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Everything posted by priyatomokumar

  1. What's going wrong with my success score? It's been dropping day by day. When the new level system first came out, my score was 8. Now it's only 6! I haven't cancelled any orders myself, but a customer accidentally placed a duplicate order. Thankfully, they cancelled it within a few minutes. I received a message saying this wouldn't affect my seller statistics, but why is my score dropping? I'm really confused. What should I do?
  2. I am surprised always and very confused about Fiverr's new review system..... Most of the reviews get * 4.7. I have mentioned my cost clearly $$$$$ in my gig. When any client writes to me inbox I tell them clearly about the cost. The client was happy to work with that cost. When the client writes something for their review they are saying very good, excellent job... very good seller, I will again work with him/her, I am very satisfied to work with her/him..... etc but the problem is value for money. What is the problem with the Fiverr new review system algorithm? I am going to be disappointed in the Fiverr review system. As a professional freelancer, I always try to give 5 stars to any discipline and also the clients want to give. but we are not getting the best review.......
  3. Yes, it's a bug. We hope Fiverr will fix it immediately. On the other hand is disappointing for a seller.
  4. Hello Kesha I have worked with many clients since 2017. a few orders have been cancelled. Some of which were duplicate orders. Placed 2 orders for the same job. The client informs me and cancels an order which affects my order completion ratio. Even 2 days ago I got a duplicate order from a client and the client cancelled one order. Currently, there is still one order in incomplete status. I did not get any response even after informing the client. I do not dare to cancel as it may affect the order completion ratio. It's been more than 1 year and it's still hanging. I have some questions which I have expressed below Is there any update in the new Fiverr update about order incomplete, order cancellations, or spam clients? What if the client makes an order by mistake and cancels it after some time? How is the current calculation of negative impact? How many orders are complete and how many clients work, negative impact will be removed from the profile? I am attaching a few screenshots of My performance metrics and Score by Gig
  5. Many thanks for the great topic Kesha. From my side, I worked in a photography studio as a assistant photographer and a photo editor in my rural areas in 2012 to 2014. I worked two years overthere. Then I moved in Dhaka city for a corporate job. I have changed 2 companies within 1 year and 7 months. Then I parmanent as a senior photo editor in another corporate job. Then I got permanently hired as senior photo editor in another corporate company. I work here for 8 years and 2 months. I quit my job in September 2023. Joined Fiverr as a freelancer in 2017 while working here. In the beginning I contacted a friend. He has been a Fiverr seller for a long time. At that time I could finish the work I got from Fiverr even after the job. Because I got a lot of support from my friends. When I was in the office I used to explain everything to them. They are working as a team for me. Since I am not alone I have a team working, so I did not quit my job. And on the other hand, another big reason is my family. Entire family and my education depended on my earning. I could not leave the job at that time thinking about the family situation. Another reason is photo editing. I love photo editing. I love to do any kind of photo editing. I need to know more about the photo editing I do and become a much better photo editor. Finally I was able to do it. That's why I thought I needed a little more time. But I always wanted to be the boss. Now I feel like I should have quit at least 2 years ago. Then I could spend my full time freelancing and be my own boss before long. Anyway, I'm finally my own boss and trying to build my career on Fiverr. I wish you all blessings!
  6. Yes, it's very helpfull. I got lot of messages like that you explained above. I just avoid like that messages. If I got any irrelevant messages I ignored that. I hope any new seller will be able to understand it properly.
  7. My dear friends, I am an expert photo retoucher. I am getting a few orders on Photo retouching every month. That's not enough for me as a professional photo retoucher. So I need lot of Photo retouching order every month. How will I get lot of orders every month on photo retouching and image editing?
  8. One year ago, a buyer placed two orders with me. While they completed the requirements for one order, the other remains incomplete. I informed them of this, and they explained that they meant to place only one order but accidentally placed two. I explained that I was unable to cancel the second order as it could negatively impact my profile. I encouraged them to reach out to Fiverr support for assistance in merging or modifying the orders. Despite sending them a few follow-up messages, I haven't heard back from the buyer since then. Therefore, I'm unsure if they contacted Fiverr support or if there's anything else I can do to help. Could you please advise on how to proceed in this situation?
  9. What types of image editors are you finding?

    I can edit all types of images that you want. Just let me know.

    Here is my profile link-


  10. Many thanks for a simple technique but it can be effective! Great insights! Building a strong foundation with excellent service, clear communication, and a focus on buyer satisfaction is key to long-term success on platforms like Fiverr. Quality work and professionalism go a long way in boosting your visibility and reputation. Thanks for sharing these valuable tips!
  11. Exactly I used relevant tags with my gig title and description.
  12. Hello everyone, I am following my gig there are no orders in my gigs. Day by day clicks and impressions are going down. The ranking has been totally gone and there are no positions. I can't understand how to rank a gig!
  13. Hello everyone, I am a level 2 seller in fiverr. I have active 3 gigs in fiverr. My impression at gigs has been going down for a long time and there have no order comming. Day by day decreasing impression.
  14. Order placed but did not Submit requirements from few days. I sent a reminder and messages for full fill the requirments, that I can start your jobs. There have no responses 

    1. What should I do now?
    2. Can I cancel that order?
    3. If I cancel that order, will this reduce the order completion rate?
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