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Everything posted by smartdezigns

  1. Unfortunately, you can create only 4 gigs based on the new level system as you are a Level 0/new seller. See an inserted image: Link: https://help.fiverr.com/hc/en-us/articles/360010560118-Fiverr-s-new-level-system Source: Fiverr Help Center > Selling on Fiverr > Statistics & seller dashboards
  2. Got a new message on Fiverr App now (top message): It will be launched on the App later in the early March. Thank you for the confirmation 👍 P.S. Issue/Bug seems resolved now!
  3. Wanted to know that is anyone facing this bug on their Fiverr App? Or I am the only one having this bug? I know that the new level system has been finally rolled out but then why this bug? My desktop version is absolutely fine means no issue like I can see the stats there.. but Fiverr App.. I nearly had a panic attack because of the top message regarding demotion and email but there is no email about it. See an inserted image: Edit: Found this thread later:
  4. Contact Support by emailing them at: support@fiverr.com or Send a Ticket to them: https://www.fiverr.com/support_tickets/selling-on-fiverr
  5. Hello too. Actually competition got super tough in each niche that's why. I had the same problem after the new level system update but things are getting better now.. Currently, your gig galleries are not good enough to attract buyer's attention. You should improve them.
  6. Honestly, I have never used any social media for the purpose of my gigs promotion because my buyers are not there..
  7. If your seller's profile is not anymore on Fiverr then it means that seller has been removed/banned from the Fiverr due to some violations made by that seller. I will encourage you to contact Fiverr Support regarding it so that you can get your funds back if you have not..
  8. Yes. This Portfolio feature has been rolled out to all the sellers on Fiverr now based on the new level system (i.e. Today - 14th March 2024). You can add some of your previous work there but it must be original work of yours. If you have not completed any order yet then you can wait until you get it.
  9. This is the main reason that you are getting the templated responses from Fiverr Support. Why are you sending the same tickets on the same issue? One ticket is enough for this purpose. If you have more queries to ask on the same issue then the same ticket would work. So avoid creating more tickets. @milos_siena or @ana_tomy Possible to check OP's case? Thank you.
  10. Hi Have you contacted Fiverr Support regarding this issue? @milos_siena Could you please look into the OP's case?
  11. No. Avoid sending emails to them. Contact them via Live Chat. They will guide you on the spot.. This is the only solution for you.. If you are unable to login then that might be the reason of your issue. Their support is not the worst one.. they are the best.. Whenever I had any issue (rare), they have always resolved my issue on the spot/instantly.
  12. Yes but you don't know about others that are they offering the similar services like yours or not. So better to not take any risk.
  13. Contact Fiverr Support and request them to contact your buyer on your behalf. Then they will guide you what to do next if your buyer remains unresponsive.
  14. Your buyers are not on the Forum and also don't beg anyone to place orders on your gig. If you are really a Link Building Expert, then use your expertise for yourself too.
  15. Hi. If you are referring to a video which is added along with the review then it cannot be removed because your buyer enabled that option (to display your delivered work on review) that's why it happened. I am not sure that it's possible or not but your buyer should contact Fiverr Support and discuss this issue with them.
  16. Contact Fiverr Support because account-related issues can be resolved by them only. Your issue won't be resolved here.
  17. Hello too Have you contacted Payoneer via their Live Chat? Contact them first as only they can guide you regarding it. Other option is to check your bank account thoroughly that it's effective or not..
  18. Hi too Request your buyer to place an order and then ask him/her to send the files to you via Requirements section (Order Page).
  19. Why do you focus only on becoming a TRS? Trust me, I will suggest you to not focus on it. I have been eligible for it since 2022 (I guess.. don't remember clearly) but never made it yet. Because my main focus is to keep the flow of earnings/orders... not to become a TRS. That's all. If you are earning and maintaining everything on Fiverr well, then it's more than enough. Also, if you hate Fiverr then I guess it's not a right platform for you. I know recent changes on Fiverr has affected every single seller here but face it now. And work hard on improving your scores / ratings as well.
  20. I wish you Good Luck as well. I can understand everything whatever you have discussed here but we are helpless as we are bound to follow the rules set by Fiverr. Anyway, I hope everything goes well in the future 🙂
  21. I can see clearly that it's not been a month you have been here on the Forum so you don't know anything about the sellers (us) here. Every single seller has been affected by the new level system even I am. I have full 10 overall success score then it does not mean that I have not been affected, I have both mentally and emotionally. You are not the only one who is affected. There is a strong union between the sellers which you have never seen here. I will encourage you to browse every other topic on the Forum then you will see the power of the sellers here. Secondly, we actually raised the same issue here but that thread got closed by Fiverr Staff here so it means they won't listen to our complains. So we have the only option which is get used to the new changes no matter what.. Late Delivery is Late Delivery even it's a few seconds late.. We are people and we can make mistakes too, that's right but it's not possible on Fiverr. This is why Fiverr has given us the option of Resolution Center (to use the extend delivery option) and to set the Delivery Time (via Gig Editing). So don't blame Fiverr for this.. About removing from the search results, I have already given you answers that it might be your private reviews which are not good.. or other sellers are performing better than you.. but you will get back to track soon too.. Yes, we will never know the internal evaluations but it's somewhat being shown via public reviews like Value and Quality of Delivery.. So just try to make your buyers happy and deliver quality services even if they are giving you tips.. Yes, you are right but "Never rely on a single source of income". You should try some other freelancing platforms or other side businesses too. I am doing the same.. It's the main source of income for me too but I am doing local projects along with it as well. Think about this point: If you have lost Fiverr then it's a Fiverr's loss too (earning wise) Unfortunately, it's their AI which is the main reason and this is their huge mistake too to launch it on Fiverr. But we will have to face it.
  22. I actually understood everything but the problem is that issue cannot be resolved here and nothing is gonna happen here. So only solution is to discuss with Fiverr Support. Late deliveries is one of the parameters that is being used in the scores and rating as well. So you should maintain it well. If Fiverr has said Late Deliveries is the reason then it might be. It might take some time to get back to the search results because other sellers of your same niche might be performing well than you.. May be your private reviews were not good enough or someone reported you?.. who knows because AI is doing everything (every task for Fiverr).. nothing is happening manually except the evaluation for TRS.. Unfortunately, we, the sellers cannot do anything regarding it. We just have to follow everything whatever Fiverr says or asks us to.. No one is happy because of the recent changes here but it's what it is..
  23. No. Staying active/online all the time or anytime is useless if you want to increase your impressions or click. Impressions and clicks actually tells you the performance of your gig. If they are not increasing then it means your gig is not good enough to attract buyer's attention and you need to optimize it further i.e. gig galleries, gig descriptions, tags etc.
  24. Use Payoneer Account then. Why are you using credit card? Attach your Bank Account in Payoneer Account and transfer your funds there.
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