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Everything posted by jonbaas

  1. Ugh. Come on, man.... Sharing your gig links on social media sites has absolutely nothing to do with Fiverr impressions and clicks. Impressions and clicks are on-site metrics only. Impressions are only gained when people search for your gigs in the Fiverr marketplace, and your gig turns up in the results. Clciks are only gained when someone clicks on your gig result. You are not helping anyone by posting random, false advice.
  2. First of all, that was an incredibly long run-on sentence. Second, if that U site is more profitable for you, then why are you here on Fiverr, complaining that Fiverr isn't as profitable? Fiverr does not owe you any orders. It is not Fiverr's responsibility to make sure your Fiverr gigs are profitable. That's not how Fiverr works. There is no such thing as rank on Fiverr. That is also not how Fiverr works. As far as I am aware, Fiverr is working just fine, and is working as intended.
  3. jonbaas


    We are freelancers. We don't have employees.
  4. Be a better seller than you were before. Raise your game. Improve you services. Learn how to market your services. Improve your seller performance.
  5. What do you think makes you a better seller than the thousands of other "professional website designers and photo editors" on Fiverr? How are you better than your vast competition?
  6. You don't "get orders", you earn them. What steps have you been taking to EARN your orders?
  7. There will soon be no more buyer requests. The entire feature is being removed from Fiverr.
  8. How do you promote anything in business? Start there.
  9. No, this is 100% false. The entire Buyer request system is being removed from Fiverr. It has nothing to do with alleged changes in the algorithm. Please do not make up false advice. If you don't know the truth about something, then don't post advice about it.
  10. jonbaas

    Fiverr cpa

    Which concert are they ordering? Bruce Springstein? Shakira? Elvis? 😉
  11. The Buyer Request feature is being removed from Fiverr.
  12. Then take the time to study your gigs, and find ways to make them more appealing to your target customers. Stop complaining, and start doing!
  13. I don't know, however, it HAS been announced that the Buyers Request feature IS BEING removed. It will soon be gone, and you will no longer be able to see, or access, the feature. It is being replaced by a more targeted matching system. The new Brief and Match system will completely replace buyer requests.
  14. What are you complaining about? You are getting some of your highest impressions in the last few days.
  15. The Buyer Request feature is being removed from Fiverr.
  16. Be a better log design seller than your thousands of competitors.
  17. Your gig is shown to the most likely buyers of your services. That's how Fiverr works. Gigs are not ranked, and where YOU see your gigs, in the search results, is not where everyone else sees them. There is no problem with the algorithm. It is working as intended. Your gigs are shown based on seller performance and matching metrics, no by standard SEO strategies. The search system is not a keyword-based internet-like search system. It is not Fiverr's responsibility to make sure you have orders. That's your job. If something isn't working, then experiment and find other ways to meet your business goals. That's what great sellers do. Only YOU can make yourself successful. Yes, this could certainly be a reason. NO! Absolutely not! Users may only have ONE account on Fiverr.
  18. How does any businessman get people to purchase their products? Start with that knowledge, and go from there. Fiverr is no different.
  19. That does not appear to be what Fiverr saw, because they told you that you did not provide all of the work that was promised in the order. Clearly they saw something contrary to what you claim. Fiverr can see what was, and was not, listed within the terms of the order. I have a feeling that you were not clear in the order terms, and when the buyer went to Fiverr to complain, Fiverr was able to see what they needed to see, and it supported the buyer's complaints. You NEED to be mindful of how you explain the terms of your order. There can be no room for ambiguity in legal contracts. A purchased gig is a legal contract. Perhaps they didn't need to. Perhaps the terms of the order reflected what the buyer complained about. You are bound to abide by all terms and claims of a legal contract. If the buyer's claims were supported by what was written in the legal contract, Fiverr doesn't need to "ask you for reasons". The contract -- the terms of the order, as written -- are legally binding. They can take action based upon the words/wording of the mutally-agreed-to, legally binding contract. If the contract suggested that you did not provide all the work that you agreed to provide, then Fiverr has every right to act accordingly. They do not need your permission -- especially when you are in the wrong.
  20. The Buyer Request system is being removed from Fiverr. If you still see requests on a desktop, you won't see them for long.
  21. Experiment and see what happens.
  22. The same way they got orders before any alleged "updates". Why would the process change?
  23. You're not going to find many new buyer requests, because the Buyer Request feature is being removed from Fiverr.
  24. Like @vickieito told you, you can only have one account on Fiverr.
  25. This sounds like you agreed to help him daily, meaning, every day, for as long as he needs your help. By refusing to help him every day after the first day, you were, technically, breaking the terms of the work that you agreed to provide. I would not be surprised if Fiverr saw this the same way, and for that reason, allowed the buyer to get his money back. Well, there you go. Fiverr agrees. You didn't provide the daily work that you agreed to provide. You appear to have agreed to help him daily, at 10PM every day. The buyer may have been confused on the completion process, however, he was not wrong to come back the next day and ask you to help him again. You agreed to help him daily. You need to be careful how you word things.
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