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Everything posted by smartdezigns

  1. Fiverr is not a platform where you are gonna get paid per day. You should have decided the things beforehand (means before order placement). And I don't think that you can change the price during order because buyer placed an order using your package/custom offer so nothing is gonna work if you change the price. It's just my assumption (I have never experienced this issue ever).
  2. Fiverr is not a platform where you are gonna get paid per day. You should have decided the things beforehand (means before order placement). And I don't think that you can change the price during order because buyer placed an order using your package/custom offer so nothing is gonna work if you change the price. It's just my assumption (I have never experienced this issue ever)..
  3. Is there any reason to do this?
  4. Simple: Avoid Cancellations! Try to deliver quality work!
  5. Hi too Have you cancelled any orders in last few days? Possibility is that you might have gotten a poor/bad private feedback from your clients. Forget Buyer Requests and Focus on Get Briefs. Have you tested this feature by trying different prices?
  6. You need to experiment it by trying different prices to observe that at what price you are getting the relevant matched jobs!
  7. Turn on Get Briefs feature (via Gigs Page) and set the price. Fiverr will send a notification to you that you got a matched brief. So test it by using different prices and observe at what price you are getting better and relevant briefs!
  8. Do not suggest this anymore to anyone else because Buyer Requests are being removed permanently so you need to get knowledge about Get Briefs Feature now!
  9. Staying active for 18hrs per day will help in increase impressions? You have not gotten a Single Order yet and you are advising this? Totally wrong advice! Well it usually takes time as you have newly created gigs so give it some time. If it does not work after few days then there is a possibility that your gigs are falling into competitive niche/category so you will have to improve your gig images, gig description, use relevant tags etc. Good Luck!
  10. We will encourage you to read the answers of each and every member in this thread then you will get to know the answer of your questions!
  11. Yes Order Cancellation was the reason behind all of this!
  12. How does staying online help in getting order? Rather than focusing on it, create your gig content, images etc unique that it attracts buyer's attention..
  13. There is a possibility that you might have gotten private negative feedback from buyers..
  14. Did you deliver the quality work?
  15. Do you think its a right way to ask this question personally via sending message (Fiverr Inbox)? Stop please. You can ask here. That's enough!! Are you getting orders via Promoted Gig?
  16. Did you turn off the Promotional Gig Feature?
  17. Kindly elaborate/answer the following points please! 1. Add foreign languages in profile: How does it help in ranking your gig? 2. Be online for maximum time: How does it help too? 3. Send all 10 buyer requests every day: Don't you know the status of Buyer Requests?
  18. You can work with Get Briefs. You have recently joined Fiverr (This Month: November 2022) but Buyer Requests has been on and off from last few months. You have not gotten a single order then how do you know that Buyer Request was the best feature for you? Move on to Get Briefs Feature!
  19. Hi too Did you test the Briefs feature using different prices? Why comparing Fiverr with other platforms? Every platform has its own features so you just have to understand the features carefully. It was a good decision that Buyer Requests got removed because of spamming done by 90% Sellers! Though most of the other sellers were dependent on it so its time to move on to Get Briefs feature. Work with it! Good Luck!
  20. Kindly elaborate 8. Fiverr box 🤔
  21. Staying 24 hours won't help in increase clicks and impressions. It's all about your gig that how good enough it is!
  22. Well in this case, I will encourage you to completely format your Windows by installing a Windows or do its Factory Settings! Then you will be safe!
  23. Who said to stay active on Fiverr 24 hours? You just have to respond to buyer's message whenever it comes, work on order.. You can randomly check Fiverr via its app!
  24. Is it relevant to Photoshop Editing? 🤦‍♀️ For Clicks and Impression, you need to work on your gigs.. Turn on the feature of Get Briefs and set the price. Improve your gigs by using quality content, images etc. in such a way that it attracts your buyer's attention, focus on delivering quality work, perform well. Secondly there is a possibility that your gigs might fall into competitive niche so you need to work hard!
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