviews. Your gig ranking will be increased automatically.

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Guest sourav200

Problem is solve when you promote your Fivver gig in social network site. Then your gig rank in 1st page

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Problem is solve when you promote your Fivver gig in social network site. Then your gig rank in 1st page

Problem is solve when you promote your Fivver gig in social network site. Then your gig rank in 1st page

No, and no.

Promoting on social media is pointless, useless and ineffective, UNLESS you are directly connected to the people who want to hire you. If not, then you’re just wasting your time.

And I can assure you, there is nothing that will guarantee your gig gets ranked on the 1st page of search results. There are no guarantees here on Fiverr.

Please stop sharing terrible advice. If would appear that you do not know how Fiverr works.

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You can not control Fiverr ranking. The best thing you can do is -

  1. Use samples/portfolio on your gig (make sure you have the best quality samples)
  2. Join communities. Add value to discussions and help other peoples (make sure you are targetting the right audience)
  3. Create a website and share awesome content to bring traffic. You need some basic keyword research and SEO knowledge for that (promote your gigs from your website)
  4. Run Facebook ads and re-target your audience (make sure to read the Fiverr term and condition about it, you can take help from Fiverr customers support)
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