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Everything posted by vibronx

  1. When I translate or proofread, I listen to Nightcore music or other upbeat songs as it can be quite tedious work at times, so I need something to keep me going. When I develop games, I mostly listen to the Life is Strange soundtrack or the Tick, Tick... Boom! soundtrack (I love that movie. I'm totally the target audience for it, being very close to 30 and currently risking everything to make a dream come true). When I write, I always listen to the Twin Peaks soundtrack. It helps me keep the atmosphere of the story I'm writing consistent.
  2. Fiverr has made sure you can't be honest in your review of your buyer unless you're incredibly brave. Buyers are able to punish us for giving them a negative public review through their private feedback, so I never give buyers a negative review. I suspect our reviews of buyers are just another way of making them feel good about themselves as they get to enjoy the feeling of receiving a 5-star review without having to do anything but send a few messages and press a couple of buttons.
  3. I think that's a very sad way of looking at life. If I want to be a pilot, I'm gonna become a pilot. And I'm not gonna let anybody stand in the way of that. What happened to free will?
  4. That is an extremely good idea. If you want to do a bigger game later on, it's important that you know exactly what happens when it's published. What emails you'll get, which ones are scams (99% of them are), and how much visibility you can expect on a marketplace vs what you could have gotten if you marketed it before. Again, a great idea! Finishing a game opens your eyes to all the little things you need to get done that you maybe didn't know about before. And if you finish one game, you know you can finish another. I've made my fair share of very small games just to show myself that I could, so now I'm going all out on this one. 100k+ words, I don't even know how many characters, and so many choices. And that is just in the first episode out of five... (but, of course, many of the things are optional and depend on if you make a certain choice, etc.) I really like writing. I thought about offering it here on Fiverr, but I have a thing about writing for other people. I just can't do it. So, translation it was! I really wanna play this, but I haven't yet. I'm trying to make more time for gaming. The characters kinda look the same in a graphic sense, but there's more exploration and free movement in Text Me Back. You basically interact with characters, explore, make choices, and solve puzzles along the way. That's the extent of it. I'm keeping it simple as the story is the important part. I'm trying to do better! And congrats on this, btw! Great achievement! Thank you so much, @melanielm! That's really kind of you. Life is Strange is one of my favorite games. What that game can make you feel... It shows that games can be a great storytelling medium. That's such an awesome achievement! Congratulations! I wish I did this too...
  5. Thank you! There will definitely be game testing opportunities in the future! It's a narrative-driven 3D adventure game where your choices matter. The game it most closely resembles when it comes to gameplay is Life is Strange--but there are some horror elements. I'm doing all the development myself, so it'll take a while before it's out, but I'm enjoying the process! That's awesome, and I wish you very good luck with that! Everything can and will go wrong when you develop something, but just keep at it, and then I'm sure you'll create something magnificent! You already have an advantage compared to many other indie devs as you actually know how to write! Thank you so much! That's really kind of you. Luckily most of the bad days are behind me, but I might share in the future when it feels less recent!
  6. I've begun full production on my passion project - a video game called Text Me Back. And I'm just totally over-the-moon excited about the future because of it. I've had some very rough years where I've felt like I've been cursed with bad fortune. I won't go into details--I think it's a bit too heavy for a thread like this--but I'm just so happy to have something I've created that I feel so passionate about.
  7. I haven't tried any other platform, so I can only comment about Fiber: As a seller: Pros: No bidding. Buyers come directly to you. Many tools to stand out in the marketplace. Communication is text-based (I know there are exceptions) which I prefer as it's the most time efficient. Communication and payments take place within the Fiverr platform which makes you safer from scams. Cool badges and stars (yes, I like shiny things). Some great people to hang out with on the forum Cons: The Response Rate/Response Time metric. I hate it. It's an unhealthy thing to be measured on. I know why they measure us on it and it makes sense, but it has gotten tiresome for me to have to respond quickly to any initial messages no matter where I am or what I'm doing. Spam, spam, spam. As a translator, I receive an enormous amount of spam. And I have to respond to it. Direct orders - I know some Seller Plus members can disable that now, but it should really be rolled out to everyone. I know Fiverr wants to be the Amazon of freelance marketplaces, but direct orders have really made me curse loudly a couple of times as you can't screen the buyer or their files beforehand. Now you might have to suddenly plan your schedule around a massive order that you didn't plan on. I have mitigated this by raising the price of my faster delivery options to something outrageous, but I truly wish direct orders didn't exist. Competitors who cheat and scam. Reviews of buyers - buyers can punish us with a negative private review if we give them a negative public review. You have to be very brave to give your buyer a negative review. As a buyer: Pros: Lots of options to choose from! Great quality for great prices. Most sellers are very nice and always give it their all. Cons: If you're looking for something very specific, you might not be able to find it--or you might have to give a chance to someone you normally wouldn't. Sometimes that turns into wasted money. You have no assurance that sellers won't just abandon your order in the middle without even communicating it to you. (Do not give large or complex orders to new sellers, is what I've learned) Lots of scammers - you have to be adept at identifying stolen art and content before browsing new sellers. Some sellers are very unprofessional - they will beg you for feedback or demand that you check their delivered files right away, not caring what you might be doing. It's all about them. If you give a seller bad feedback, they might try to find you on social media. Bait and switch - some sellers will have a really low price on their gig but when you actually contact them about something that is well within what is offered in one of their packages, the price suddenly gets 50 times higher.
  8. @vishdrawings- I wish I could be as smart as you, brother. You have really hit the nail on the head here, and you should be proud of yourself for knowing more about the Fiverr platform than Top Rated Sellers and other experienced members. You really did your homework! Bravo! As a buyer on Fiverr, I'm really just so heartbroken that I'll now be missing out on all the hundreds of spam offers I used to receive in BRs from people who didn't read my request. I weep, and I weep for the loss all us buyers have suffered, and I curse the briefs for having taken this paradise away from us!
  9. He deserves it, though. Thanks for removing the links. I was hoping he'd finally be banned, but it's better than nothing.
  10. And no, I'd rather not take this in private. I have tried that before, and he's still standing. I've reported him for copyright infringement, s****l harassment, displaying social media on his gigs, etc. That slimy old cat has got nine lives and then some... I believe in transparency when it comes to mo.deration. -- just to clarify, nothing against the "new" mo.derator team. I just had bad experiences in the past with some of the older mo.ds and the top dog Matt J. Also, I'm taking bets on how long it'll take for this thread to get deleted for calling out a user. 🍿
  11. This user https://community.fiverr.com/profile/******* has links to his social media profiles in his bio. He has also been harassing multiple forum users in the past which I made the m.oderators aware of a few years ago, but that's beside the point... I thought sharing links to Instagram, etc. was against Fiverr's rules? I contacted CS about it months ago as I did not wish to use the forum at the time, but absolutely nothing was done, although they told me that they'd look into it. Can I add my social media to my profile, then?
  12. My philosophy as a buyer is to hire the best seller possible for the job - no matter if they cost $5 or $100+. And many fantastic sellers do sell their services at $5. I’ve found a few that deliver at the same level or even better than Fiverr Pro sellers. Sometimes they can sell at this price because they live in a country where $5 goes a long way or because they’re students who does Fiverr as a hobby. I started out selling at $5. $5 does not necessarily mean that something is horrible or that they’re cheating or scamming somehow. It is rare that you find the gems, though, and usually you do end up getting what you pay for. But there are many buyers who are looking for premium services. Not everyone is looking for a $5 service. These buyers will find you if you position yourself correctly in the marketplace. I could give you a lecture on this but it would run very long, so I suggest you read some marketing books instead. And, no, marketing is not equal to promotion on social media. When I say marketing I am talking about something much broader. About how you present your gig to the world. I’ll add that I think it’s a good idea to try spending some time as a buyer on Fiverr. Note which gigs you end up choosing and why.
  13. It doesn’t just sound a bit scammy. It sounds VERY scammy. Why would anyone hiring you ever need you to pay them money. Think about it. It doesn’t make much sense, does it? They’re praying that you’re gonna be desperate to get your first order and be more careless than you usually would. And, yes, you will always be contacted by scammers, but I think the legitimate buyers outnumber them greatly. They might target new sellers to a greater degree, though.
  14. If you don’t eat rice, the impressions won’t come!
  15. Yes, that would be a good idea. We should be able to choose all colors. I want a pink UI.
  16. My current PC is a laptop. GIGABYTE AORUS 15G YC - 240Hz FHD with RTX 3080. It also has 32 GB RAM. I'm very happy with it so no dream PC!
  17. I'm gonna add 'the Pomodoro Technique' as another thing that has really helped out immensely. Otherwise, I think I have collected a great bit of advice here--things I have learned throughout the years on Fiverr, life in general, and through my business degree. Simplified, yes, but if you dig deeper, there's a lot there. Though, I do doubt that anyone who would stand to benefit from this actually listened. This is the problem with the Fiverr Forum. The people who need help (they even ask for it) never listen. Either because they don't understand what is being said or because it's too difficult. Most of them are also scammers to one degree or another which means they're not deserving of my help or anyone's for that matter. To be honest, I think I'm done offering advice to newbies on this forum unless they seem 100% serious. I have wasted too many hours of my life trying to help with nobody listening. So, if you're serious about wanting advice, check out the first post in this thread. If you follow it, I'll almost guarantee you'll feel happier and be more productive.
  18. You're always welcome 🥰 A Chipotle Christmas meal would be heaven ☀️ To be honest, the only thing I really want is Christmas Cash!! 💸 And I wouldn't say no to a hoodie with a logo I recently got designed here on Fiverr. A more realistic wish would be to have my Chipotle meal with @ahmwritingco as a candlelit dinner on a beach under the moon and stars. 🥰
  19. i still need more congoratuletio for my big achieve. keep me strong
  20. Did you have a business plan? Did you study the marketplace and your competitors before joining? Did you try to experience the site from a buyer's perspective (go through the whole order process) to see what gigs you'd be likely to choose and why that is?
  21. thanks brother… waiting more congo,,,,, pray for me
  22. I don’t think so, but then again, I don’t know what you’re saying. As a buyer, I’m very happy about this. It was useless. Also, I’m sorry, but I think you might have to improve your English before offering a translation gig here on fiber.
  23. every day is fiber day good knight

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. vibronx


      sorry I didnt mean it not good knight im oneline alllways

    3. imagination7413


      Gud nite two u, to.

      (In all seriousness, that "online 24\7" is one of those things that keeps triggering the auto-filter, if you were curious.)

    4. vibronx


      Haha, I was trying to see if it would get approved automatically if I cut it down but it didn’t. Good thing you were here 😅

  24. Maybe you could try reading this forum where this question and similar ones have been asked thousands of times.
  25. I have been a buyer for 6 years and a seller for 4 and a half years. I’m transitioning back to being more of a buyer now as I’m working on a passion project that will hopefully allow me to stop selling on Fiverr within the next year.
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