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Skill tests to be implemented on fiverr seller accounts

Guest makemyintro

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Guest makemyintro

I think there should be some kind of skill tests on fiverr like other freelancer websites. It will create differentiation between quality sellers and low skill sellers who create price wars and spoil experience of buyers.

As In my opinion they do not have much knowledge therefore they keep trying and when they are not able to get orders they create low price gigs, moreover their gig discription is also copy of some high selling gig’s discription.

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Guest anjylina

Then there ll be new gigs “I ll pass your ability test for fiverr in $5”


The more customers give you good reviews, the more you pass your Fiverr certification!

The customers have several ways to vet providers. They watch the intro video. They look at the samples. They read the reviews. If they don’t like the product after the work is done, they can ask for a cancellation and refund.

I can see how qualifications could help a seller if they don’t have the things I listed above.

You are also assuming that Fiverr has a working knowledge of my product and the skills that it takes to create it. After all, they are going to have to come up with a test to evaluate my ability to provide a product.


Some of the Linux skill tests I took on some freelance sites are crappy with many questions not framed correctly or don’t have the correct choice to select. It isn’t of much use unless they are standardized tests, conducted by a competent partner.


Guest untitledartwork

I disagree, we all started with low end skills then as we practiced, we got better. How can we get better without practice?

i agree with your disagree


I disagree, we all started with low end skills then as we practiced, we got better. How can we get better without practice?

The skills test can give you some sort of badge/certificate saying you’ve passed particular tests. It doesn’t need to prevent a person from selling on a particular gig, unless someone is advertising something in the gig that they are not actually able to do. Having skills tests could help people get better in the various gig categories, by passing easier tests, then going on to the more advanced tests.

Also, if tests are introduced, I think they should be introduced on all categories of gigs (or all that can be tested, especially if enough sellers have gigs in that category).

The tests wouldn’t necessarily have to be compulsory, but they could be used by the buyer to get an idea of the skills of the seller in that gig category so they have an idea how well they could do what the the buyer needs done.


Personally, one thing I like about Fiverr is not having to take the skill tests. The uniqueness of Fiverr’s business model is appealing. I prefer the casual set-up of the site, and the fact that anyone can try to start a freelance business here without having to get any kind of certification. I tend to believe that if a buyer wants to see the skill test, they’ll go to a site that features one.

Of course, I can certainly see the upside to skill tests. I have had a couple buyers who were a bit jaded by poor past experiences with sellers who didn’t really know their stuff. I tend to think that’s the exception, however.


This is a good idea but a tough task to implement, as in some areas skill test are human resources heavy and may be a heavy addon, that might have to charge the users for the tests like many freelancer sites do and that will ruin the exprience for new buyers coming into the platform here that wont want to invest before they see results


At the end of the day such “tests” only turn out to be mere ‘status symbols’ and no more. Fine, If for example, you are testing Graphic Design Seller for Photoshop usage. But does that tell whether Seller has abilities to develop great design concepts? Does it tell if Seller can deliver orders promptly? Can you test these last 2 qualities - which matter more than the first? I think that ratings/feedback should suffice for who’s good and who’s not.


Bad idea…anyone can pass a test – you have access to the internet…to look up the answers if you don’t know it. Fiverr provides you all the means you need to test someones skills without adding to the bureaucracy

  1. You got their demo videos and portfolio
  2. Feedback
  3. Mostly Importantly, communication.

I’m also a buyer and the best way for me to find out if a seller can do what I need is to send them a message and ask questions. I don’t have to stop at one message…I’ll send as many as needed until i’m satisfied or move on.

Take my expertise of Whiteboard Animation. There are probably 3 or 4 different software packages on fiverr used to create whiteboard. I use video scribe. How someone may do a whiteboard using Pow Toon, Expaindio, etc, I have no idea since I don’t use that software.

But even if all the skill sets were basically on the same par, there is one area no skill test can measure and that is effort. I put a lot of effort in my gigs and I’m sure others do as well, but the only way to measure a seller’s effort is by reading buyer’s feedback. Otherwise, the most skilled person may still do a lousy job if they put minimum effort into the work.


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