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Posts posted by vishdrawings

  1. I do have just one question unrelated to this topic though. What is fiverr's policy for selling AI generated art? Since topic of licensing AI art is still up for debate, can people sell AI generated art on the platform at this time?

    [mod note: post split//moved/merged into relevant topic.]

    • Like 14
  2. 1 hour ago, editors_picks said:

    how can we help you more with your issues in the platform, this is part of the reasons why our team is existed. Please send us a DM via the Fiverr Inbox in order to properly try and support you. 

    There's no need, I already talked to the customer support a long time ago and got all the answers I needed.

    If you want some insight on the issues in the platform you can just go through this very thread and comments from users who have raised their concerns over removal of buyer's request.

    As for me, the last time I talked to the customer support I haven't had any matches, so my questions were based on that. But I did get matches later ( even though they were wrong matches ) so I have no new questions for you.

    • Like 6
  3. Don't believe any of the BS about briefs from any user who is level 2 or above since matching algorithm won't work for you as it works for them because of their high level and/or premium features. You can check if their suggested "methods" work if you want to, or you can just look at all the comments from sellers that have same level as you and what problems they are facing and how these methods "helped" them.

    The bottom line is, anyone you see here who is advocating for briefs ( despite it's long list of blunders ) is in the position to benefit from it. You just have to ask yourself one simple question before following anything, which is, Are you in a similar position as that person? Because everything on fiverr is governed by the stats and that includes brief matching too.

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  4. image.png.8386a543bfea3eb2a401ae402b191d21.png

    @markp What you said is similar to the answer customer support gave at this matter. But since we as a user can't tell what factors are being used by the developers, we can only see the results of said algorithm. And the result is currently as you quoted from my reply ( based on the comments of other people on this forum having different levels ).

    6 hours ago, jonbaas said:

    I'm hearing a lot of complaining from you. Please do less of it. 

    You still didn't get the irony in that? All I did so far is repeating your words to you 😄

    6 hours ago, visualstudios said:

    No they are not. Nobody said in this thread that briefs are the best thing ever. They are not, briefs are garbage. Just like buyer requests are garbage. Again - I get a TON of briefs. I don't want them. So I deactivated the feature, because it's just a time waster. 

    Nobody in this thread, surely. But I am talking about those who came here stalking me from that other thread. All three of them ( not catwriter ) were trying to sell how good briefs are compared to BR on that thread, even though they claimed it themselves that most of the matches they get are wrong and how they don't use/need it. 😄 

    When I asked about how there were no sub-categories to chose from in "game art" when I posted a brief ( not being specific enough is probably one of the reason of getting wrong matches I think ) that vickiespencer even tried to falsify the data by posting screenshots from a completely different category. 

    Literally her first comment on this thread is false since I never once said that level 1 don't get matches in any of my comments on any thread  😄 

    6 hours ago, visualstudios said:

    Repeat after me - good clients and good deals do not come from buyer requests or briefs. Good clients will contact good sellers directly, you don't need to apply to anything.

    Of course I agree. Most of the BR were low budget grunt work if not repeat requests and self promotion. But It did help many new sellers get their first order and review. With briefs, that option is gone that's why you can see so many inquires from new sellers. 

    So you can understand why so many new sellers are asking for Buyer's Request but what's really funny is how these TRS are fighting tooth and nail for Briefs that they are coming over from other threads even after one week. 😄 




    • Like 1
    • Confused 2

    1 hour ago, vibronx said:

    "I wish I could be as smart as you, brother. You have really hit the nail on the head here, and you should be proud of yourself for knowing more about the Fiverr platform than Top Rated Sellers and other experienced members. You really did your homework! Bravo!

    As a buyer on Fiverr, I'm really just so heartbroken that I'll now be missing out on all the hundreds of spam offers I used to receive in BRs from people who didn't read my request. I weep, and I weep for the loss all us buyers have suffered, and I curse the briefs for having taken this paradise away from us!"

    Isn't this your reply to the topic where @vickiespencer was trying to tell me how briefs are better as she posted a request and matched with a level 1 and level 2 sellers ( something she quoted here too ) and I was telling her about what I found when I posted THREE briefs and what I found?

    I am not that proficient in understanding sarcasm but clearly your comment was not for praising Buyer's requests, then WHY IS THIS YOUR pitch on a topic where we were discussing benefits of Briefs? People were talking about getting wrong matches/unrelated match and spams/self promotion in the briefs my dude. I was talking about how "as a buyer" the briefs force you to go for higher budget in order to get matches ( I even posted screenshots ) and the spams/ wrong matches are still there so regular search on fiverr is better.

    Why you leaving out the context BROOOOOOOO, why?

    1 hour ago, vibronx said:

    You're on a public forum, friend. 😭

    Yes and following someone on public forums for no obvious reason, that's exactly what stalking is,  friend. 😭

    52 minutes ago, vibronx said:

    My comments to you are more about not being able to comprehend how someone can have such a horrendous attitude toward more experienced sellers and the answers they give you (and be so much of a whiner). And now you've started lying, too. You really are a gem.

    Sorry if you found my attitude horrendous, I match the vibes of the person I am talking to in my replies to them. I even use the words they used to make it even more apparent 😄




    38 minutes ago, catwriter said:

    "Go around on different threads"? Err, it's called participating in conversations.

    And the fact that I didn't use BR doesn't mean I know nothing about it. I did check it out from time to time, for various reasons. I even tried BRs at the very beginning. And then gave up on them because there was rarely anything of interest there.

    Your conversation ( and of the others who followed me here ) on every thread starts with "never used it" to "Tried it out from time to time" to "I have the experience of using it hence what I said is correct and what you said is wrong" ( This last one is not for you it's for @vickiespencer who quotes I matched with level 1 and level 2 everywhere ).

    38 minutes ago, catwriter said:

    You did complain about neither you nor your level 2 friend getting matches. 

    Yes,  but did you also read the next line though? Why omit it?  

    My next line was "my gigs are very generic and there are hundreds of others doing the same thing so it's easy for the AI to not match me, plus I work only on holidays"

    But my level 2 friend's profile comes on first page in fiverr search, gets inquiries/orders consistently but still hasn't gotten match. To which TRS response was to update SEO and keywords etc. Which I told him, I told the same to others on different thread where no one was replying to them and to @strategist_ceo here.

    38 minutes ago, catwriter said:

    Anyway, if not getting matches is not a problem for you, why are you even discussing this? Why does it matter to you?

    Actually, never mind. No need to answer that. It looks like you're mostly here to argue with everyone who disagrees with you

    IT ISN'T. that's why I stopped commenting on that topic about a week ago 😄

    It's you and the other three who followed me here to "discuss". I am just replying to you because I find it rude not to reply at all. 


    38 minutes ago, catwriter said:

    while repeatedly misunderstanding what more experienced sellers are saying, and I've got more interesting stuff to do.

    Look at my latest reply to the new seller who was asking the same question ( who no one replied to btw ), Isn't that EXACTLY what you and the experienced sellers were saying? It didn't take 5 pages.

    I have a very small comment per day limit, you make about four times the number of comments than me just to say the same thing. I don't think you have actually got more interesting stuff to do 😄


    • Like 4
  6. On 12/18/2022 at 9:51 AM, strategist_ceo said:

    I set my brief rates at $500. I believe that may be the reason why. 

    But that's not the point. I joined Fiverr AFTER you and I'm level two. This means that you have more time to polish your account than I do, and you didn't made the most of it. On the other hand, you complain that Fiverr is biased against you without taking any action to improve your situation.


    This account joined exactly one year after you, offering similar services and is from the same country as you are. In the last twelve months he has made full use of all the tools available to him and has optimized his account properly. His last delivery is 3 days ago and currently have 2 Order in Queue.

    If you fail to make full use of the tools and resources available to you, you have only yourself to blame.

    Yes, I NEVER once said that I have a problem of not getting matches myself, @catwriter already told you about why I don't get matches. I clearly explained it multiple times over on that thread and here too. I just told you I haven't even updated my gig pics since I created the account, why would you think I said my account is "polished". I pick up the work only on holidays, that's only about a week or two worth of work in a year.

    You went through all those comments but you didn't read a single one, did you?

    I am telling YOU that instead of wasting time looking at other's profiles just so that you can argue, you should focus on your own profile since you "are on fiverr since a long time for full time", "you claim to be using the full tools available", "you have an optimized account" and "are a higher level than me" BUT STILL ARE NOT GETTING MATCHES. That's what's called FAILING. 

    You realize that you found out about your brief rate was too high ONLY because I TOLD YOU to check your own profile, otherwise you would have been busy crying around trying to find ways to argue with people. 

    • Like 6
  7. 12 minutes ago, rashed617 said:

    Then Fiverr will not give a chance to the new seller!

    Matching system is still not perfect ( according to the top rated sellers ), It still gives lots of wrong matches for the briefs and sellers end up rejecting it. Those buyers will still look for freelancers to do the job. The only good option for that is currently the normal search on fiverr. So you should focus on getting noticed in the search. Look up your own job on fiverr search and find which page your profile shows up. Try updating your gig description and title to relevant category so that the right people can find your profile, and try updating videos and gig pictures on your profile so that they click and ask you about your job. You can look up tutorials about SEO optimization if you want, I don't know much about it myself. 

    • Like 3

    1 hour ago, jonbaas said:

    Most new sellers just responded to BR with untargeted copy-paste spam, and then expected those spam offers to result in a flood of orders. That's not how the BR section was designed to operate. Sending random spam is the epitomy of not doing any work.

    Only if you call wisdom and truth, hypocracy.

    Congratulations, now you are doing the spamming with the new AI technology since the briefs don't match most of the time ( according to the TRS ) 😄 I think getting matches and then not doing the work is also called NOT doing work, since buyers gets to see one or two matches at a time ( which is you ) and you are not doing the work ( since it's not actually what you do ) hence no work is done.

    Only if you deny the facts and call truth, hypocrisy. ( which you are doing by calling others entitled and yourself "my right" for doing the same thing since level dictated the number of BR visible and number of offers you can send in the old system too )

    1 hour ago, jonbaas said:

    I've been a successful seller on Fiverr, for many more years than you. In fact, I was around, as a seller, during the first version of Fiverr.... when everything was limited to $5 services. I've seen, and followed many rules on Fiverr since them. And, as a wise seller, I neither recommend, nor challenge anyone to break those rules.

    So you are saying buyer's request was against the rules? If not, why are you against the people who used buyer's request when it was part of fiverr. You are against one service model and pro another when you claim to have used neither.

    1 hour ago, jonbaas said:

    Amen to that! Far too many new sellers seem to think that they know how everything works. If they did, they'd have a queue full of orders. 😛 

    If everyone knew everything, why would there be any need for questions? I just find it funny that those who claim they have queue full of orders are so diligently defending their free meal ticket that is briefs ( even jumping in from other threads, right @vibronx? ), because buyer's request was basically the same but it actually took some effort from your side. 😄

    15 hours ago, vibronx said:

    It must be exhausting to keep crying about something that's not gonna be changed. I've never used BRs (except as a buyer--which is a horrible experience, btw), and I doubt I'll ever use briefs. So, I don't like BRs, and I have no opinion about briefs.

    But I guess I'm still one of those idiotic Top Rated Sellers, so my opinion wouldn't matter, anyway. 

    But your opinion about BR was " horrible experience" and about briefs was " the best" just a few days ago, how did it go from best to no opinion.

    Is this also one of those things where you claim to have never used it but you still "have the most experience" about it, even more than those who do use it? 😄

    16 hours ago, vibronx said:

    I just know that it's healthier to focus on things you can actually change instead of arguing with everyone who has more experience and a different opinion than you.

    I think so too, so STOP FOLLWING ME from different threads. You jumped in on my conversation in that other thread and you jumped in here too. If you actually believe in anything you just said then at least act like it.


    15 hours ago, vickiespencer said:


    I am sorry, I can't respond to comments like this separately since I CAN'T SPAM comments like you TRS, because of the daily limit on number of comments. Kind of like BR don't you think? 😄


    15 hours ago, visualstudios said:

    I'm one of those TRS that gets sent a ton of briefs. Do you want them? I'll gladly give them to you, I had to deactivate them because they were always trash and were cluttering my notifications. Didn't get a single order from them.

    But your fellow TRS are saying it's the best thing ever, what's there not to like? 😄  Maybe they can tell you how it's the best, like they are trying to tell others.

    15 hours ago, strategist_ceo said:

    Many people do SEO work themselves. Optimizing is not difficult either... many good tips in the forum.

    By having a properly optimized profile

    Once again, thank you for your advice. This is the same advice TRS gave me and I think it would work ( not in getting matches though

    but getting noticed in fiverr search ). That's why I passed this advice along to that other person who wasn't getting any reply from anyone.

    I would like to advise you to do the same since you are higher level than me, have multiple active gigs, think that your gigs are well polished but still are not getting matches.

    15 hours ago, strategist_ceo said:

    I do not need to waste time complaining about something that does not concern me.

    Maybe it's just easy to be a cry baby.

    But isn't that exactly what you are doing though? You are snooping around on different threads, looking at which threads I responded to, doing all the exhausting work of going through the comments and in the end posted the EXACT SAME thing to which I already agreed with you in literally my first reply to you.

    14 hours ago, catwriter said:

    We do know about it (hard not to, people kept talking about it on the forum over and over and over again), and we kept explaining it to all the newbies who asked.

    So all of you just go around on different threads, pretend to not know/need/use the option and then explain your "experienced advise" about how to use it?

    I didn't tag you here, yet I see three of you from that other thread doing the same charade here. This @vibronx guy is saying he "doubts he will ever use Briefs" yet he was literally writing essays on benefits of briefs over BR in the last thread 😄





    • Like 7
  9. On 12/16/2022 at 3:31 PM, catwriter said:

    He wouldn't, because he never depended on them to get orders.

    Of course, he doesn't depend on it, you never needed it, the TRS never used it but still for some reason everyone is unanimously against buyers requests ( which they never used ) and pro briefs ( which they claim they don't use ), very interesting

    On 12/16/2022 at 9:32 PM, vickiespencer said:

    Ahh, well, I will repeat what I told you in another thread. 

    Fiverr matched me with level one and two sellers when I placed a brief to find services. You seem to insist that Level one sellers are not getting briefs when they are. 

    Thank you for that, I would like to repeat my reply from that thread too. I also posted THREE briefs with exactly same description but different budgets. The one with lower than fiverr's suggested budget didn't get any match outright, the one with closer to lowest suggest budget was posted but didn't get any match, the one with higher budget got matched with level 2 seller who was a wrong match. I also posted screenshots of my findings unlike you.

    And there are hundreds of new sellers asking the exact same question of not getting matches, plus I never once said that level 1 sellers don't get matched.

    You seem to insist on withholding the data that doesn't suit you.

    On 12/17/2022 at 4:19 AM, jonbaas said:

    I don't get "free matches". I'm a seller who has earned the right to get FREE matches

    Nice 😄

    On 12/17/2022 at 4:19 AM, jonbaas said:

    Great sellers don't rely on things being given to them for free.

    Do I sense a bit of jealousy from you? 

    But you are against buyer's request which required work ( sorting through all posted jobs and sending offers ) and pro briefs ( which matches based on keywords, seller stats and  level and doesn't require you to do anything hence are essentially free job offers ) even though you claim to never rely on or use either. And think who worked to get order through BR are entitled/golden meal ticket but those getting the same via matches from AI without going through all that aren't?

    Do I sense a bit of hypocrisy from you? 😄

    On 12/17/2022 at 4:19 AM, jonbaas said:

    Well, I guess, since that's against the rules, we'll never know. 😉 

    I think you can, you are just refusing to learn  😉

    On 12/17/2022 at 12:09 AM, strategist_ceo said:

    So far, I haven't gotten a single match as a level 2. So you can be sure that I didn't get any benefit from this matching system, either.

    I visited your gig profile "create art assets for your game"; you could have made better use of the 1,200 characters available, used proper tags, and matched the title of your gig with the category you placed yourself in.

    If you have a more polished account, I may be interested in engaging you in this conversation. But since your account is so loosely constructed, there's no one else to blame if you aren't getting matches.

    Thank you for that analysis, I have already explained in detail why I think I have not received any matches you can ask @catwriter or visit that thread for yourself. My comment is about new sellers and for new sellers who are looking of answers. I haven't even changed my gig pics since I created this account. Even though I suggested others to do seo optimization and keyword changes ( which is not my idea, it's just something the TRS has suggested ) I don't know how to do it myself since that is not my field.

    But your profile says you are a "business strategist" and devise "wining plans for growth" yet you being a level 2 ( lower chance than TRS but still higher chance of getting matches than level 1 ) haven't received any match either? Does that mean your profile has worse optimization and is less polished than mine? 😄

    On 12/17/2022 at 9:09 AM, strategist_ceo said:

    He means that if I'm a new seller, with the same gig, I probably won't get a match. That's very likely... I haven't gotten a single match so far.

    Exactly! That's all I said, why all this fuss?

    On 12/17/2022 at 9:09 AM, strategist_ceo said:

    Truth being told @vishdrawings, you joined 6 months ahead of me, so you had plenty of time more time than me to use buyer requests. Yet, you seem to be behind. Is the problem really with Level 2 or TRS?

    I think @catwriter already answered that.

    My problem is with neither. Maybe all of you don't know this ( since you all claim to have never used buyer's request ) but there was a big gap in buyer's request based on seller level too. As a new seller I could see only 2-10 requests each day, as a level 1 I saw over 400 requests to chose from and send offers. Higher level means higher perks ( like more active gigs, more visibility on fiverr search, early withdrawals, etc. )Same is with briefs, TRS gets matched more often, level 2 a little less, level 1 even less ( I haven't seen any myself but I believe they do ) and I haven't seen any new seller getting any match ( based on the comments on this forum and customer support ).

    My problem is with people ( mostly TRS ) giving out false claims and sass to new sellers who are trying to start their career.

    On 12/17/2022 at 9:48 AM, catwriter said:

    I visited his profile and noticed he puts more effort into arguing than actually optimizing his few pages to bring in business.

    As a new member on this forum I get very little comment per day. I am putting my effort into raising my level here so I can reply to you . 😉 


    On 12/17/2022 at 10:54 AM, strategist_ceo said:

    After the exhausting effort to go thru his profiles :classic_ninja:


    On 12/17/2022 at 9:48 AM, catwriter said:


    Yes, it was quite exhausting to ask TRS about this topic. 😄 You can see all those long questions amounted to nothing because they kept contradicting their own statements and circling back on every topic. But it wasn't all in vain, you can see my answer for the same question to others in different threads, I basically told them exactly what TRS said and it didn't take 5 pages 😄 😄

    No one bothered to answer their question so I told them what TRS told me.

    • Like 4
    • Sad 1
  10. 9 hours ago, jonbaas said:

    No seller is entitled to briefs. If you qualify for any, they may be shown to you. If not, focus on the things that you can control -- like being a great seller.

    But aren't TRS and level 2 sellers getting free matches though ( even if the job doesn't match their gig ), seems like entitlement to me. Of course you don't have any complaints, you would have had complaints if you weren't getting free matches. 😄

    9 hours ago, strategist_ceo said:

    Since buyer request is no longer available, Fiver has become more effective for many sellers who know what they are doing.

    You mean more effective for high level sellers like TRS and level 2, since the brief feature is highly governed by seller level. I can bet if you made a duplicate of your best gig on a new account you will never get a match.

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  11. On 12/14/2022 at 7:10 PM, rashed617 said:

    No one answered...

    The new brief feature highly favors top rated sellers, as a new seller you won't be getting any matches anytime soon. Better try optimizing you gig seo and keywords to get noticed via fiverr's normal search. I haven't encountered a single new seller who got matched. Only Level 2 and TRS are getting matches at a reliable rate, so much so that their "matches" don't even match their gigs.

    • Like 2
    • Sad 2
  12. 2 hours ago, sohelrana207 said:

    I am a new seller.

    The new brief feature highly favors top rated sellers, as a new seller you won't be getting any matches anytime soon. Better try optimizing you gig seo and keywords to get noticed via fiverr's normal search to get noticed. I haven't encountered a single new seller who got matched. Only Level 2 and TRS are getting matches at a reliable rate, so much so that their "matches" don't even match their gigs.

    • Like 9
  13. On 12/8/2022 at 2:02 AM, breals said:

    In that case my answer is No.  Business have to evolve, and this is what Fiverr is doing to make itself a competitive marketplace, which is free from spammers and scammers.

    Fiverr is just doing that to squeeze as much money as possible from buyers and nothing else, since the new brief feature suggests you a budget range ( which is usually higher than what people posted on buyer's requests ) and tells you there are NO matches if you put in a lower budget. If you put in a higher budget, it matches you to a high level seller  ( e.g. TRS get matched more, level 2 get matched less times and new sellers hardly ever ) that will ask for higher price and fiverr gets more commission as a result.

    As for scammers and spamming goes, you can see how many sellers ( who do get matches ) are complaining about fake self promotion briefs and wrong matches.

    On 12/8/2022 at 2:02 AM, breals said:

    People need to embrace the change and accept that buyer briefs are the way forward. Saying that, I haven't used either, and i'm sure that the other L2, TRS and Pro freelancers are all in the same position.  We built our businesses from the bottom up through hard work and tenacity, and not relying on chance that a buyer brief/request comes our way.

    1. Different levels are NOT in the same position, hence so many queries.

    2. If you haven't used it, why are you against it without any knowledge?

    3. You built your business from bottom up doesn't mean you will oppose others who are building their business.

    Buyers request DOESN'T come your way, you have to work for it by browsing through all the posted request and sending your offer to selected buyers and talking to them, since there was a lower maximum limit to how many offers you can send if you are a new seller. They can't spam bids to everyone like TRS.

    • Like 10
  14. 23 hours ago, jeepoo said:

    Bring back buyer's request, it used to make us the starters to be busy and hopeful.

    Buyer's request is dead and you won't be getting matches any time soon if you are a new seller. Do that clickbait thing like she said and get noticed through normal fiverr search. You will get your starter orders and then it will depend on the quality of your work.

    • Like 9
    • Haha 1
  15. 20 hours ago, catwriter said:

    It also gives additional visibility to new sellers during their first month. Not to mention that it often shows a few (or more than a few) sellers with no or almost no reviews, to give them a chance. I've seen numerous complaints about that: if you filter for bestselling gigs, it should show you gigs with most sales, and yet, on the very first page, you can see gigs with zero sales.

    Yes, as I said before, fiverr search is better both from buyer's and seller's perspective now that buyer's request is dead. Briefs only caters to TRS, if you are getting matches then good for you, can't count on it though especially if your level is low.

    20 hours ago, catwriter said:

    It is, but Fiverr wants sellers to be available. In one of the webinars this years we've learned that, if you're unavailable for more than 30 days a year, your ranking will drop.

    As you can see my ratings and stats never dropped, I get inbox queries and order too and I respond to all of them even if I am not going to take the project. But I too needed Buyer's request to get that momentum when I started. Not a lot of people ask for many items to be made in the game art category anyway. It's only minor adjustments and additions to existing assets. Only big projects come from people who are developers themselves or have a coder. 

    My level 2 friend is a developer so I get projects through him since making a complete game pays A LOT more than either coding or game art can fetch separately. 😄




    • Like 8
  16. 23 minutes ago, katakatica said:

    I am not pretending.

    That was a joke, don't take it too seriously, that's why the " 😄 " emoji. As I mentioned before I edited the banner made by a TRS for a client. Lots of minor adjustments and leg work is outsourced to lower level sellers by both higher level sellers and developers. So buyer's request worked for me. My comment was, you can get better matches by regular searches now since briefs will most likely get you worse options as it is now.

    23 minutes ago, katakatica said:

    As for your level 2 friend, that IS a bit odd, honestly, but I don't think that's necessarily tied to briefs. Maybe in one year we'll be able to say for sure but I genuinely think that briefs are still changing all the time (and maybe not everyone is 'in' the system yet? 

    I found it odd too that's why I asked about it on customer support and then came here. All they had to say was get your stats like order completion/ response time etc up. But that is already at 100% so there's nothing to do there, only thing that is different is the seller level. 

    I already have level 1 ( me ), level 2 ( my friend ), TRS experience from people on this forum. I asked for what is the new seller situation like.


    23 minutes ago, katakatica said:

    I think what we're trying to say is that YES, we have it easi-ER, as higher levelled sellers, but it's still possible to 'shine' if you genuinely have the talent. Good images actually help a lot, same as descriptions (because clicks are in a way, more important than impressions, right? You want people to see you and CLICK. For that, you need a great image (not saying you don't, but I'm sure you could make them pop even more.

    Yes, getting visibility when people search a particular job is the way to go now. The option to get noticed via buyer's request is dead. If there are hundreds of people offering the same job, your profile is bound to get pushed to 3rd or 4th page where sellers won't go and there is a chance no one will even get a chance to see your Good Images. This system was already in place as regular search now briefs work on the same principle. That's why I said buyer's request is essentially dead.

    This is my last reply for the day as my limit is over, all I have done so far is repeating the content from my previous replies 😄



    • Like 8

    47 minutes ago, catwriter said:

    They can try to figure out how to stand out among countless others who offer the same service, and get direct orders instead of depending on the briefs. It can be done. @vickieitois the proof, she joined less than a year ago, her category is a very competitive one, and yet, she's thriving.

    If they could do that, there wouldn't be any need of this post in the first place now would it? And there wouldn't be so many people asking for the same. There is 1 vickieito amongst hundreds of people asking for buyers request because they need it. Don't give the same logic of "It doesn't matter that you don't have orders because I do have orders. So it doesn't qualify as a problem to me and you can't complain about it". People are complaining because there is a problem, maybe you don't have that problem but it doesn't mean others don't.

    47 minutes ago, catwriter said:

    No, the TRS advice is to stop holding onto buyer requests/briefs and start figuring out how to get noticed without them. Because that's how Fiverr was designed to work, and that's what Fiverr will support most: sellers who can stand out with outstanding work (and you can do that even before getting any reviews, with good gig description and, if you're a graphic designer, awesome gig images and an awesome portfolio).

    What good is the description and gig images if no one can see it? As I said before regular searches already shows "high quality sellers" first. That system was already in place, buyer's requests helped people get noticed. Now it is doing the same by matching TRS. Earlier the limit was on visibility of buyers request now it is on the probability of matching. So this option is essentially dead for new sellers.

    47 minutes ago, catwriter said:

    Buyer requests are dead. Briefs won't work for someone who is only available on holidays (that could be one of the reasons you're not receiving briefs; why would Fiverr want to match a buyer with someone who isn't available?).

    Of course, that is entirely possible, plus I have a very generic job so it's easy to not get matched among hundreds of profile offering the same services. "Game Art" didn't show up any sub category in briefs either so that makes for even more unrelated matches. As for being available only on holidays goes, isn't that exactly what "pausing gigs" and "set availability" option for? I don't work often but I do keep all my stats up by responding to all the inquiries in my inbox but it turns out seller level is the biggest factor in the new system.

    But keeping it all aside, as I mentioned earlier, my friend does have a unique job profile, he is level 2, comes up among top ten in regular searches and is getting orders through inbox BUT HASN'T GOTTEN A SINGLE MATCH EVER, which is perplexing. 

    47 minutes ago, catwriter said:

    I'm getting them in notifications, not in inbox. Perhaps Fiverr is testing what works better?

    As a buyer I got it in the inbox too, it mentioned that this is related to your brief but it was a regular inbox message from the seller.

    2 hours ago, katakatica said:

    I was paired with 2! level one sellers and one level two seller. Not new sellers, admittedly, but level one. I'm trying to figure out how to make a screenshot to prove you (without showing names or my inbox as that's where the messages appeared) but... it took literally two minutes. 

    You can see my screenshots from earlier replies. I posted same brief with same details and different budget ( according to the budget suggested by fiverr ). The seller I was matched with exclusively made pixel art and their first message was that they are not the right person for the job as they don't draw in the required art style. 😄 


    8 minutes ago, katakatica said:

    It's definitely imperfect but I actually like how it only matches you with 2-3 people at a time (from a buyer's perspective). It feels much easier/cleaner than having to look through 50-70 near-indentical answers like before. 

    You can see those 2-3 profiles of "high quality" sellers in regular search even more if you want to scroll the page. And it WILL match since you put the keywords in the search bar yourself instead of AI guessing it from your description. Plus there will be no self promotion fake matches either. Do not pretend to be on the buyer side when giving answers benefitting seller side. TRS stands for top rated "sellers" not top rated "buyers" 😄 

    • Like 9

    5 minutes ago, catwriter said:

    Fiverr thinks that sellers should put up higher prices, and tries to reward those who do. For example, a couple of months ago Fiverr started demanding that anyone offering full website development puts a minimum price of $80 (instead of racing to the bottom as so many do). Those who did gained more exposure for their gigs, those who didn't are becoming increasingly difficult to find in search.

    That might work for you if you are a high level seller but it won't if you are a new seller. And as someone mentioned before, the marketplace is saturated, that's why it was a race to the bottom. Increasing the price would just scare the grunt work away too.

    6 minutes ago, catwriter said:

    If they can find a TRS who offers that kind of a complex job, yes. But there are those who need several different things done within the same project (or prefer one person to handle it all because it's easier that way for them), so they post a request.

    How likely do you think is that there is seller who is offering the same several things that you want and will be matched with instead of random sellers who provide one or two of the things you asked. Regular search is still far better in my opinion, you can search for individual jobs and hire who you like most.

    10 minutes ago, catwriter said:

    You say this as if TRS are the only ones who get direct orders. And as if being a TRS guarantees having orders (it doesn't; some TRS spend quite a while without an order, and some level 2 sellers do much better than TRS).

    I am not saying it as only TRS are getting orders, I am saying it as WHAT CAN WE DO ABOUT THOSE WHO AREN'T GETTING ANY MATCHES DESPITE HAVING GOOD STATS BUT LOW LEVEL.

    8 minutes ago, katakatica said:

    Between the four of us, we've probably written around 30 (if not more) posts to directly AID new sellers on Fiverr. If you add all the others who helped, there's literally hundreds of posts!

    Let me repeat the TRS idea of help once again for you.

    1. What do we do if there are no matches - train the AI by rejecting and accepting the matches.

    2. How can I get new orders now that seller can't send offers and briefs won't match them - It's a good thing that you are not getting matches because we the TRS are getting matches ( so many that we don't even use )😄

    The tips and tricks you mentioned worked for you, then it's good. Maybe some who is getting at least a few  matches can benefit from it. My dislike is growing because you are literally trying to tell people who are asking for how they can get orders that it is a good thing that TRS get orders and you don't. Your narrative goes like, I don't need buyer's request but you will not use it either.

    20 minutes ago, katakatica said:

    Do you know the last few months of creative/game writing BR?

    As I said before I reworked ALL the sprites in paper mario game for 15$ as my first orders, do you have any idea how many sprites is that? But I had to do it to get my first order/review. Later when I levelled up I got paid 20$ to re-color one character's cheek on a game banner, took me 5 sec max. That initial boost helped me charge better prices. The buyer still paid me, you know why? Because he had a TRS make that banner for them and a revision from TRS would have costed him even more.

    25 minutes ago, katakatica said:


    No one is making false claims. Briefs are NEW and the experience they give everyone might still be different but if you look on the forum you WILL see that lower levelled sellers HAVE gotten briefs.

    I have posted proof of whatever I found, I am still waiting for yours.

    27 minutes ago, katakatica said:

    However, when you're on the site for years, at some point you need to fend for yourself and be able to attract buyers in the actual marketplace. You can't just constantly hunt for buyers.

    I know, that's why I was asking about "NEW SELLER" situation who are NOT on the platform for years. I am not a new seller.

    29 minutes ago, katakatica said:

    Everyone can do that - as an artist  there's so much MORE you can offer. Want more briefs / orders in general? Diversify. Seriously. You clearly have the talent so why not show it in different ways? 

    Stop blaming others and the lack of BR because likely, little has to do with it. 

    I literally asked ONE simple thing, is buyer's request dead, if yes what is the situation of briefs. If it is dead, one can focus on something else. Buyer's request worked for me because I work only on holidays, so I could look up what work was available at that time and do it instead of some buyer asking me in the inbox about a job that I can't do because I don't have free time at that moment.

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  19. 9 hours ago, vickieito said:

    I'm actually very grateful to hear from @katakatica, @vickiespencer, @vibronx, and @catwriter

    I am not, because as I said before their "solution" is similar to saying "if you are homeless, just buy a house". If there are no matches, there is not training the AI either. Plus the TRS are putting out false claims and denying proofs right away because the brief system is beneficial to them while buyer's request was not.

    9 hours ago, vickieito said:

    "Quality" does not depend on a sellers level, although if you are high-quality you should be able to progress through the levels fairly quickly, even without Buyer Request or Buyer Briefs. Based on my experience, no one should depend on Buyer Briefs as a main source of orders.

    But it does matter, if you can compare the number of matches between each level to any one of these TRS for the same type of gig you will see WHY so many new sellers are complaining about it. If someone completes only a few odd jobs and within good time, their stats will be 100% but it still isn't getting matches.

    2 hours ago, catwriter said:

    It's not benefiting them much. @vickiespencersays she got a total of 3 orders from briefs so far. She got many many many more direct orders.

    It's not benefitting them CURRENTLY as AI is matching them incorrectly. She gets many more direct orders meaning she didn't need buyer's request anyway. So it's up by 3 from zero extra orders.

    2 hours ago, catwriter said:

    The new sellers can (and do) get orders directly, too. I got my first orders directly, and so did many others. BR was more of a crutch.

    I know, my first order was through inbox too. I had to edit sprites for an entire modern mario game just for 15$. I am talking about those who don't get noticed, this first order and review allows to ask for better prices in the future.

    2 hours ago, catwriter said:

    Think of it this way: the want buyers to pay sellers better (instead of demanding the moon and the stars and a whole month of work for $5), and they want their sellers to get more money for all the hard work they put in.

    But that's not the case now is it, they are simply asking buyers to pay better TO the sellers who are asking for more already not the ones who are being underpaid. TRS rates are already higher than some new seller on account of their level/skill/experience doesn't matter if you go there directly or by matches.

    2 hours ago, catwriter said:

    In some cases, they can't easily find what they need (for more complex jobs, and that's where buyer requests/briefs were meant to come in, and since it's about more complex jobs, the budget should be higher, too), and in other cases, they wanted to save time so they posted a request...and mostly got spam.

    Have you ever been to buyer's request section? Most jobs are small jobs and grunt work ( and spam of course ) for which seller level doesn't matter much hence they post it on buyer's request because it doesn't matter who does it as long as it is cheap. If someone had a complex or important work to get done wouldn't they go to a professional or in this case TRS, isn't that why TRS have direct orders in the first place. More complex the job means long description and hence more wrong matches.

    • Like 8
  20. 6 hours ago, vickiespencer said:

    @catwriter is not a TRS, and I have other Fiverr friends I am in contact with in DMs who are getting them and they are not TRSs either.

    @vickiespencerAnd I have seen so many sellers on this very forum saying that they are NOT getting them. Whatever matches catwriter is getting I bet it is way less than TRS since it is about the pushing buyers towards higher budgets as I showed you before.

    6 hours ago, vickiespencer said:

    Matches based on the description the buyer writes. That is not the AIs fault. 

    Yes, it's not the AI's fault it is the fault of the people who thought that instead of choosing the search tags to get matched ( same tags the sellers put in their gigs ) picking up keywords from the description will match better.


    6 hours ago, vickiespencer said:

    Nope, I looked at your gigs and chose categories where I thought a buyer might look. 

     I have 3 active gigs, 2 of which are related to "game art", the tag I mentioned to you when I asked the question and you chose the 3rd one which has never received any order?

    6 hours ago, vickiespencer said:

    My oh my, you look at the negative in all situations, don't you? 

    I am sorry, I didn't think of it that way. Now I get what you were trying to say. "Why must these poor peasants ask for bread, they must rejoice that their queen has a new gold crown" 😄

    6 hours ago, vibronx said:

    As a buyer on Fiverr, I'm really just so heartbroken that I'll now be missing out on all the hundreds of spam offers I used to receive in BRs from people who didn't read my request. I weep, and I weep for the loss all us buyers have suffered, and I curse the briefs for having taken this paradise away from us!

    @vibronxSsshhh man, quiet down or your cover will be blown and everyone will know it's the TRS in you that's talking 😄 As for buyers, you can see on this very post how many people are saying they are still getting self promotion fake briefs and wrong matches.

    I showed you literally one comment ago how simple search resulted better profiles or "high quality sellers" as you say it than the briefs.

    6 hours ago, catwriter said:

    I never said it was good, just that it's possible to get briefs no matter the level. And I'm not benefiting from it at all. I don't get orders from briefs. I get orders directly. I've never depended on buyer requests to get orders either, not even as a brand new seller.

    @catwriterI am not saying you said it either, I am saying TRS are adamant on saying it is better because it is benefitting them the most. You can guess who is TRS from their replies. The new sellers needed it to get started since high level sellers get orders directly and appear in regular searches. 

    I tagged you in the same comment because I wanted to show you what I found, since I have very little comment per day limit as a new member and I can't spam the forum with replies to everyone like the TRS.

    6 hours ago, catwriter said:

    And do you know why the new sellers see fewer requests? Back in the day, a new seller could see as many requests as leveled sellers...and they spammed them with "ordr plz" and similar nonsense, whether they were capable of doing the job or not. That's why the limitation was introduced.

    Yes, the limit was there to stop the spammers in buyer's request option and now the buyer's requests go to TRS as matches. Neither my comment is going to bring back buyer's request nor it would change the AI, I came here just for information and I am just quoting what I found.


    5 hours ago, katakatica said:

    Are we really though? Or do we just think that the BR system was heavily flawed? I haven't had a single order from briefs yet (still training the AI) but I also haven't gotten offers from BR since like.. 2020 I want to say? 

    @katakatica that's what I said, TRS didn't need buyer's requests in the first place. You have completed orders to get to your level because you are already visible in the market, are getting orders and completing it. Why are you commenting about buyer's request if you didn't use or need it anyway? Maybe that 5$ helped some new seller to get a good review and rating to get better work in the future.

    5 hours ago, katakatica said:

    They just want better matches and higher quality stuff go be sold. More money in the long run, right?

    At least you are honest, it IS about making more money. Giving buyers a higher budget bracket to choose from and pushing them towards the high end by saying that lower budgets didn't get any matches. How will it affect new sellers and buyers in the long run I can't tell. 

    • Like 8
  21. 13 hours ago, vickiespencer said:

    You are adamant about proving briefs are bad to the point of making false assumptions about briefs. 

    @catwriter @vickiespencer Now that I have done all this research let me tell you about what I have found.

    This new brief system is just a cash grab to push buyers to the higher side of budgets.

    Only people who are saying this is working are high level sellers like you who are adamant on proving this is good because YOU are benefitting from it even though you mentioned it yourself that it gives you wrong matches all the time. 

    Now that I have given you all the proof, you can see all the assumptions I made are In fact correct. You are the one defending it to the point of making false claims. Buyers request were a way for new sellers to get noticed because they don't show up in searches as easily as the ones with higher levels and ratings. Now it caters only to top level sellers because they can squeeze more money from clients for the same job on the account of their high level.

    Even your comment about new sellers being spammers is objectively false since low level sellers can send low number of bids/offers per day compared to higher levels and the buyer requests visible to them is also considerably low. i remember being able to see 3-10 buyer's request per day as a new seller and 400+ when I became level 1.

    In conclusion anyone who is saying briefs works are high level seller themselves with their own vested interest. Buyer's request are dead for everyone else, New sellers won't get noticed hence won't get orders to level up and won't get matched Because they didn't level up.



    • Like 9
  22. 13 hours ago, vickiespencer said:

    I found a lot of sub categories. 

    You deliberately chose a different category than what I mentioned because what I said was true, didn't you? 😄

    Anyway here's the proof


    13 hours ago, vickiespencer said:

    Although I could not post a brief for $5, I could post a Brief for as low as $10. So what are you talking about here? I would not consider $10 as "set to the higher side".
    As I said, I was matched with sellers from level 1 and level 2. The offers varied from $10 to $30 and my budget was higher. 


    You can see the budget mentioned by them here. I posted three briefs with few hours interval in between.

    1. Brief lower than mention budget didn't get matched outright.

    2. Brief on the lower side of budget was posted but didn't get matched

    3. Brief on the higher side of budget got matched within an hour, and guess what? To a wrong seller 😄


    But if you search the same keyword "GAME ART" on regular fiver search ( since the brief had me put only that too ). You can see how many sellers much lower than the fiverr's budget are shown, and with good stats too or good standing with fiverr as you said.


    • Like 8
  23. 12 hours ago, vickiespencer said:

    How would did you get that misinterpretation from what I said? 

    I didn't, that was rhetorical. As I said earlier anyone who is in good standing with fiverr as you said it, WILL be automatically high level because level depends on rating and order completion too etc.

    12 hours ago, vickiespencer said:

    Yes, they but the same can also be valid for level 1 and 2 sellers.

    Theoretically yes, but practically it isn't as evident by so many people complaining about not getting matches. ALL the people that are saying that brief system works are top level sellers like you.

    Your "solution" is like that girl from memes saying, if you are homeless why don't you just buy a house.

    13 hours ago, vickiespencer said:

    The written description for each brief is as involved or as vague as the buyer wishes to make it. How can you make the statement above when it changes for every buyer who creates a brief?

    I made that statement based on the information you provided. Since there are less options to select from the category and sub category drop down menu, fiverr AI is searching for keywords from the description, hence making incorrect matches.

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