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  1. I have been on Fiverr for 5 years and hope to continue for longer. Next year allow improvements in the promotion of the GIGs. that would bring better visualization.
  2. That's weird. The platform should take an eye on those new profiles and give some priority to whose are working over here quite time ago. We have a continous workflow and clients that come back now and then. About promotion gigs feature is regular, honestly, doesn't provide clear numbers, it should be able to be shared on social media. We who are here quite time ago, can help in this improving processes. The goal is we all can grow up and keep this platform on the top rank. Although this has happened before. That is why it is important to build customer loyalty, it is a pleasure to work on each challenge and meet new customers. We will continue to work, colleagues. Thank you
  3. Hi, Thanks for the invitation, I am a long time illustrator on Fiverr. a great experience and still growing.
  4. Great, these recommendations are real. Participating in the activities offered by the platform allows you to acquire knowledge about the purpose of the platform.
  5. Hello, I have been working on the platform for four years. It has been a great experience. My recommendations or advice would be: *Be honest with the client, if you can't do something, don't offer that service.( many clients appreciate honesty). *Make it clear in the conversation what you are committed to. * you can offer brainstorming on projects that are somewhat confusing.
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