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  1. That's because there's nothing [much] you can do about increasing the score. If the history lasts two years, a 30-day grace period won't do anything. That's why the 9/10 SS requirement is so ridiculous to maintain (and now a high % of TRS don't know what to do, there's no way to increase the score in such a short time). Yes, an additional layer of demotion protection exists, but a lot of TRS will stress about whether they are going to be demoted next month, EVERY SINGLE MONTH. It hits your mental, and I've been building new sources of income for the past two years, ever since Fiverr went to poop. It will not get better with such slavery and ridiculous requirements. Every time I think about any of the Fiverr's statistics, I always say "one customer can ruin your score entirely, and there is no way to climb back up". Fiverr revealed their real "transparency" on how they treat sellers. And it's not over; let's wait for new surprises later this year.
  2. The thing is, most of us who address the problem have either high-performing or mid-performing Gigs. People from whatever place with broken English would not understand a thing about the mechanics of this new scores system, nor would they care about it, and they will keep their garbage low-performing Gigs on the marketplace, either way. The removal of fine-performing Gigs would mean that more pie will be given to low-perfoming Gigs, which fixes nothing. Like you, I also thought about closing certain Gigs permanently. The 9/10 minimum requirement for TRS is insane. I am currently at a score of 8 (of course, I've seen multiple TRS being demoted to level 0 with a score of 4 and below, but the score of 8 means literally nothing; it's pointless to me anymore), and I have addressed the issue with my SM that I haven't canceled anything with my own hands for like... 6+ months and I am being punished for "too many canceled orders". So, every CS person I've talked to was a liar that "cancelations by CS will not impact your cancelation rate"; all of this was fake, and all cancelations still count towards your final score. So, even if SM/CS says that statistics clear up in 60 days, just so you know, there is always a layer of other hidden metrics that we are still not aware of. I lost faith in this platform two years ago, and it has never been better ever since. Buyers treat me like garbage; They can say "I don't like it" or "do this", and they get a fully-completed project for free. CS says something along the lines of We don't care or do better. SM says to improve your metrics (yup, I keep improving my cancelations from 6+ months ago because that's how easily one buyer can screw you over); and higher-ups at Fiverr laugh their a$$ off because they just got an xx% fixed salary raise. Hooray to everyone.
  3. A business on Google Maps has 3.5 reviews and does just fine. On the other hand, we get punished by a single buyer when we refuse to offer free revisions. I suppose they kept increasing the punishment period as seller size grew, and Fiverr thought that increasing the size would provide more accurate results, but they made such a mess. We had 60 days (the stats on our profile we can see to this day), then we received news that there are deeper stats with 90-day stats, and since even more sellers joined this platform, apparently, they decided to increase it to 120 days. I wouldn't be surprised if they pushed this to 1-year stats. Imagine being punished for 6-12 months just because you refused to do free work for the buyer.
  4. What if Fiverr automatically paused gigs if they hadn't received any orders in the past ~6 months or so? It would require the sellers to renew their gigs manually. There are way too many old gigs that never receive orders, which clutters the whole marketplace (and the algorithm may as well have difficulties placing popular gigs in pages). If Fiverr wants to be "professional", it would be a great solution. Good, but small niche gigs would mostly receive at least a single order throughout that period, so I wouldn't worry much about it.
  5. You are correct. I was testing out the brand-new AI category. I created a draft gig, and the minimum allowed gig price was $15! This has both pros and cons. It may help control oversaturation, but $15 for any new seller, AI services is too expensive. It's probably easier just to purchase AI engine subscription and for the buyer to do art, prompts, or anything similar by themselves.
  6. I did, a few months ago. My SM recommended lowering the prices. Did it change anything? No, it probably made everything worse. It seems like editing the gig nowadays does nothing, therefore, nothing I can do to improve my discoverability. Now I am worried to change prices. If I make the price even lower, I might stay in the same gig discovery position. If I make the price higher as it was before, it could tank my searches, too. I'm trapped.
  7. This is a dilemma for me as well. I have a complicated situation. Got a few "incomplete" orders, which were not submitted for months (a few of them are over a year old, just sitting in my dashboard). The same goes for "in progress" (bugged out, over time, but based on Fiverr algorithm, not late) and "late" deliveries due to buyers not responding. I had multiple confirmations by CS that a "late" order (not marked as complete) does not impact the account unless I deliver the late order and have it completed. Now, if I asked the CS to cancel any of these orders (even the orders without submitted requirements), it will likely impact my account negatively. So, over the past year, I have collected plenty of these types of orders and if it doesn't impact my account now, why would I bother canceling them? Canceling these orders without my fault would cause a slump and I will have an even harder time with my profile. Ugh.
  8. Hey Ran, Most Seller Plus members complain about receiving a template of "solutions" with help articles (which we can find ourselves for free) that we often don't ask for. We need deeper insights from Success Managers. We are unsure what settings Success Managers can access, but it seems like they have difficulty accessing more statistics and tools; therefore, we are limited to receiving specific answers. Zoom meetings do not help. Success Managers will once again reply with the same templated answers over and over again without fixing actual issues. I know, I know. We will receive some of the following answers: bad private review; you need to update your gig description or reword a sentence; create more gigs; communicate faster, and so on. These are not the answers we are looking for. They are too basic, which we can figure out ourselves. I wonder, how many Seller Plus members does EACH Success Manager have? Every response we receive seems to be rushed, and some questions are not clearly answered (because they use templated answers). Please do an experiment. Let the Fiverr team create a seller profile, then tell everyone to figure out how to make sales by themselves. They will have their template Q&A, but that won't impact their sales at all. They will be clueless about how to operate Fiverr's business, and all the recommended adjustments won't have any impact. Do you see where I am coming from? Success Managers need practice, not theory. Please create a private feedback form to review Success Managers, then evaluate answers and feedback given, then audit them. I would love to see the results. Publicly.
  9. Looks like Fiverr has started editing seller hub help articles. One thing I noticed is that the new Standard plan will only have 5 coupons rather than 20 coupons (Premium).
  10. All buyers after the order's completion have an option of either allowing their work to be shown in the live portfolio or not. Some buyers tend not to show their work and keep it anonymously.
  11. I've seen some TRS' videos on YouTube (one of them is "Fiverr Talks"), which as far as I can remember, he said do not ask for a specific review, but "politely ask if they were satisfied, if they do, then telling them to consider leaving (any) review", something along these lines. I don't do that, I don't want to risk it. Some buyers are very sensitive and you can end up in bigger issues. Better stay on the safe side.
  12. As an alternative, use extensions. I use chrome's "Dark Reader" extension and it helps a lot at night.
  13. I always love to see more analytics when available. Coupons are an interesting addition - I can give it a try. Buyer request exposure is meh for me, I don’t use that anyway. I’ll try it If I get a chance. Sign me up 😛
  14. It’s just crazy how people don’t understand how revisions work. “Oh, I got a question, let me hit a modification”. Sometimes I just feel like they do that on purpose thinking I would respond faster because it’s marked as “in revision”… So overall, each of that revision would affect my Gig for no reason at all.
  15. I agree, but I believe that it’s a bit flawed. Such things should be checked for qualitative revisions. I have loads of instances, where a client would say “all good, just hitting the revision button because I wanna wait to hear from my team” or most recently " It’s lovely, just marking as revised because I have decided I want to add a new icon that we previously didn’t discuss" This AI better get emotionally intelligent otherwise it’ll screw people for procedures rather than actual mistakes. Exactly. There are some buyers that request revisions because they claim they don’t have enough time to view my work. I mean, come on. Can’t you find 5 minutes to view the delivery throughout 3 days?
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