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Everything posted by smartdezigns

  1. Indefinitely for me! Because my buyers will definitely come back after 3 or 4 years for changes or updates so I usually keep all the data of each order/work with myself. Funny thing: I have source files of my all 8 years still 😅😎 I usually keep them in external hard drives. I have 2 Hard Drives. One is of 1 TB and other is of 2TB. 2TB is one 100% Full so using 1TB one for now!
  2. Hello I am wondering why are you worried about it because like you said source file was a part of order and you delivered it. Well if it was a part of an order so you definitely will have to submit the source files. And Fiverr cannot do anything about the source files as it's a part of your order. Whenever you will send a source file, buyer will be able to download and see everything in the source file. Deliver the source files only if it's a part of your order else don't..
  3. Well Ups and Downs are a part of Fiverr too. If you keep optimizing your gigs then you wont be able to see your gig on search results! Well I have never edited gigs from last 5 years (except price changes) but still sometimes my gigs ranks well!! So I don't optimize anything neither I focus on Impressions or Clicks!
  4. Thank you so much @vickieito Only 1 feature seems good to me which is 7 Days Payment Clearance. Rets of the features seems not useful for me! Good Luck to you! 🙂
  5. Payoneer for me. As via Payoneer Card, I can do some online shopping as well!
  6. Do not send buyer requests anymore because this feature is gonna be disabled soon. Focus more on Get Briefs (from Gigs Page)!
  7. Hello vickieto I have this feature from last few months but have not used it yet (Though I have completed the TRS requirements). So wanted to ask that will the premium plan for 1 month be helpful? Or it would be better to stick with it (Premium Plan) for a long time? Please guide! Thank you in advance!
  8. Well its common. Every seller faces this issue so nothing to worry about. Be patient and give it sometime. Hopefully things will be better soon!
  9. Hi too No. It's not connected with orders or ranking! Its a place where you can get knowledge and stay updated about Fiverr's stuff (orders, gig, announcements, new updates etc.). Also you can ask your questions if you are stuck somewhere and experts will guide you on that!
  10. You are welcome! Well I will encourage to not over-optimized your gigs.. Usually it takes time to get orders. If you do editing so it must be one time and final (except price changes).. Reason is that if you keep on optimizing your gigs then your gig won't appear on search results because you are continuously editing gigs and it will become difficult to place your gig on search results based on your new changes every time! 50 impressions for last 14 days with 4 clicks: Its kind of impressive. With the passage of time, it will improve. Just don't edit your gigs too much. Be patient! Enable Set Brief option (on your GIGS Page). Good Luck!
  11. Hello No its not possible. Only buyers are allowed to send a message to seller on Fiverr.
  12. Hello Well if you are a new seller, then you must know that the word "assignment" is sort of related to academic which is forbidden on Fiverr so better to not use it. Secondly, do some research first on Fiverr before creating and publishing any gig! You can try: I will help you in Java Programming, I will program anything in Java, I will do Java Programming etc... Category: It will be Programming & Tech > Desktop Applications
  13. Hello Yes it happened because you offered a coupon to them (buyers). Its useless to do as your earning will be deducted further after 20% deduction. So try to avoid it next time! If you want to show your gratitude to them, do extra work but little for free of cost if you feel its a right thing to do! I do the same that's why they always come back to me even after 2 or 3 years!!
  14. Well its a story of every seller on Fiverr. Fiverr shuffles gigs so that other sellers can have a chance to earn too so nothing to worry about. Sometimes break is a good thing!!
  15. Excited and Happy 😁 even if they are old buyers 🙂
  16. Water and Coffee in Winters only! Avoiding Beverages these days like No Coke, Pepsi, Miranda etc. Don't feel like to drink it anymore but rarely I have them with Fast Food!!
  17. Hello Well forget Buyer's Requests now because it has been replaced with Get Briefs. You need to check "Gigs" Page, there you will see an option of "Get Briefs (set a rate". Enable it and set a rate of your choice then Fiverr will send a notification if the job matches your rate.
  18. Hi Well there is nothing wrong at my end! Everything is fine. Check your internet connection else log out and log in again!
  19. Hello Well it's a story of every seller these days! Even Top Rated Sellers are facing the same issues! So don't worry about it. Just be patient and wait until the things gets settled.. Meanwhile, do not edit your gig or anything else! Things will be back to track soon! Also, I am in the same boat but it's alright! Good Luck!!
  20. Hello Well we need to know first that what kind of services were you offering that it led you to 2nd warning? If your services were against the Fiverr's rules then it was because of that! Two ways means? Please elaborate it as its confusing!
  21. Hello. Well everything is working fine at my end! Try to log out and log in (Fiverr App) or install the App again!
  22. Hello Well it would be better if you work on those gigs which are already created. Make everything catchy from content to gig images/video etc. Then activate it and test it for few days! If it does not work then you can delete and create new gigs! P.S. Always do some research before creating and publishing any gig! Good Luck!
  23. Hello It won't affect your Fiverr Account! But make sure, no one use that internet connection for their Fiverr account and they are offering the same services like yours!
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