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Everything posted by smartdezigns

  1. Kindly read this article - Whole section of Seller Plus : https://www.fiverr.com/support/articles/360017140717-Seller-Plusoverview
  2. Well if possible, update your gig images (means improve them further to make them unique to grab buyer's attention).. show your work (portfolio via gig images too).. I have noticed that you have used the same images with different text in some of your gigs. Avoid doing that.. Good Luck!
  3. Yeah I stand corrected that it's easy to say SEO strategy to anyone else! I do know SEO so you don't have to teach me lol
  4. So you are saying OP should hire SEO expert to do SEO for her gigs? 🙄🤦‍♀️ Don't suggest this if you cannot guide anyone clearly! Make it clear that how to do SEO!
  5. Could you please explain SEO strategies as well? It's easy to say SEO strategy to anyone who has zero knowledge about it. So better to explain it briefly!
  6. You have not done everything I guess.. Change your gig images and improve them! They are not attractive that's why you're unable to get any orders! And you still need to improve your gig descriptions! You can turn on Get Briefs feature and set the price. Test the feature if it works for you (not guaranteed that you will get a relevant job but give it a shot)
  7. Well you can improve your gig images, tags and gig descriptions as well. Make them more unique to grab buyer's attention. Also, you have chosen a highly competitive niche so you will have to make your gigs more stand out. Work on them. You can turn on Get Briefs feature as well but it is not guaranteed that you will get a relevant job but give it a shot..
  8. Did you get any orders by staying active on Fiverr? You've been on Fiverr since Jun 2020 and you have 6 reviews only. So you think that staying active on Fiverr has been really good for you? A Big No.. Because it's a myth that staying online for 24 hours is really helpful for your gig ranking, clicks or impressions! Wrong Advice! It won't help you and OP either!
  9. Hello too You can ask for the status on video by sending a message to your buyer in a polite way via Order Page.. P.S. There is a possibility that your buyer is from USA or any other country so it will be night time there.. Wait till tonight/evening.. Check the time zone difference..
  10. Means you never sleep or do rest. Stares at Fiverr apps for 24 hours 🙄 Anyhow, you claim yourself to be "experienced YouTube marketing consultant" so I think you must have a knowledge about SEO too so work with it then. Plus your gig images are not attractive. Make them more unique
  11. Yes. These are the scam messages which you are receiving. Better to report them but do not provide your own personal details to anyone on Fiverr whoever asks for it.. Simply Report them!
  12. Hi too Well it would be better if you discuss your concerns with Customer Support. They will guide you properly and you must follow them whatever they request you!
  13. Based on your impressions and clicks, you need to work on gigs i.e. to improve them further i.e. gig images, gig descriptions, tags..
  14. Any reason for this? 🤔 You have 2 reviews since May 2022 then did you get any benefit from being active on Fiverr Always (like you said) ? Because your gig images are not attractive. Make them unique for buyers!
  15. 2 Options: 1. Via Direct / Organic Orders (Buyers) - if your gigs are good enough to grab buyer's attention 2. Get Briefs (Tricky feature but give it a shot)
  16. How can you stay online for 24 hours like a Robot? Curious to know this! 🤔
  17. What is the status on your clicks/impressions? Increasing or Dropping?
  18. Your gig images are still not attractive.. You need to make them more unique and eye-catching for buyers! Do some research regarding your same niche and see how sellers are using their creativity to sell their gigs!
  19. Test the Get Briefs feature with the different prices and then see the results!
  20. No thanks.. I don't need anything. Looks like that you have created your second account which is a violation of Terms of Services! You did not answer my question still. Anyhow!
  21. Customer Support is not gonna help her in this regard.. I already have pointed out her mistakes. If she corrects them and starts delivering quality work, then everything will be back to track.. P.S. You have Zero Reviews yet on Fiverr since Oct 2022 so I am gonna assume that you have not much experience on Fiverr yet.. so I will encourage you to not guide like this if you don't know how to answer or guide anyone! 🙄 Also did you contact Customer Support that why are not you getting orders? 🙄🤔🤦‍♀️
  22. Kindly read this article "Level 1": https://www.fiverr.com/levels
  23. Hi too Please see this article: https://www.fiverr.com/support/articles/10092069817617-Set-up-your-Auto-Reply
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