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Low Buyer Request


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Hello guys,

As a new seller I’m trying to send 10 buyer request in a day so that I can increase my audience at gigs, but problem is that I never achieve that! There aren’t shown so many and my subcategory of gigs is Social Media Marketing. I’m active most of the time on Fiverr and check them also through my mobile but nothing to be impressed.

Any opinion on what can I do about that? Or, is this a normal thing regarding the buyer requests

Thanks in advance

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Guest best696164

I guess so, I’ve used Social Media, Facebook, Instagram and kind of these related to platforms 😦

Buyer requests

See 03 04 times a day

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Hello guys,

As a new seller I’m trying to send 10 buyer request in a day so that I can increase my audience at gigs, but problem is that I never achieve that! There aren’t shown so many and my subcategory of gigs is Social Media Marketing. I’m active most of the time on Fiverr and check them also through my mobile but nothing to be impressed.

Any opinion on what can I do about that? Or, is this a normal thing regarding the buyer requests

Thanks in advance

here aren’t shown so many and my subcategory of gigs

If you see fewer requests often consider diversifying your services by offering other gigs you’re really good at. It’s called spreading the risks.

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Guest best696164

I guess so, I’ve used Social Media, Facebook, Instagram and kind of these related to platforms 😦

I’ve never seen buyers every 10 minutes




Night or

02/03 hours

Only see

requests buyers At that time (10)

Can be completed

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You prices might be too high for a new seller with only 3 reviews. Perhaps you’ll make more sales if you lower your prices.

Also, you don’t have to rely on BR to get sales. Since you offer social media marketing, you can use your skills and expertise to market your own services, and get sales that way.

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Guest best696164

Hey there, thanks for the reply!

But I really didn’t understand it, what is 02/03 hours? you mean 02/03 am?

requests buyers

At the time of display

2/3 hours can be seen

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You prices might be too high for a new seller with only 3 reviews. Perhaps you’ll make more sales if you lower your prices.

Also, you don’t have to rely on BR to get sales. Since you offer social media marketing, you can use your skills and expertise to market your own services, and get sales that way.

that’s a great tip, thanks a lot for your suggestion 🙂

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  • 4 months later...

I’ve even completed order 3 and nothing has changed from no orders at all.

I have a method to spread your gig on social media, but I don’t know if fiverr will allow me to discuss this on here, I can use one month completely or almost to spread my gigs and I get good impression and many buyer request, but the problem there that I am occupied and then my impression dropdown and now I am making a research on how to put it up back.

1, I need to stay online, like almost 12 hours and now my phone is bad and I need to complete some expenses, before getting another one, which I know that is going to reduce my time staying at the front of computer up to 12 hours.

2, Sometime you need to bid for some simple offer that is out of your gig and you are sure that you can complete the task, to not get your gig bad impression or order cancellation.

3, You must be able to send almost 90% of your offer trier, and any offer you bid for you need to make more reach on how to complete it perfectly.

4, Spread across the social media platform, I have a cheap method on spreading my gigs on social media and it is working, and I added it to my gigs, so that if people are interested they can place order and then I can help them to spread this on social media plaform.

To fiverr support, I hope I did violate the rules and regulation with this my post and if I do, please do pardon me.

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It’s all about supply and demand. A lot of people need X, not too many people need Y. That’s why some gigs make money almost every day while other gigs only get one sale a week, if that.

Besides, on buyer requests you have people getting bombarded with 10 bids, 20 bids, and more. So the chances of getting hired from that are low.

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