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Everything posted by Kesha

  1. Happy Friday! Let’s end this week off on a furry note by sharing a photo of your little (or big) friends! Share them below. 👇I can’t wait for the cuteness overload! 😍
  2. Hi! If you report a message as spam, the message will not negatively impact your response rate. As an extra measure of protection though, you can feel free to reply to the message with a short vague response like the one you shared.
  3. These are all some great points and questions guys. I agree that sending this out to everyone will be beneficial. I am going to send the feedback to the appropriate channels so we can collaborate on solving the spam issue. Thanks!
  4. At Fiverr, we strive to maintain a safe and secure platform for our users. While we have certain security measures and protocols in place, we encourage you to remain vigilant for spam messages while engaging on our platform. Spam messages are defined as any unwanted and repeatedly occurring communications that are disruptive to the recipient’s experience. These messages often aim to deceive users into engaging in compromising behavior. Examples of common scams to look out for include false payment requests, offline communication requests, and phishing. Here are some tips to help you detect spam messages: Our Customer Support team will never ask for your password, credit card information, or any other personal details. If for any reason we need to verify your payment information, we will only ask for the first six or the last four digits of your card. Fiverr’s Customer Support team will never contact you through your Fiverr inbox. All communications from them will be through a support ticket. All order-related payments are handled through the order process on our platform. We will never contact you about an outstanding balance or send a QR code or payment link for payment. Users with deceptive intentions may encourage you to communicate or do business off the Fiverr platform. To avoid violating our Terms of Service and leaving yourself susceptible to a scam, never share your email address, phone number, or other contact information with users. If an off-platform order goes wrong, we will be unable to advocate for you or help you recover financial losses. Be cautious of threatening messages, such as account lockout, debts, or legal threats. These are common tactics used by hackers. If a user sends a suspicious link, hover over it to verify it’s not directing to a malicious site before clicking it. Spam messages can occur in a variety of different forms. If you are unsure of the validity to a particular message, always feel free to report it or reach out to Customer Support. For more information on managing spam messages, visit our Help Center article here.
  5. Love the attitude of gratitude🤣
  6. While Fiverr wouldn't spam you for sharing your gigs, it's best to be cognizant of the rules of whichever groups and pages you are sharing your gigs to on social media. Alot of groups won't appreciate sellers sharing their gigs, especially if no other value or engagement is being added to the group by the seller.
  7. Hi! In a case like this, I would recommend extending the time before the time runs out. If they still do not answer by the extended deadline, consider canceling the order and reaching out to Customer Support to make sure the cancellation doesn't effect your profile.
  8. Kesha

    Gigs quantity

    Hi! I see that you are still considered a new seller based on our updated criteria. As a new seller, you are allowed up to 4 gigs. For more information on the new level system, check out the Help Center article here: https://help.fiverr.com/hc/en-us/articles/360010560118-Fiverr-s-new-level-system.
  9. Hi! Communicating with a buyer via email is prohibited. If a buyer requires to see samples of your work, consider uploading your portfolio on your profile if you have not already.
  10. Kesha

    Secret Tips !

    Hi! I recommend typing in your niche in the search bar and seeing what relevant keywords pop up. You can also consider joining the Seller Plus program which comes with exclusive keyword research tools that can help you choose the right ones.
  11. Hi! This is a great question. Check out my recent post on best practices for promoting your freelancing business on social media here:
  12. Hi! I am sorry to hear of this unfortunate incident. I see that your security question has recently been reset. Please refer to the ticket and follow the instructions given to set up a new security question.
  13. Hey guys. 😊 Thanks for bringing this conversation to my attention! I will pass it along to the appropriate team for consideration.
  14. Looking to start a new venture that’s lucrative and can be easy to start? Dropshipping may be the perfect option for you. With its low barrier to entry, flexibility and high-earning potential, dropshipping remains one of the top ways to earn money online. Thankfully, we have a platform full of talented freelancers who can help you get started. Here are some of the services you’ll want to consider: Business Strategy Before diving in, having a solid plan is essential. Our platform is full of knowledgeable freelancers who are able to provide consultations, mentorship and advice to help set you up for success. They can teach you the ins and outs of dropshipping and help you establish the systems you need for your business to flourish. Check out our list of recommended business strategy freelancers here. Vendor Relations Your dropshipping business is only as good as the products you offer. Therefore, finding the right vendors who can consistently provide quality and reliable products to your customers is crucial. Doing adequate research and sourcing to find the right products can be time-consuming, but our experienced freelancers excel in sourcing the right vendors for your business. Whether you prefer Alibaba, Aliexpress, or another platform, our freelancers can assist in establishing your supply chain process through performing global product sourcing, vendor development and more. Check our recommended vendor management freelancers here. Brand Identity With a plan and products in place, it's time to start developing a brand. While dozens of other companies may also be selling your product online, strategic branding is what will entice your target audience to choose you over competitors. Our branding freelancers can help you develop a professional identity that captures your brand’s personality. From designing your logo to choosing your color palette and typography, our freelancers will help you stand out. For our recommended freelancers, click here. Website Since all of your business will be done online, a professional, user-friendly website is a crucial element for a successful dropshipping business. It needs to be attractive and functional to provide a seamless buying experience. Whether you prefer Shopify, WordPress, or Wix, we have professionals who specialize in creating quality e-commerce stores that can serve as the foundation for your organization. For our recommended freelancers, visit here. Influencer Marketing Once your brand is established, influencer marketing is highly effective for building brand awareness and driving sales. You can collaborate with influencers to leverage the trust and authority they have with their followers to promote your products. For help in finding the right influencers and managing the campaigns, check out one of our influencer marketing freelancers. Check out our recommended freelancers here. Starting a dropshipping business can be a rewarding venture with the right guidance and resources. By leveraging expert freelancers to help with key areas of your business, you can start building your profitable online business today.
  15. Hi there! Unfortunately, I cannot handle specific account-related issues on the forum. I do see that they are still reviewing everything so you should get an email with updates soon.
  16. Love that! Money + people who love you = the dream!
  17. Hi! You should never give your card information directly to another user. All payments should be made through our order process. Unfortunately, if you have already given your card information and are worried about being scammed in the future, I would recommend contacting your bank to lock or replace your card, if possible. You can also report the incident to Customer Support.
  18. This is definitely possible! Just stay consistent and professional while providing good quality work and you'll get there.
  19. Success means different things to different people. For some, it’s measured by the income they generate while others measure it by the accolades they achieve, the impact they make, or the freedom they maintain. How do you define success in your world? Let us know in the comments below!
  20. Hi! Yes, I would recommend that you politely remind them of the original scope of the order, then let them know that you would be happy to accommodate their request but it will be for an additional cost. The important thing to remember while communicating your boundaries with your client is to remain professional and polite.
  21. Hi! Great question. Here's an example of what you could say, " Hey {buyer's name}, It was great working with you and I want to make sure I have provided you with the services you were expecting. It would be super beneficial if you could leave me your honest feedback at the end of this order, and inform me in regards to any other inputs needed from my end. Creating valuable content for your business is my top priority, and your feedback is essential! Looking forward to working with you again in the near future!" "
  22. HI! No, price is not directly correlated to search position.
  23. Hi! Just jumping in to answer your question. - the change was effective since Monday, May 9. - The change only affects public reviews. - Reviews will be 2 years from your most recent review. Thanks!
  24. Haha! This piqued my curiosity so I had to look into it. I see you started in May of 2013. Ten years ago!
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