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Posts posted by michmikaia

  1. 6 hours ago, venonusa said:

    Here example that happened to me: client place order, halfway the service he decided to cancel the order, he wasted my time and I no longer want to work with this customer in the future... The customer not having left any message in the inbox I could not block it.

    I often use fiverr mobile apps for fiverr. You can still block the user with mobile apps. (This is one of my cancelled ordered who order the wrong package)


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  2. 56 minutes ago, peter_eli01 said:

    I got client badge some weeks now, Immediately after receiving notifications, I tried to include one of my client but couldn't see his name or brand in the list of approved.

    I went for the platform I use for the client project and it got added. since then, Its been on pending.

    How do I add my real client or the brand as one of my client? h

    Hi there.

    You can only add clients (company or businesses) from Fiverr database.

    I have just asked about it.



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  3. 1 hour ago, smartdezigns said:

    You are talking about gig but I am unable to see/find your account on Fiverr as well 😕

    What services were you offering (what was the gig about that got denied) ?

    May be his (or her) account is under review or not verified yet.

    • Like 9
  4. @jacobmarx297I think, one thing you should learn from your previous experience is to be more selective with the person to work with. Buyers/seller profile, reviews give you a least information about them. 

    I don't know what really happened with the person who gave you 1 star if there was a lack of communication as he said. But in my opinion, that person is your competitor regarding his gig and profile description because he is a seller too. New seller.

    • Like 16
  5. 6 hours ago, shahinalom22 said:

    I am a new seller. Impressions come at the gig. But the click does not come. What can I do in this 

    What you should do are

    • Delete the 5 other gigs and keep only one. I think that's against ToS also to have a duplicate gigs
    • I don't know if you are really good at Instagram promotion (I am not sure), but as Freelancer, you offer services that you are good at. 
    • Last not the least, if you want know more how fiverr works, there are best advices from successful seller here in the forum. Keep only the advices from successfull sellers. I am still learning from them too. @filipdevaerehas a great post for newbie. Search it.
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  6. 11 minutes ago, psnappz said:



    I'm a seller and I have recently withdrawn around $800 from my fiverr account to my paypal account. Due to some issues from bank side, I had to refund the money back to fiverr. It happened successfully and now I don't know where the money went. It seems like Fiverr support is not helping in this case. I lost my first ever withdrawal amount which I earned from Fiverr and now I don't know where to look. 

    Hi there.

    I don't know what issue do you have with Paypal but that's quite a difficult situation.

    Read this post. May be there is a solution there.


    • Like 8
  7. 1 hour ago, provoiceworks said:

    I wanted to share this situation with the community as I think it is pretty questionable as far as fiverr practices goes. I have been a provider on this site for 10+ years and grossed over 100k in revenues. 9 of those years I have been a Top Rate Seller, never having ANY issues with meeting criteria, negative feedback, account warning, etc. Stellar feedback from over 6K clients and counting. Never lower than a 4.9  rating. Last week I received an email stating I was being demoted to a LVL 2 seller and absolutely no reasoning was given as to why the decision was made. The general statement in email given was... "Unfortunately, after a thorough review of your recent orders and deliveries, our team found that you no longer meet the criteria for the Top Rated Seller status".

    I have been doing this for a LONG time and frankly I am one of the top providers here on this site for the type of services I offer and have been for some time now. A cruise through my feedback and demos is all clients need to see and hear and the quality of my work past and present has never gone under par. I actually went from a 4.9 to 5.0 again the same week I received this email.  So being confused was natural.

    I contacted support and stated the above and asked to look into this recent change and wanted to know specifically WHY I was demoted as I have never not met criteria (currently above all criteria requirements). The response I got was another general email stating...

    "Upon further review, I can see that your account was demoted to Level 2 on 15 June 2023, due to no longer meeting the quality and performance standards needed to retain the TRS badge. 
    Our marketplace is constantly being reviewed by our Editorial team and they take into consideration your performance from the previous 60 days to confirm eligibility. You can regain your Top Rated Seller badge after three months if you meet our high-quality work and delivery criteria.

    • Performance is assessed based on internal indicators, which may change from time to time at our sole discretion.
    • Changing seller levels isn’t always related to the leveling achievements displayed in your analytics, and performance criteria may be updated from time to time, at our sole discretion.
    • Sellers can regain TRS status 3 months after the demotion.
    • We constantly measure the satisfaction of the businesses that leverage Top Rated Sellers.   This threshold is calculated through internal measurements that follow buyers’ satisfaction."

    So no reasoning other than someone thought I was al of a sudden after 9 years of being TRS not keeping up to par when my statistics and work still deliver above and beyond. I responded stating they have provided no reasoning still and this did not add up. The following was the last response...

    "I completely got your point of view as you wish to know the exact reason, however, as these actions are taken by our editorial team after a specific review, we are not able to provide further information about this or make any changes to it.
    As already mentioned, I am unable to share any details about the internal metrics on which your performance is measured that are needed to retain the TRS badge. However, rest assured that you can regain your Top Rated Seller badge after three months if you meet our high-quality work and delivery criteria."


    So basically, Fiverr can simply demote you for no reasoning what so ever and they do not have to tell you why. This is shady business practice as you could get. Leaves so may questions. Did the person who reviewed my account have ANY experience or background in audio production or voice over? What factors could have possibly led to the decision since I meet all criteria and have stellar feedback for 9+ years. Is this appropriate treatment for one of the Veterans of this site having crossed the $100K revenue threshold? This should make you worry about the policies fiverr has as they continue to lean more towards caring less about providing a balance and fair market for sellers and more and more on how they can take more money in fees and commissions.


    Hi there.

    I am sorry for that. Your feeling is understandable.

    I think the information that they cannot share to you is about the private review which lead your demotion to level 2.

    @donnovan86 , I think you might have some information to share.

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  8. 2 hours ago, visualstudios said:

    And French, and Romani, and Portuguese. All Romance languages are gendered. It's very intuitive... if you speak it lol

    In my country, French is our 2nd language. Even if we use French for study(+15 academic years), I still mess up with genders and the use of infinitif verb especially in writing..

    "Romance"😁. That's the reason why I start learning Spanish.

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  9. 3 hours ago, emtiiyaz_emon said:

    And Now one more Question Is that " If we can generate clients from Outside Then why we are here ....?????"

    And this question should be answered by yourself.


    How can we Make A Face On This Marketplace? If We Don't Have Any Opportunity To Find Clients 

    I am sure, you've read something about Fiverr at least before joining.

    Here, clients will find you.

    • Like 7
  10. 2 hours ago, newsmike said:

    I like some British humor. 

    That reminds me 5 years ago when I had an opportunity to work in London. All my colleagues are fan of Simon Pegg. But it took some weeks to me to understand british humour.

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