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Everything posted by emmaki

  1. Oh, your value for money problem is easy to solve. Your target market is basically kids. Kids don't have a lot of money and don't like spending it. They may also be able to get the fortnite character drawn for free by some AI or another. Your service won't make them money. I wouldn't expect to be made TRS with the Fortnite stuff either. That's dancing on the borders of copyright/IP violation... Fiverr reviews are subjective. Help yourself to win half the battle by not targeting a broke and selfish audience that resents spending money. (in general). Oh, their parents buy it? Pester power... That's also a young and broke audience, and there's no "may" about the lying about age. Your service is a luxury, a treat. What are you doing to make it feel like a luxury treat? Probably not enough, because your price point is too low to waste time on delivering the gold standard service that the new review system demands. OTOH, I can drop $100 off the price of my gig and dial up my service to 1000% without blinking an eye (but I will moan about it, of course; I'm British) - knowing that I will help my client to make money and that the temporary loss is future profit from a return customer. There's plenty to of things Fiverr is doing wrong, but we should also be careful to look at where our own strategies are failing. Mostly because the new system will absolutely destroy anyone who fails to take stock and adapt. My new strategy is simply to lock my door and pick my clients (among other things).
  2. I hope Fiverr staff are taking notes here. This is exactly what I was talking about in my enormous post on page 6. Behind all the chintz and smiles of the product release is a lot of pain and suffering. I stand in solidarity with you, @cheftychefty! Not that it will help much, but y'know.
  3. One of many reasons I am not a consultant on Fiverr. Besides, half of the reason consultants exist in The Real World is to implement all the awkward bad things that the company wants to do, but doesn't want to get the blame for. Consultants swan in, ruin everything, swan out, and c-exec throws their hands in the air saying "Oh no! We never thought this would happen!" as the underlings are in uproar at the complete ineptness of their highers and supposed betters. See also: career CEOs who are absolutely awful at their job but suspiciously keep getting new CEO jobs at companies just before takeovers or other "economic activity" beneficial to shady people in the background. Sadly, Fiverr buyers do not tend to come with the skulduggery and just want good, honest advice - or worse, what they want to hear. And I can already tell you from personal experience that if you tell buyers what they don't want to hear - even if it's the truth - you'll get a mean private review and a nastygram from Fiverr telling you that your performance has slipped. All made the more amusing when, a few months later, the same client comes back saying "you were right actually" WELL OF COURSE I WAS RIGHT! Tchah. I no longer practice wide open transparency and honesty with clients if I think it will affect my scores. But that's OK, since Fiverr is a gamified mess of psychological mindgames anyway.
  4. 🚨 SERIOUS (LONG, 💤) POST ALERT 🚨 As I chewed on my lentil soup (with carrots), basking in the glow of my own natural genius and flair for the brilliant, I thought about all the things I said and felt before all the Good Things happened today. === Looking at the various responses here, you can see clearly just how the gamification works. The winners are feeling like me - relieved, happy, celebratory (someone mentioned the "exam feeling" - @priyank_mod, I think?) and are probably way less concerned about the future. That's just the winners. On the other side, you have the losers. The people who thought they were getting TRS but are now Level 0, the weird cancellation thing, and all of that stuff. Now, I can't speak to their emotional state, but I'd bet they feel crushed, demotivated, and like all their hard work is a complete waste of time. That's gamification creating intense emotional states. That's not healthy in a workplace, especially not in the new system in which Fiverr wants to make this whole thing a daily assessment. I am not against the idea of a much more stringent system that punishes the platform's worst performers. I am not against the idea of a system that means not everyone is a 5-star super seller, making it easier for buyers to find the best sellers in a category rather than staring at a wall of 5 star talent. But I am against a system that basically plays God with people's emotions. It's not healthy for seller's mental health, and eventually, that can and does translate into damaging their physical health. I should never have been placed in any doubt that I was one of Fiverr's best sellers. I should never have been put in a situation where I was worried about my future on Fiverr. Sure, I got the great points now and I'm happy with everything. That does not excuse what is essentially an abusive system. People's lives and their income are not a game. Despite this, Fiverr will not be walking this new rating and leveling system back no matter what the winners or losers say. And inevitably, over time, people will adjust to this new system, which means the complaining will pretty much slow as we adjust to <cringe> the "new normal". But this is not normal, and it is not acceptable. Fiverr's gamified systems are playing with seller health and they need to be done away with. It's okay to gamify er, games, but there are many sellers who work on Fiverr who have no other source of income. They're supporting families and God knows what else, and it's not a game for them. Yes, nobody should be relying on Fiverr as a sole source of income, but that's not really the point and distracts from Fiverr's manipulation of seller emotions and psychology in its ranking systems. It is also worth remembering that success on Fiverr often demands a total focus on Fiverr due to all the metrics, which means profiles on other freelance platforms tend to be left to wither and eventually die. The question is will Fiverr ever listen to sellers who urge them to fix these aspects of their system? Or will something truly tragic have to happen for this complaint to be taken seriously? Also, let's not forget the weird buyer review glitch where buyers are noticing their 5 stars aren't. It's fine for a big tech platform to have glitches from time to time. Expected, even. But these same glitches feed into the gamification issue: a glitch can mess up a seller's metrics, leading to demotion. It's possible that glitches work the other way round, too, but I don't think I've ever heard of one. So now you have an unfair gamification system. And if there's anything a gamer knows, a game that doesn't play by its own rules is the worst. Let me lose the game because I lack skill, not because the game bugged out or cheated me. Fiverr has heard all of these complaints a million times by now from different voices. I will give it its due; in the past few years it has made a much bigger effort to communicate with the community and be more (sigh) transparent. But it's still not listening enough, and the transparency has several light years to go. Fiverr needs to talk more and not just listen. All most of us want is a more active conversation with Fiverr where their questions are answered properly, not with soundbites and "passing this on" messages. These do not help anybody and make Fiverr look like every other soulless big tech corporation out there that tramples all over its userbase in the quest for profits. Now, I got in trouble for suggesting this might be a good idea last time (having someone actually talk to us), but I don't really care about that. I'm prepared to get in trouble again to push this as a good idea. Because it matters, and I'm prepared to go down in flames for things I think are good ideas. Although I'd really rather not, since it is now impossible to read the Fiverr forum unless one is logged in, a curious step back for openness and transparency. It's one of the reasons I'm posting again. I can't see topics without being logged in, so I must log in, and well, of course I'm gonna drop my Very Important Thoughts in places where they are unwanted (I specialize in that). This new review system does not fix the problems of the old review system or the other inherent problems that Fiverr has. All the soundbites about "our tests found that X worked" mean nothing to people who cannot see and verify those test results with their own eyes. The claims of transparency fall flat when serious issues are raised and subsequently ignored - as are requests to see the data behind statements like "people find 4.9 star reviews more trustworthy (I paraphrase). For all this talk of transparency, we find Fiverr creating a punishing new system that pushes people into purchasing Seller Plus for benefits, imagined or real. That grades everyone on their ability to communicate (in English) and drives them to use ChatGPT, causing buyers to notice the oddly monotonous replies from very different sellers - yet maybe not enough to ask the important question "do you use AI"?. After all, Fiverr threw out the requirement for transparency on that front at a time when many AI advocates - and governments - are looking towards AI transparency as a matter of ethics. Nobody's drinking the Kool-Aid here. All that's happening is that some of us are getting a joyful rush of dopamine for our "success" while others are getting crushed underfoot Fiverr's internal AI systems that only see in binary outcomes - and have no capacity to understand when it has hit a false positive. So sort it out, eh? === The lentil soup (with carrots) was very tasty, but needed more salt. I also found adding a splash of vinegar really brightened up the flavor, too. I will now go back to being flippant and about everything.
  5. Well, I just got a 5 star review. I'm having a good day. I am still tenaciously clinging onto my hate to the review system though. STOP MAKING ME TRY TO LOVE YOU. Incidentally, it took me 4 attempts to review my review. As this pop-up message appeared on my fourth eye-roll of an attempt, it went through. Also, I'm basically perfect. Normal complaining and mean words will resume once I have stopped gazing lovingly at myself in the mirror. Now, time to eat a lentil soup (with carrots) to celebrate not being demoted from TRS!
  6. @uk1000 Python is coding though, and coding is like magic and impossible for mere non-coders to get their head around without a lot of swearing and getting things wrong. Or, my favorite, watching a YT "tutorial" that promises to show you how to X as a beginner but inevitably skips multiple steps leaving you with a half-finished thing and no idea what to do next. Ask me how I know... My usual solution to this website wordcount problem is to find a very large page full of lots of words, popping it into whatever website came top of Google for the term "website word count" then slapping in the URL or a ctrl+c of the entire page, then going back to the client with the news that their rewrite will cost $quitealotofmoney according to the helpful word count pricing calculator on my gig page and providing a link to the page assessed, the gig, and the word counter. Doesn't take too long and makes the client run away very fast without checking anything. And of course I've been very helpful throughout. Why don't people love me? 😢 Apart from Fiverr's new ratings and levels system, whose love I spurn cruelly, of course.
  7. All my gigs are 10 except a failed gig (which I thought I disabled), scored at 8, which made 2 sales about 2 years ago: A buyer who loved what I wrote but rewrote the whole thing and then asked me to proofread his rewrite. I told him off (yes, I tell clients off). He changed his mind. He did not leave a public review. A cancellation from someone who wanted something I didn't do It has been tumbleweeds since then. This is proof that telling clients off is a good way to succeed on Fiverr 🙂 (please don't try this at home children)
  8. RTO = Request to Order = Buyers can't order without sending a message to the inbox first. They all have been, really. Fiverr would really benefit from one of those paid dispute arbitrations where both parties have to pay $250. I'm not sure if they still have it now but they used to do it so that if a buyer/seller started one and the other party refused to join the "court" then it was an automatic win (with no review). I think you still lost the $250 though. Worth it. But it's the sort of thing that damages the sacrosanct integrity of review systems unlike... oh, I don't know, automagically changing 5 star reviews into 4.7 star reviews by accident. It's not my first time on the N/A rodeo. But last time wasn't in the middle of all of this. Should be getting a review later today. So you know, my beautiful stats could all be destroyed before I go to bed for my final rest, far away from the worries and cares of Fiverr the world.
  9. C'mon @ssj1236. It's the release of a new rating and level system. This always causes an apocalyptic meltdown in the seller community. It's tradition!
  10. Aside from the 4.9 RUINING 😡 my perfect scores (and I am still N/A on my dashboard...), I suppose I am somewhat mollified. But don't worry, fans. I still think this is a ghastly new review system that needs serious reconsideration, so my pitchfork is still primed. I also have no idea what's going on. But I have returned from the supermarket with some carrots. Which is on topic because it matches the orange color of the thing. I'm going to make some soup now. Lentil soup (with carrots) since nobody asked. P.S. If Fiverr's counting cancelled orders from like, a long time ago, it's it seems like a good idea for sellers to buy seller plus and buy RTO. Was this entire review system little more than a fiendish plot designed to push sellers into buying SP and thus pushing up Fiverr's take to wow and woo investors? We will never know.
  11. I've just got the old dashboard. Then again, I am N/A and do not exist in Fiverr anymore 🙂 I'm going to go shopping for some shopping therapy. On my shopping list: A large packet of tissues to clean away my salty tears A huge bar of chocolate to eat my pains away A 100L box of wine to drown my sorrows Whatever nasty excuse of a rose is left over to put on my desk and mock me A CD (remember those?) filled with tragic love songs for heartbreak A copy of the Bible so I remember that God still loves me, even if Fiverr doesn't I'm going to call it the New Ratings and Level System Starter Pack for Upset Fiverr Sellers.
  12. Life is such a pain, isn't it? Your body never lets you do what you want to do. And even if you can do it, there's usually someone around to tell you that you can't do it. 💃
  13. I find going on vacation mode for months on end does wonders for me. Until I come back. Rinse and repeat.
  14. Might do Henry VIII next. Or perhaps Genghis Khan - why cut off a few wives' pretty little heads when you can leave pyramids of burning heads in your wake? Some people call that extreme. I suggest that it can be an effective method of persuasion when used correctly. NOTE: I do not condone this sort of behavior - there are far more efficient ways to badword your way through entire continents these days.
  15. I have just the script for you! I asked ChatGPT to be a disgruntled 1920s mafia leader who has had enough of the feds sticking their nose in their illicit bootlegging business (*Marlon Brando noises*). The first version was all flowers and chocolates, so I told it to dial up the menace but avoid using the word "whacked" as if talking to a business partner who wasn't paying their dues. I can't decide if I like Slightly Annoyed Mafia Boss or Playful Satan more. **NOTE**: I do not condone mafia violence against tech workers and this is all just a jolly lark.
  16. It's already happening. Last week of January Elon Musk told everyone that the first human had had Neuralink implanted in their brain - possibly still recovering and/or now a terrible failed experiment to be brushed under the corp carpet. Combine that technology with something like the Apple Vision. Now combine that with upcoming generations yet to be born who think all of this is normal. Throw in future advances with genetic stuff and the world's essentially going to be a place full of rich people with perfect everythings and the rest of humanity living in some sort of hunger games environment. So the same as today, really, just with more flashy technology and even less jobs. OTOH, there was an auto-taxi burning (Waymo) in San Francisco last night. That sort of thing is probably going to increase in the future too. Of course, taking care of it won't be a problem with nightmare military tech like bee-sized Black Mirror drones making sure citizens are not having Bad Thoughts and social credit systems in place to keep all but the most rebellious complaint with the technological overlords of our future. And everything will be a subscription service riddled with ads. Fiverr's just ahead of the curve with its new ratings and leveling system if you think about it, really. It seems like nobody likes my ChatGPT love letter game 😞
  17. It's really good at ordering pizzas and scheduling your Google calendar from the promo videos. I couldn't tell you what it does exactly because I went for a cup of tea and missed all the fun. I only asked it to research something. It basically took over my browser and opened up a bunch of tabs and read them, telling me what it was doing. But beware! If you go for a cup of tea it will finish up your 24-hour allotment of 100 free messages and you won't see anything it did. I may have more information tomorrow. I think I'll test it on a new chrome profile where I'm not logged into Fiverr, slap on the VPN, and ask it to "find me the best X" - basically, do a Fiverr Neo. The minimum Fiverr could have done with that feature is to make it tick off the response rate metric! It's pretty useless without. I am not sure how to train the AI for this - there is a toggle, but I can't do anything with it. It doesn't look like a GPT assistant where you can feed it reams of files (and apparently, the key to getting Asst GPTs to be any use is to insert ~2+ million words among some pretty dedicated customizations to make it focus. It's fun to play with! I have not found a level of bother to find and organize 2 million words, especially not when GPT5 is coming soon). Generative AI + trainable Agent GPTs will be a killer. I've tried to play with the open source agents last year but my coding/programming skillz are weak (also, a lot of the sites looked v. dodgy). What makes MultiOn interesting is that there is no coding. It's an extension that you talk to like GPT. Does it look lame? Yeah, but it's pretty insane. Their vision also broadly aligns with Fiverr's own when it comes to humans v AI: In other words, Fiverr sellers no longer have to drop their work to answer the 22nd "hi" message of the day. They can focus on their actual work. Not only that, but likely also trigger a lot of online workflows without having to use tools like Make or Zapier. I think with the paid plan you can train multiple agents each specializing in different things. IDK, I literally only found it last night and I now hate tea. Isn't it strange that for such an AI-forward platform that we have to discuss using a potentially groundbreaking, helpful new AI outside of Fiverr in order to avoid Fiverr's own AI systems from helping us to potentially work better? And possibly because that AI makes a mockery of some of the metrics that we are graded by. Yet at the same time, ChatGPT is being used with abandon all over the shop with zero qualms, the Community Standards even being changed to limit the transparent (there's that word again) use of AI. Quite the rollcall of backers, too: I definitely think it's one to watch. (quotes from a puff piece about them in their blog). I don't believe this is associated with OpenAI, which appears to be trying to morph into the Google of the AI age. Around about the time Altman got the boot last year and Mr. Bill Gates stepped in and Sam magically returned - AKA the classic M$ takeover - there was all that talk of a terrifying project of a scary AI (it was all really dramatic and Elon got involved in the rumor mill!). I can only assume the plethora of concerns were raised when they realized they had embarked on a journey navigating into the realm of a top-notch Skynet. Whatever happens, one thing is for certain: Fiverr is going to have to deal with a new type of bad seller soon. The bad seller who does everything perfectly and makes sure not to work with irritating people who ask if they use AI.
  18. Also, since nobody seems to want to play this fun and exciting game of "bashing Fiverr via the medium of AI", let me introduce you to a new AI I discovered yesterday. It's more of an AI Agent, actually, called MultiOn AI. It's a little bit scary 🙂 Anyway, I have immediately detected its potential since you can a) train it b) it basically does online tasks for you. c) but it doesn't appear to work for you (i.e. generative AI) I immediately thought "wow, maybe I can train it to be me, and always keep a Fiverr inbox tab running so my little AI bot can do real-time automatic and quick responses. But then I thought that was probably a bad idea. I haven't tested it yet, mostly because it ran through all my free 100 messages when I wandered off to get a cup of tea and I have a choice of paying $20 for unlimited thingies or waiting 24 hours to play with it and not go off for a cup of tea like the slow and lumbering slice of humanity that I am. It's fast (you can also make it go step by step, but I recommend forgetting to do that so you can go whoah like I did). But the other reason is that despite all Fiverr's loud professing of love for AI, I'm pretty sure that using this would violate TOS. Even though you could quite literally train it on a small library so that it's basically you, but better, converting buyers while you sleep. And imagine its applications for defeating the new review system with lightning fast, super-intelligent responses to all thing inbox. It's probably not that good anyway. But I do wonder how Fiverr would feel about sellers using these types of AI tools, trained by the seller to represent them. While the company is fine and dandy with sellers not disclosing their use of AI to buyers unless necessary, I can't help but feel Fiverr doesn't feel the same way about tools used to beat its own AI systems 🙂 Anyway, it's an interesting tool that's under the radar at the moment. I think we'll be seeing more of these agent tools over the next year or two. So you know, Fiverr's going to need to come up with some policy on this soon, and I think it's a very challenging test of just how far Fiverr's prepared to go with its own "love affair" with AI. (I do think if this technology was used by sellers in their inbox so that they should disclose it. I think it would actually help to convert in many categories due to the shiny-new-thing nature of it, and for sellers working in AI categories, it could a great demonstration of their "capabilities" as a cutting-edge AI maestro for the "normies". Particularly in automation...) The clunking sound you can hear in the background is Fiverr desperately trying to sound relevant with its customized Google Gemini chatbot. So 2023.
  19. I still think the best way to handle this would be to clear the system and have everyone start from scratch. Leave the old reviews (remove the ratings) and get rid of levels. Fiverr has enough tiered marketplaces (regular, pro, enterprise, certified) for different groups of sellers / buyer segmentation so far as seller badges are concerned. Have an interim period of idk 2-3 months for the dust to settle and give sellers time to collect new reviews. Will they all still be 5 star reviews? Yes, probably. Is this a well-thought out review system? No! But it has the benefit of being fair and simple while giving the system a much-needed reboot away from gamification and bolted-on AI daily performance reviews. It seems the only way to solve the 5-star review issue is with a transparently confusing system designed to knock reviews down a notch or two and some little white lies. But just as my solution only solves the problem I don't like, Fiverr's solution only solves the problem it doesn't like while being a terrible new feature for all of its users. Here's a post from Reddit today. I bet that seller is full of the joys of spring... The whole system Fiverr has constructed makes zero consideration for user error on that front. But tbf that's probably asking a bit much. If only buyers would get a "did you forget to finish your review?" email to go with the mountains of other emails they get. Of course, such a feature would be wide open to abuse by sellers with an army of sadly, but conveniently, recently deceased grannies behind them. And there you have the crux of it: Fiverr really is punishing its entire userbase for the behavior of its worst sellers. Because it saves them time and money and they know they can get away with it - for now. If I had to choose a word, I would choose "brazen" over "transparent".
  20. This post was inspired by the news that for Valentines Day 2024, lazy people are using ChatGPT to create top-notch romantic content for them (press release from McAfee of all companies). And also Fiverr's own open letter to AI. And since Fiverr has delved into the realm of AI with gusto and a plethora of sellers have followed suite, it seems appropriate to pen our own love letters to the platform. So, please open up your ChatGPT - doesn't matter if you're using 3.5 or 4, although 3.5 writes better IMO - and try to get ChatGPT to write something that will make Fiverr blush with embarrassment. I'll start. I fed ChatGPT with Fiverr's open letter to AI, a blog post moaning about the new review system, told it V-Day is like, tomorrow, and suggested it write a love letter that expressed a concerned love for the wayward and erratic behavior of Fiverr lately. I also told it that it was a teenager, just to kick up those spicy teenage hormones so far as love and fairness are concerned. I didn't like how nice that was (it's rubbish), I made a meaner one for my cold, black heart. Or, in emoji terms, 🖤. Or I got Donald Trump to do the talking. This is the second pass, since the first was basically Donald trying to make a big deal, the biggest deal you've ever seen folks. Nope. Not good enough. Time to invoke Satan. Can the AI-generated Dark Lord's writing achieve what AI-generated human writing cannot? Satan wins. Mystery Box service tiers FTW! Satan really gets Anyway, your turn. Let's all fling a bunch of AI-generated nonsense at Fiverr in a pointlessly heroic last stand that will make absolutely no difference to anyone or anything! If you have no ideas, ask ChatGPT for ideas. PSA: Please don't use ChatGPT to write a love note to your partner.
  21. How many other sellers are doing the same, and how many rejections can a new buyer stomach before they decide that Fiverr's a waste of their time? All because of a gamified ratings and levelling system that makes sellers prioritize things that don't really matter. They can go to UW, where they will have hundreds of identical top-notch ChatGPT proposals thrown at them from a throng of eager freelancers! Meanwhile on Fiverr, the people who don't care about this so much will be more than happy to do everything they can't do in exchange for money. And they'll be back with their cousin's hairdresser's sister's husband's friends ID card in a week if Fiverr kicks them out, anyway. Of course, that's not great for buyers either, as this is also a waste of their time. Still, the "strategic" value for money discounts in the hopes of to nudging up a star are probably an unexpected bonus for them, if nobody else including Fiverr. But how's a buyer to know about this undercurrent that's the actual problem?
  22. Isn't the new levels system a daily evaluation with some vague "probation period" to allow you to improve? After this month, anyway. I predict a lot of posts about WHY WAS I DEMOTED IT IS NOT EVALUATION TIME! in our near future. Other than that, 💯. The GFMers are apparently from the wrong side of the fence, albeit now living in various places in Europe and making funds to support whoever is stuck there because they're not allowed to use GFM. That does seem to be a thing, but so far as my inbox and the security of my account is concerned, it's parade of red flags. Meh, I was going out of office anyway. I only use OOO to stop the inbox, and it doesn't really hurt me when I come back (never has tbh) in terms of interest from buyers. And I went OOO in December because I got fed up with buyers who wouldn't take "I'm not taking on new orders until 2024" for an answer. This includes "talking about your project to understand it" ( = redo the whole process 2 months later). But yeah, I don't use the other things. I also don't plan to use the spam fiesta that is "follow up" messages that was being advertised in my inbox earlier this week. I know what happens to seller who "follow up" with uninterested buyers on Fiverr, thank you very much. As for the ones I have used: SUBSCRIPTIONS: I have these turned on mostly as a way to fend of "gib discount plz". I think one regular buyer used them once, but cancelled after the first order (i.e. the one that doesn't get the discount) because he realized how restrictive and useless the feature is. MILESTONES: I used this once. Never again. I can't remember why, it was a long time ago. I have never used coupons. I can see the strategy behind them, but overall, meh. I don't really have any regular buyers to tempt back anymore anyway 🙂 I'd quite like a feature where I only have to pay a 10% commission. That would be nice. But I might as well wish for a review system that wasn't invented by Satan, either.
  23. Mixed messages galore from Fiverr (email). Pro-tip: go on vacation for more than 60 days and lose your TRS but become an Enterprise seller anyway despite your workshy performance. Reminiscent of when I became a Pro. despite being asked to leave the forums for 1,000 years. My career path on Fiverr could be a really lame movie. @catwriter I'm sure you're right (the last time I dangled on the precipice, I was told that Pros were "manually checked" - but this was before the pro-splosion), but it's just another illustration of how poor Fiverr's systems are when it comes to sellers. I do of course have to navigate the terrifyingly broken obstacle course of working with a first-time buyer (to Fiverr) with the new review system, too. So you know, plenty of opportunities outside of my control to demote me. Because I performed badly one one gig after daring to take a 60-day vacation advertised as a safe and secure activity for the platform's sellers. I reckon that the whole new review system would be taken a lot better if the Levels system was gotten rid of. UW doesn't have levels and I don't see nearly the amount of fussing over 4-star reviews there that I do here (well, I don't see any... but I don't look very often, tbh). Although don't mistake this faint praise as an endorsement of that platform. Their 🤑connects🤑 system is an abomination to the Lord. I hope some Enterprise clients will get in touch. Half of my inbox enquiries at the moment are for GoFundMes for a cause that the state of Israel would very strongly disapprove of (and come with a whiff of charity fraud for extra noping). Luckily, the GFMs are all in Arabic, so I can't help due to only knowing the words habibi, yallah, and erm, [probably badwords] which isn't terribly useful. Is it just me though? P
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