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New to Fiverr? Read this BEFORE you ask "How to get Buyers?" [ARCHIVED]


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Guest ntr0311

Dear sir

I am level two seller on FIVERR, I had lots of buyers but recently it drooped.I don’t know SEO, Is there any short cut method to drive traffic in my GIG. If anyone know that, please help me.

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Reply to @expertwritter: it’s frustrating when the name you want is taken, but I think you should look at it from the perspective of the Buyer - would you be more likely to trust “expertwriter” or “expertwritter”? Feel free to shoot me a direct message if you’d ever like to chat about advice in general!

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Hello Everyone,

To get better and better on Fiverr you need to be very patient with all clients. Most of the clients either don’t have English as primary language or they are stuck with their grammar.

The best way to have easy communication and to get what they want is by making easy questionnaires whereas they will give you needed information. This questionnaires are big help for our Team and our active and future clients.

Recommend them to everyone!

Good luck to all!

Kind regards,

Book Design Team

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*** Sheriff’s notes: Your link promoting your Gig and duplicate comment doing the same has been removed. Gig promotion is ONLY permitted in the “My Fiverr Gigs” category. Continuous spam of the forum will result in being banned from posting. READ THE FORUM DO’S AND DON’TS LOCATED HERE (and at the top of every single page on the forum) BEFORE POSTING ON THE FORUM. ***

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dude 1st time i am share here … do you know that what is spamming kindly search on google what is spamming then you batter knows that about spamming

*** Sheriff’s notes: Your link promoting your Gig has been removed from this thread. Gig promotion is ONLY allowed in the My Fiverr Gigs section. READ THE FORUM DO’S AND DON’TS LOCATED HERE (and at the top of every single page on the forum) BEFORE POSTING ON THE FORUM. ***

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Guest isabel55

Please, write us again after a safety period of 30 days since your account stopped featuring in search result in order to re-evaluate your account

i received it on my email.what should i do

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Hello, I am a professional Graphics Designer. The thing which highlight me in many other graphics designers is Marketing. I am A marketing Graduate and professional Marketing Manager with rich experience of social media marketing and Advertising. I am also offering Brand consultation services on fiverr. Please have a look at my gigs. I am sure you’ll find the creativity and innovation.

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Guest socialplusone

Great post. But I need little more explanation. could you please explain this following part:

"You can also check out similar Gigs on Fiverr with the following Google query: inurl:yourkeywordhere site:fiverr.com - "

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