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Everything posted by smartdezigns

  1. First: You need to be honest about yourself. Change your English setting from Fluency to Basic/Conversational because you are not good at it yet. Need to improve it further (suggesting this after glancing at your personal description). Second: Correct the spellings in the following gig image: Potoshop > Photoshop, ExpartP > Expert
  2. smartdezigns


    Read the following articles: Link 1: https://help.fiverr.com/hc/en-us/articles/360010949038-Tips-and-tricks-Before-creating-your-Gig Link 2: https://help.fiverr.com/hc/en-us/articles/360010451397-Creating-a-Gig Sources: Fiverr Help Center > Gigs > Creating your Gig
  3. Yes it can be changed but not the URL of the gig title. Yes definitely because Fiverr adjust its position according to changes and new keywords. So, ranking will be affected.
  4. Simple: Move On. If you have repeat buyers, then work with them. Also, to create a 2nd Fiverr account is actually a violation of TOS so you cannot create it.
  5. Do you even know that Academic related services are not allowed i.e. Assignments? Delete that gig else your account will be in huge trouble i.e. account suspension. So you are advised to read the Terms of Services again: https://www.fiverr.com/legal-portal/legal-terms/terms-of-service Source: fiverr.com
  6. They have already told you about their final decision. It's you who is not understanding them. We have told you too that they won't give you any explanation further. So you should understand now and let it go. But obviously it's up to you. No one can do anything about it. That's how Fiverr works! We have to accept their decision no matter what. You might have been sending messages to them continuously which is why they restricted you to contact them as well. But I am sorry about everything that you had to face. Do you still need claims? Can't you see already what Fiverr is already doing? Now they have restricted him to everything!
  7. Nowadays, it's difficult to get new buyers so better to work with repeat clients. All credit goes to the new level system!
  8. May be their accounts are not flagged but they have been demoted to the Level 0/New Sellers according to new level system. They were doing better before the rolling out of new level system and still they are. This is why they are ranking still. Your account is flagged so you won't be able to see your gig ranking on search results or may be your gigs have been removed from the search results.
  9. So is this tip working for you i.e. gigs sharing on Social Media platforms? I can see that you have been on Fiverr since December 2022 and have made 1 sale yet? Even though you are a Digital Marketer? I'll encourage you to not guide others unless you have experience. Avoid it. 🙏
  10. Account related issues cannot be resolved here on the Forum so better to contact Fiverr Support regarding it.
  11. It will never be removed unless you discuss with the Fiverr Support about it. But which rule you have violated? What was your level before getting your account flagged? You are already a New Seller/Level 0 Seller now and you won't be able to get any level badge anymore as the screenshot clearly states that you are unable to participate in the new level system. Because your account is flagged which is why your gigs will have very few impressions/clicks or might be removed from the search results. It's the after-effects of flagged account so you won't be able to get the new buyers but will be able to work with the repeat clients if have any.
  12. Hi too Question for you: Are you getting orders on that gig?
  13. Aren't you a "Professional Digital Marketer Expert" according to your personal description? Have you ever tried to utilize your skills for yourself? If you cannot do anything for yourself then how will you work for your buyers?
  14. The results are still not out yet so let's wait for the result on OP's appeal. I hope and pray that OP gets his account back. But why are you getting so worked up? Fiverr Staff knows these situations better than us so stop blaming them and you have no idea what's right or not. Yes but what if the sellers breaks the rules? Should Fiverr support them too? Whoever breaks the rule, should be punished! That's what Fiverr is doing!
  15. Alright then.. what about the orders? Have you gotten any order by staying online all the time since March 2024? If it's not useless then prove it!
  16. Please do that. One of the Fiverr Staff has already told you that their decision is final and it would be useless to send them messages for it because they won't give you any explanation that's why 🤷🏻‍♀️. Good Luck!
  17. You don't have to tell or teach me anything. Do you think I am happy that the accounts are being getting blocked/flagged etc.? It's just that if you know that you have made a mistake then you should admit it and be honest. You should be punished accordingly for those mistake too. Also you know that the public wifi is dangerous to use Fiverr then why did you use it? Fiverr is relying more and more on AI these days then you can't do anything in this case. If you can fight for yourself then you should, no one is stopping you but it'd be useless to do that when you already know the answer that what it will be! You got flagged because of the usage of public wifi when it is not safe to use Fiverr. You can discuss with Fiverr Support. Good Luck with that. But one of the Fiverr Staff has already responded to you that their decision is final then it is. They are not gonna do anything about it neither they will tell you the exact reason. Anyhow, you can discuss with them, totally upto you but it'd be useless! 🤷‍♀️
  18. Still you won't be able to figure everything out that how the success score is being measured. That's why I said no one should focus on it as we are never gonna find out the answer. Actually, it's the private reviews which is affecting everything even if you have 5* public reviews. My 2nd best selling has a 9 success score but Client Satisfaction: Negatively Impact. It does not make sense. Right? So I am not focusing on these things anymore. Why don't you discuss this issue with Fiverr Support (your success score dropped from 8 to 6). But they are gonna reply the same i.e. read the article on success score etc.
  19. @ana_tomy Please remove the username from my comment too. Thank you.
  20. Contact Fiverr Support then: Email: support@fiverr.com Ticket: https://www.fiverr.com/support_tickets/selling-on-fiverr
  21. We have encouraged you to contact Fiverr Support as they are the ones who can help you with your issue. If you keep creating new tickets (separate), then you won't be responded. Use the initial ticket for this purpose. @milos_siena or @ana_tomy Kindly guide OP. Thank you.
  22. The problem is that no one is gonna admit that they have created a new account no matter how many times they say they have not... Why Fiverr will flagged his account among others if it's the case? And their decision won't be changed as he has kept asking for the investigation. If they have said it's the final decision then it is! Nothing can be done now unfortunately! Secondly, he has told that he has been using the public wifi too which is why location inconsistencies is one of the reasons. Public WiFi is really dangerous as several people might have their Fiverr account and then Fiverr detected it.
  23. I will encourage you to read your personal description again. You have mentioned several skills of yours but have created only 1 gig on Lead Generation. Why? Are you being fake by mentioning those skills? Create other 3 gigs using those skills if you are really honest.
  24. Did you even read everything carefully? I am referring to the screenshots sent by OP. He has opened a second account that's why new account got flagged too which is the right thing to do by Fiverr.
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