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Continue the Story


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Completely unrelated to Fiverr, thought this might be fun. Make sure to continue the story and try to have a sequence of events that make sense. If you want to say anything unrelated to the story put them in parenthesis. For example, (this is really funny!) Good luck. I’ll start it off: 😉

There once was a man named

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…Hector, who love to eat grass. Some people found that odd, but, for a man who was raised among goats, that didn’t seem all that odd to Hector.

One day, while munching on a few tall strands of grass, Hector…

…suddenly encountered something new and startling on the ground. It didn’t look one bit like grass but he tasted it anyway, seeing that he was raised among goats. It didn’t taste like grass either. It was kind of sweet and Hector wondered if…

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… it would give him super powers if he ate it. Hector ate the whole things and suddenly he was no longer in goat land. He suddenly appeared sitting on a cloud looking down at the earth. He could see a castle in the distance on another cloud far away. He stood up and suddenly…

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… it would give him super powers if he ate it. Hector ate the whole things and suddenly he was no longer in goat land. He suddenly appeared sitting on a cloud looking down at the earth. He could see a castle in the distance on another cloud far away. He stood up and suddenly…

…bumped his head on another cloud. It hurt. Immensely. He sat down and…

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… a mythical bird flew down. It had glowing feathers, with a large wingspan. Hector was startled, and still dizzy from the bump. The bird spoke, her name was Phoenix. Phoenix offered to fly Hector over to the cloud off in the distance, on one condition…

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… a mythical bird flew down. It had glowing feathers, with a large wingspan. Hector was startled, and still dizzy from the bump. The bird spoke, her name was Phoenix. Phoenix offered to fly Hector over to the cloud off in the distance, on one condition…

…which was that Hector would have to say NO to grass forevermore. He would have to eat marshmallows like the clouds or…

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…or eat Twinkies instead. Hector could not imagine his life without grass and replied to Phoenix “no way, I’m not giving up my grass crazy bird thing” (although India does seem nice this time of year) Phoenix began to glow as her golden diamond eyes turned a fiery rose red and her feathered wings were replaced by rays of light casting an immense blaze brighter than the sun, when all of a sudden…

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…or eat Twinkies instead. Hector could not imagine his life without grass and replied to Phoenix “no way, I’m not giving up my grass crazy bird thing” (although India does seem nice this time of year) Phoenix began to glow as her golden diamond eyes turned a fiery rose red and her feathered wings were replaced by rays of light casting an immense blaze brighter than the sun, when all of a sudden…

…when all of a sudden he woke up lying on the grass and realized the “Phoenix” goat was throwing him a fierce look, ready to spit him like goats do when they’re angry, for he was sitting on the goats meal. Afraid of being spit in the eye by the angry goat, Hector slowly got up on his feet and…

(for anyone who doesn’t know that goats spit, here’s the

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…or if he would forever be afraid of the goat’s desire for revenge. But Hector decided to be brave, take matters in his own hands, so he got out from behind the bush and all of a sudden night turned back into day once again. There was no more sign of Phoenix, so he started heading back to the house to drink some water and refresh himself, but on his way something unbelievable happened. It was like nothing he had ever seen before. It was…

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…what if he could stop for a bit? Seeing her so mesmerizing, Hector forgot about the water and remained to watch the show. Was it a mirage? Was it another dream? It didn’t matter, as long as the angry Phoenix goat was nowhere around him. But in the midst of the show, Hector heard behind his back “Layee-o-dl layee-o-dl-o” - when he looked, Antoinella the Goat was sitting behind him next to Phoenix, who was still angry. Afraid of the goats having joined forces, he…

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…what if he could stop for a bit? Seeing her so mesmerizing, Hector forgot about the water and remained to watch the show. Was it a mirage? Was it another dream? It didn’t matter, as long as the angry Phoenix goat was nowhere around him. But in the midst of the show, Hector heard behind his back “Layee-o-dl layee-o-dl-o” - when he looked, Antoinella the Goat was sitting behind him next to Phoenix, who was still angry. Afraid of the goats having joined forces, he…

… He ran as fast as he can for his life. Without looking behind he ran until…

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…until he fell on the grass. But Phoenix and Antoinella found him again quickly:

  • “Naah!”, said Phoenix the goat
  • “Shush, go away!”, said Hector
  • “Meh…”, said Antoinella the goat
  • “Grr… Woof, you darn goat!”

Phoenix took a step back and said “Nah-Meh!”. Hector realized Phoenix asked him for his NaMe. It was trying to communicate with him!

  • “Heeh-Torr!”, said Hector upon realizing this
  • “Baah-Baah, Heeh-Torr!”, said Phoenix!

“Bye-Bye, Hector?” thought Hector to himself. It was clear as daylight: Phoenix wanted him gone off its farm, its grass, its lady goat. But it was Hector’s farm as well. So he got brave once more and…

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…until he fell on the grass. But Phoenix and Antoinella found him again quickly:

  • “Naah!”, said Phoenix the goat
  • “Shush, go away!”, said Hector
  • “Meh…”, said Antoinella the goat
  • “Grr… Woof, you darn goat!”

Phoenix took a step back and said “Nah-Meh!”. Hector realized Phoenix asked him for his NaMe. It was trying to communicate with him!

  • “Heeh-Torr!”, said Hector upon realizing this
  • “Baah-Baah, Heeh-Torr!”, said Phoenix!

“Bye-Bye, Hector?” thought Hector to himself. It was clear as daylight: Phoenix wanted him gone off its farm, its grass, its lady goat. But it was Hector’s farm as well. So he got brave once more and…

…stood up and yelled in their face with full of rage…

  • I aint going anywhere. This is my HOME. I can’t think of living any where else.

    (same as writer cant live without involving politics everywhere :rolling_eyes:)

Angry with his reply, Phoenix…

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…stood up and yelled in their face with full of rage…

  • I aint going anywhere. This is my HOME. I can’t think of living any where else.

    (same as writer cant live without involving politics everywhere :rolling_eyes:)

Angry with his reply, Phoenix…

…spit Hector twice in his face, said a loud “Naaah!”, spit him again, then walked away with Antoinella, letting him keep his farm.

Day turned into night for the third time that day, and Hector was tired of all that drama. He went to bed, took off his slippers, and finally fell asleep. In his dreams, out from ashes and fire, Phoenix rose again as a big flaming bird ready to take him over fluffy clouds and shiny castles, but…

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… but Phoenix had a message for Hector. Phoenix said to Hector:

“I have something rather critical to tell you young noble Hector. Listen carefully, all of your life you have grown up living with goats, eating grass, and believing you are a goat. I must tell you, you are not at all a goat and you don’t belong with goats. Your are a…”

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hobbit prince! You come from a family of respected royalty, where people use goats as house pets, they care for them, play with them. Let me tell you the story of how you were born, and why you ended up living among the goats. Once upon a time, …

(gosh I love real-time children’s stories… if only I had this opportunity when I was little!)

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… in a land far, far away there lived Hobbits, a humanoid race with hairy big feet and pointed ears. The King & Queen of the Land gave birth to a smiling baby boy with a twinkle in his eyes… They named him “Grotto Waggins” your birth name. It was a time of war, the townsfolk were ready to fight. You ended up living with goats because…

Wow, this story is coming together nicely! You all have a great imagination. 💙

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… in a land far, far away there lived Hobbits, a humanoid race with hairy big feet and pointed ears. The King & Queen of the Land gave birth to a smiling baby boy with a twinkle in his eyes… They named him “Grotto Waggins” your birth name. It was a time of war, the townsfolk were ready to fight. You ended up living with goats because…

Wow, this story is coming together nicely! You all have a great imagination. 💙

…that was the only chance you had to blend in and never be found by the hostiles. The lady who took you in named you Hector, Sprinkle-Twinkle Hector Mingle, for you were able to understand, and later on speak, both Hobbit and Goat languages.

You may not remember, but when you were a kid, Phoenix the Goat was your best friend. But things changed when Antoinella came in and you still wanted Phoenix to give you all the attention you sought for.

Any-way-nee, your parents were sent to the Hobbits’ Heavens, where they still live happily, and they still look out for you. But they don’t want you to get old and rusty on this Hobbit-forsaken farm. So now I need you to be brave, find your inner prince, let the goats live their lives, and …

@nikavoice so true! I haven’t had such a great laugh reading a story since I can remember

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… eat marshmallows. The marshmallows give you special hobbit powers that only hobbits who eat marshmallows have. However, if you eat grass you loose those powers. The special powers are…

  1. growing more hair on your feet to go stealth

gonna go out soon, and I can’t wait to find out what else Hector did while I was missing, and what other powers he has 😃

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