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Everything posted by viciam11

  1. I don't know if this is true or not but its my feeling that staying online used to be a factor in getting more impressions. But Fiverr changed this policy some time back and it's not that much of a huge contributor any more, if at all.
  2. You're pretty much back at square one and would have to start from scratch doing the basics again. Optimize your gigs...see if prices have changed in the last couple of years...advertise outside of Fiverr etc
  3. As we close 2023 and head into 2024...here's a few trends which are looking to become popular in 2024. I'm sure some of these will be in demand on Fiverr soon so I thought I'd make a list:
  4. Patience is the key that unlocks what you seek.
  5. Hey guys, just a random question I had. What was Fiverr like in terms of getting orders etc many many years ago. I just joined recently and was curious of how it used to be? Any long timers around?
  6. Hmm, I'm really not sure. I normally find that when you chase after orders on Fiverr...they turn out to be not serious buyers. The serious ones, message and buy usually within the hour. I do send a message to people if they've messaged me once....I send a message the next day asking if they are still looking or found someone as I'd be happy to help. But I don't do any work before hand. Just a message is enough.
  7. It looks like you're doing everything right. Perhaps it's the time of the year? December and Christmas...some sectors of business can be slower? I am imagine most people will do interior designing after the new year? You know...a new beginning with a new interior after new years?
  8. Welcome. Gig looks ok but maybe get some better images. They help capture peoples attention.
  9. As Newsmike said. And of course if you're able to, definetely invest in good equipment that allows high quality recording.
  10. This happened to me about 2/3 weeks ago. Did you do anything different recently?
  11. Gig looks fine but agree with Smartdezigns. Improve your images.
  12. There isn't 1 straight forward way of doing this. But Fiverr does recommend promoting your gigs outside of Fiverr, taking Fiverr courses and optimising your gigs as best as possible. For outside of Fiverr, you can join other forums related to your field and reply to people there and putting a link to your gig somewhere visible. You can also try Facebook groups, Quora etc.
  13. I normally just leave it on in the background whilst doing other stuff. Like practicing and learning new skills/software etc. I don't know if it makes a difference to orders but if I'm at the computer I normally have it open. If I'm away from the desk, I do turn it off.
  14. Fiverrians? I like it 🙂 Welcome.
  15. Is your basic package price too high or is that the normal price that other sellers are offering?
  16. Your gig actually looks pretty good.
  17. There are, I highly suggest you watch the Free Fiverr Freelancing Course as it can help you understand more on how to promote your gigs. You can find it here: https://learn.fiverr.com/courses/online-freelancing-essentials-be-a-successful-fiverr-seller
  18. Can you say why because I am thinking of setting up UpWork as well.
  19. I don't know the answer to that for sure but there could be some truth to it. I've been on Fiverr only just over a month and all my small number of orders so far came on a Monday/Tuesday. Although I did recieve a message today but he's based in the Phillipines.
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