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What are your most effective marketing methods?

Guest mistrizone

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Indeed it is undeniable that the modern world has completely become dependent on science and technology. Stating so does not focus on the weakness but actually refers to the rapid shift and advancements benefitted from the countless contributions of the Internet and technology for making our lives easier and smart. Along with the swift changes that just happened in the way people interact with the internet has ultimately assimilated new dimensions of branding and promotion through SEO,social media marketing and PPC Services for creating a strong brand identity.


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Hi all,

just wanted to get some advice. I achieved level 2 like 1 week ago and since then I am not getting any orders, I have been changing keywords every now and then. Can anyone tell me is changing keywords more often effects the sales and also what strategy should I be using to increase my sales more? Thanks

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The first and top thing that makes you Gig sell like crazy is THE GIG TITLE. As soon as I joined Fiverr I made crazy sales on a Gig mainly because of the title, though the Gig itself was superb, as depicted by the title.Am not sure how effective facebook and twitter adverising platforms are:

Just have a look at how I frame my Gig titles - http://fiverr.com/dnthuci

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I’m reasonably new here, but what the heck. One quick tip is to simply cross promote your other gigs within the fiverr system. All of my gigs have videos of me, and I often either mention another related gig, use a graphic element in the video, or simply a call attention to it in my gig description.

I have about half dozen gigs and it seems like, for whatever reason, one gig will command attention more than another for a week or so, then another gig will seem to get the attention. I had a voice over audio enhancement gig that lead to voice over work, script writing, and spokesperson videos.

The thing is, many times they never even see my other gig. They’ll just ask me more information about it based on my mention, at which point I’ll send them the link for the desired gig.

And while only here a short time, two things I know… 1) many buyers can’t figure out how to order multiple quantities, and 2) They don’t know how to view a buyers other gigs.

My 2 cents 🙂

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Guest nirudnj

Reply to @mistrizone: share your link in google plus, Reddit, twitter, stumbleupon, Pinterest, Delicious, Diigo, Tumblr, Folkd, My.jamespot and facebook groups. You can order me.

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i also have a same problem. I just had 3 order (a buyer bought my gigs twice) in my past 20 days. I don’t see my gigs up now 😦 I always shared my gigs on my social networking, but it’s not give me more chance. Umm and i want to ask, why do great top rated seller’s gigs always shown on fiverr home site? my gigs has no chance to get some new buyers 😦

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Hi guys

I have been reading the post here on fiverr, about marketing your business.

So my direct question about marketing your fiverr gig is if you could learn with in 7 days how to increase your sales would you be interested in finding out How to increase your sales ?? But i must say that when you start to learn some thing new YOU must apply what you’ve learned for you to see results. So with that which brings me to my next point is I have been on fiverr for about 2 years now, and in that time i have brought a lot of gigs here on fiverr and so far i have had a verry good experience with all the sellers here on fiverr. so i just wanted to see if i could return the favor, let me know if you would be interested in learning how you can increase your saills, NO MONEY NEEDED to learn

kind Regards Dean011

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Hi everyone, glad to be around!

I joined fiverr 11-12 days ago, being a divination card reader by profession. I activated most of my gigs a couple of days later so more or less I have been ready to offer my gigs for 10 days.

I have a total of 7 orders thus far, with 4 of them being reviewed with an excellent feedback and I have even earned my very first tip from a buyer who has been really satisfied with my offer.

Since I haven’t earned a Level up to now, my marketing efforts are kind of primitive.

For one thing, I thought hard and came up with a psychic reading offer that doesn’t exist on fiverr up to now. I have decided to offer the option to the client to receive their readings in mp3 format. I am not sure if this is going to work in near future, I cannot tell now because I only have an order in que on this one but I believe it is a unique service, differing from the common pdf readings.So, for starters, I’d say a quite effective marketing method especially for new members is to come up with a differed offer.It may be the same thing as others sell on fiverr, but as long as you slightly change the style, I believe you have made half the way to success.

Secondly I have launched a social media page, inviting my friends to like and participate. Through this page I offer a few free give-aways, in order to promote my services, such as “pay for 2 and get 3”. I have already had a couple of clients though this so, I believe it worth my time and effort to connect with people with whom I share the same interests. I really didn’t use any paid promotion on this since I honestly cannot afford it right now. But it worked either way.

Moving on I have visited the “MY GIGS” section on the forum and indexed my services. That was easy as one-two-three and has possibly helped out as well, so don’t ignore it.

From these three actions, I have already got 7 orders in the last 3 days, and earned some nice feedback.When my credit gets cleared, I plan to carefully select a seller to help me out with spreading the word, maybe on twitter and such.

If I am able to complete my first 20 orders, I consider getting in touch with my clients and offering them a discount or freebie - not sure about this, but I have learnt that customer satisfaction makes miracles 🙂

That is just my 2 cents, I wish all of you an unbelievable track of orders in the following days %%-


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Here are some Effective Marketing Methods

Videos work good than any other techniques and reach very fast to audience.

If you make backlink from video websites then its good for more visibility.

Then get backlinks for video url’s and thats Highly effective

Do only this thing, then wait and see for the results.

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You do prmote your gigs. You can advertise your gig on the pinterest, twittet, facebook, g+ or many websites… If you can create a blog for your gig it will be more super… and you should have the patient when you working on fiverr. when you beginning you have to wait much time to get a sale but when you are upgraded you can earn lots of money

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Great Forum.

I joined fiverr 4 years ago but did not use it at all. Now that I have added new GIGS and updated my GIGS with proper tag words and shorter descriptions the orders are coming in.

Its going great. But when I see the top seller ratings on fiverr I noticed that they have 1000s of clients. How can I get to that level?

It would be great if you guys could give me some insight to that.

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Reply to @joselozano: Have done that several times myself 🙂 I have found that it has sometimes been impossible to write what they need in just 250-400 words, so I just went on past that to make sure it had the correct message and quality needed. It will help in the long run in getting good reviews and more customers!

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Guest creaturi

Hi I am new to the forum! and tell them that has cost me a lot of work to publicize my gigs, I’ve only managed to sell 8 I have not reached level 1, which recommend I do so that more people can see my gigs, my link is

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I’ve promoted our gig on facebook, and other websites specific to what we offer. We are a modeling agency / talent agency, we do videos promoting products and services for clients. Not only do we do acting, and other visual video media - I am also a virtual assistant. So I put my services gig on freelance sites.

Hope it helps!

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