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Collaborator (7/14)

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  1. Contact Customer Support, they will surely help you!
  2. I'd recommend you to reach out to your repeat buyers, and ask them to place an order on the gig that has most number of orders placed already. You'll start to see some traction there soon!
  3. Patience is the key. Have patience, you'll surely grab some business here. Your gig looks good to me!
  4. Thank you, I am trying my best too. I have got the "Fiverr's Choice" badge too on that gig, but communication is still negative lol.
  5. After the new level system rolled out, I find myself consistently encountering a negative tab in the "Effective Communication" score for reasons unknown. I am highly responsive to all messages on Fiverr, and I diligently provide regular updates to my clients on the order page regarding any progress. Is there something I might be overlooking? I would greatly appreciate any shared experiences or advice on how to improve this score. Thank you!
  6. I'll try to hit 1M mark this Year, last 2 years on Fiverr were amazing!!
  7. Patience. I got my first order after 2 years lol 😄
  8. Yeah, I am a regular user of Fiverr Advance cash, and been taking $5k advance for 5-6 times in a row 🙂 This is a great help when you have good amount of orders in your queue.
  9. Great, Let me know if you need any help please.
  10. Welcome to the club, brother. This has happened because of private feedback, most probably. Because of the high competition in almost every niche on fiverr, the sellers have almost no margin of delivering poor quality work. If you do it, you'll lose it. And it will take at least 3 months to recover since bad ratings have an impact on your profile for 90 days. Start working with your old clients and try to deliver them quality. You'll come back to rankings again.
  11. Hi, that was exactly my story one year back, and I was frustrated and disappointed at the same time. But, all I did was "Keywords Research and Competition Analysis." This has helped me choose the right keyword to target for my gigs, and after modifying my gigs, I got back into rankings after a week. Note: At first, I tried targeting low-competition keywords and started ranking for those, and once I started getting orders on those keywords, I pushed my gigs to high-competition keywords. But, these days, fiverr has become so competitive, and you need to care about dozens of factors. Nevertheless, we can give this a try; who knows, this might work for you as well. Good luck!
  12. Thank you. But this has nothing to do with the rankings 🙂
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