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Status Updates posted by krheate

  1. @vibronx You're back!! We missed you on the Forum! 🤗 

    I think the spam is decreasing a little, but nevertheless, it's still there 😕 

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. mariashtelle1


      Yep, exactly that one. I’m planning on tagging it every week. It already looks pretty bad that it’s ignored so I will keep up with it. 

    3. krheate


      Good! I'd really like to see an official response there. I'm surprised than a Fiverr Official hasn't responded yet- it's been about 10 days, and I'm sure at least one PoP saw the post by now (since it's the top post in the Fiverr Questions category).

    4. mariashtelle1


      It was even edited and some spam posts were removed from it. So yes, it was definitely seen. 

  2. What TV shows/movies are you guys watching right now? I just finished watching Manifest, a thriller about a mysterious plane, and it was amazing!

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. coerdelion


      It's a similar format: pattern challenge (they have to make a garment based on a pattern they're given by the judges); transformation (they're given things like secon hand clothes, parachutes, curtains, whatever and have to transform it into ... whatever the judges say.  The judges are weird.  They usually pick the ugliest one).  Then on the second day it's made to measure ... beautiful couture garments.

      There's a theme each week.  It's fun, kind ... and they all help each other.  It's nice.

    3. krheate


      @coerdelion Gotcha! Sounds like a comforting show!

    4. catwriter


      @krheateyes, one at a time, but 3 are already out, and the season will have 6 episodes.

  3. Did anyone else notice the new congrats reaction on the Forum?

    I love it, but I just wish it didn’t look exactly like the thanks reaction!

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. krheate


      I wish the up/down voting (or just upvoting) could be added to all the sections! I think the up arrow is kinda like an “agree” button. 

      We’ll have to see how useful the up arrow will be! 😅😁

    3. krheate


      Noooo they got rid of the congrats reaction! 😢

    4. maitasun


      Yes, the up arrow is just an agree emoji, but that's all what they're willing to give us 😔, so we need to be creative and work with what we've got. 

  4. Morning, Maita! Ready for another fun day in the Forum? 😉

    BTW, nice job on solving Vov’s puzzle in the emoji game!

    1. maitasun


      Morning, Kr! 🙃 

      Yeah, super fun forum days... 😬😅

      Arrgggg, they gave me no choice after breaking the ice. 😭 @ahmwritingco even used cute, yummie capybara against me. 🤨😅

    2. ahmwritingco


      Maita impressed me by solving that puzzle. It was quite difficult.

    3. krheate


      Yep, the Forum’s been pretty funnnnnn haha 😬

      It’s impossible to resist solving the puzzle when you see that cute little capybara 😂😉

      @ahmwritingco I was impressed too! That puzzle really had me stumped!

  5. How was everyone's Fourth of July? Did you guys do some awesome fireworks? I saw a few Chinese lanterns in my neighborhood!

    1. vickiespencer


      Chinese lanterns that are fireworks? 

      We could sit in our back yard and watch the fireworks west of US. They were beautiful! 

    2. krheate


      They were just regular Chinese lanterns, but they looked beautiful in the night sky!

      I’m glad you liked the fireworks- our family loves sitting out in the backyard and watching the fireworks too!

  6. @imagination7413 Have you considered becoming a moderator for the Forum? You've been really helpful in the points and badges thread (Badges Thread) with all of your awesome researching and ideas! Hopefully Fiverr will choose to implement some of the Forum features that you mentioned!

    1. imagination7413


      I did actually apply, way back when, but I was still rather new at the time with only 7-ish months on the forum. There hasn't been another open call for volunteer help yet, and now there are new paid people, so I doubt there'll be another open call for a while.

    2. krheate


      Oh, that makes sense! I noticed that a few new moderators joined us on the new Forum.

  7. Are there any new changes to the Forum? I haven’t been here in a loooooong time 😂

  8. Good morning, Vickie! How’s the weather been over there?

  9. Hey Vickie! I haven't been on the Forum in such a long time - is there a new emoji game? I miss that game! 😊

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