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Everything posted by misscrystal

  1. I have an outstanding gig with the negative aspect saying it was due to cancellations but in the last year there was one cancellation which happened right after the client ordered, and then said "sorry I ordered by mistake." Also my already low rate of impressions is now basically almost none since I slightly modified my oldest gig. Now nothing, no sales. I miss my work here! Funny, I thought I was very successful, what a surprise.
  2. Thank you emmaki my humorous friend! I see one factor that hurt my gig was a buyer who swore that every one of my thousands of 5 star reviews were written by me, and told me that she reported that to CS. I found out by accident that they do have a very clever way to check for fake reviews. I thought it was a new feature, until it disappeared, along with her account suddenly.
  3. Where do we see what is impacting our success score? I've looked all over and see nothing that shows that.
  4. Yesterday I added two more gigs to the three I have. Silly me, that would drag my success score down from 6 to 3! I just paused them.
  5. The gig dragging down my success score is this one. Click throughs are outperforming 96% of sellers and the conversion rate is outperforming 71% of sellers, at a starting price of $125. Repeat clients currently are at 60%. I have only had three gigs for a few years, so the same clients keep buying this well performing gig over and over. This gig has produced a couple of thousand of delighted clients over eleven years. Should I pause this extremely successful time tested gig to improve my success score? Something seems off to have a gig like this considered a poorly performing gig. This gig has a success score of only 4. It's been my steady earning gig for eleven years.
  6. Hi emmaki and coedelion, good to see you both again! I'm now earning less than I did when I started on fiverr eleven years ago. I do have repeat clients showing up still at least. I've been a total workaholic at fiverr for all this time, putting in seven days a week every month and even answering inquiries from my hospital bed at one time, and feel bad about this crumbling of a once successful business. While it seems reasonable that fiverr wants an automated system to weed out the bad sellers, my successful track record here is being treated like a dismal failure. There unfortunately is such a thing as bad buyers on fiverr and I had two in the past year. Of course an automated system isn't interested in the times like this when bad buyers come along.
  7. A gig with over 1,200 reviews and only 3 of them are one star shouldn't be low rated. I have to wonder at the private reviews because they don't reflect the succuss of the gig, the messages I get from happy clients, nor the amount of repeat orders I get on that gig.
  8. Here is a screenshot of the metrics for my low success score gig:
  9. I'm not one to complain BUT: My feel good gig for basically happy people is rated a 9 on the success score and my gig that gets some clients who are in a bad place emotionally is the low scoring one. That gig that scores 9 is my worst seller of my gigs. However the low scoring gig is converting better than 71% of others in the category and has a click through rate of 96%. My gigs have a repeat client rate of 60% and it is the LOW SUCCESS SCORE GIG THAT HAS THE REPEAT CLIENTS. All my gigs are high dollar. So to have that gig that is low rated be the big earning gig for the past eleven years be the one that I could pause, to increase my success score, seems to be truly a serious mistake somewhere in the system. I will keep that low success score gig that has for so many years produced the bulk of my earnings It clearly should be rewarded, not thrown into the dustbin, nor moved out of sight of buyers.
  10. Hello friends, that makes sense, thanks. Good to see you here again! I have another thread here btw:
  11. I've been a successful seller on fiverr for over eleven years and have had a good number of repeat clients coming back -- without any suggestions from me they do so I may add -- of around 60%. I was a Top Rated Seller for over six years. I'm now a level one seller. I can't complain. I've done good work here and am proud of my record. I've put in seven days a week and taken off only about three or four times in all these years. Although my sales volume has drastically gone down as a level one seller I intend to continue to provide the level of service to my clients that I always have with very fast and thorough communications and order deliveries.
  12. I see now on gigs that older reviews are shown first and reviews are not in chronological order. Also the highlighted reviews which we could select, to display our best ones under our gig image, are gone. There used to be the option buyers had to click on newer reviews being shown in order of when they were left. Buyers don't get an accurate idea of when the most recent orders were if they see reviews from previous months first. Any explanations for this, or comments on this change, are appreciated.
  13. Probably true… however I am in the same situation sometimes when I am at a hotel for instance in a foreign country but I never connect on their wifi or anything like that … for extra safety I prefer to buy a local sim card … Using a wifi connection from a hotel or anywhere else is probably ok ( I don’t know for sure ) but I wouldn’t risk it , I’m obsessed with my account. It’s risky I agree. I will need to find out how to make it more secure. I don’t trust VPN’s either.
  14. You are missing the entire point. I don’t hope to get a $30 tip. I don’t hope to get any tip. I am simply talking about my experience with tips and the motivations behind tipping. I’ve been here a long time, and noticed a distinct change in how people tip when they changed that wording and added the service fee to tips. It’s had the opposite effect they had hoped in my experience although others might have a different experience.
  15. It’s the wording that is the problem. People enjoy giving tips and among Americans at least it’s a custom for lots of things. Yes they are being told it’s customary when that seems like a forced obligation, and it takes away the pleasure in tipping people get. It needs to be given freely. It’s pressuring clients to give a tip which kills the entire experience. I used to get large tips about one third of the time. Now it’s not that common to get any tip and if I do it’s usually only 15%. Maybe that’s just my own experience, but I keep wondering why fiverr does it this way. Imagine going into a restaurant, and on the check before you pay you see the sentence: It’s customary to give a tip. People would be outraged and not tip due to that.
  16. Taking 20% of the tip like anything else we sell is fine but the service fee discourages tipping. It should be treated like the extras. When someone chooses to get an additional extra they don’t pay an additional service fee. the service fee has cut way down on tippinglisting the percentages of tips to choose from, 10%, 15% etc., limits the size of the tips we get.Before if I sold a service for $100 I might get a $30 tip. That is now cut in half when people see the percentages listed for them. While someone might have no problem giving a 30 tip, when they see it's 30% that sounds like it's too much so they tip 15. I kept wondering why I was getting such small tips until I saw that the percentages are now listed for clients. Bad move.
  17. Regarding tipping: I used to get a lot of large tips, sometimes almost as much as the price of the order. By limiting buyers and offering them set tip prices such as 10%, 15%, it also limits the amount of the tips I get. People who would be inclined to leave me a tip of $40 for example now see the range of tip prices pre selected and feel like they should only tip 15%. Before they didn’t think in percentage terms. They are limiting the amount of tips. They need to test saying simply Would you like to leave a tip? How much? Your tip will not have an additional service fee___________ (Extras don’t have an additional service fee so I’m not sure why tips need one.)
  18. I don’t know if this is the reason but you are using Starbucks and Burger King logos as your main images. This is not a good idea as those are owned by those companys for their use exclusively. Do not use other companys logos in your gigs.
  19. Maybe fiverr wants buyers to know that the days of only $5 services are over and they should expect to spend more. The prices here, in 2020, are still only a fraction of what people would normally pay in most cases. Seven dollars is not a lot of money.
  20. You can try f.flux a free app which you can set to come on when you want it to. It dims the screen. It’s been very helpful to me.
  21. For me, it shows on orders that are marked complete or reviewed only. For the other orders it is not available. Most of my orders have it.
  22. @alyonagrapie There are options when someone is searching for the type of gig they want. We call these “filters”. There is a filter to choose those sellers who offer commercial rights as an option.
  23. I used the main words in your title: compose music for animated video It’s important to try to use keywords you think the most people will use when they look for what they want.
  24. Hi, you’re in the top row for your keywords: top row1818×744 326 KBI’m not sure why you aren’t getting orders, unless most people aren’t searching for those keywords. (compose music for animated video)
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