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Everything posted by jonbaas

  1. You probably have a 4.7-ish seller rating, at the moment, on your Analytics page. That is a sufficient blemish as far as seller performance is concerned. But it can, and it does. Fiverr expects sellers to work towards not getting ANY bad reviews. Bad/not-so-great reviews are a sign, to the system, or a drop in quality and performance. It's how the system works. Thankfully, you can recover -- given time. Then find another way to earn orders. Marketing your gigs is a great place to start. It is not Fiverr's fault that one of your clients may have left a low private review. Then that is NOT flat-lining. Flat-lining means zero. You do not have zero impressions. You are merely experiencing low impressions at the current time. It will recover in time, and with effort from you to gain more orders, and a focus on improving your seller performance.
  2. That happens -- that's normal -- especially since you have a few blemishes on your current seller performance. Impressions fall when seller performance falls. That is, alas, how the Fiverr algorithm works. It will likely recover itself in due time. 60-90 days, perhaps, assuming that you improve the performance issues that brought things down. Seller performance affects everything.
  3. It is also worth noting that you are misrepresenting your situation via the chart you posted. You conveniently showed us the 3-month chart that measures impressions in the thousands. I'm willing to bet that, on a daily scale, you're pulling in around 75-100 impressions (daily). A daily 75-100 impressions is not a bad thing.
  4. On the contrary, that is, indeed, very normal. You only have two reviews in the last month, and one of them was a 4.3 rating. Just by looking at your seller profile, I can also see that you have a lower-than-optimal rating in the past 60 days. That is likely affecting your low impressions since September 1. I would not be surprised to see at least one less-than-optimal private review as well. Merely "delivering and getting ratings" does not guarantee impressions. Your seller performance goes deeper than that.
  5. There are no reasons to have more than one account. Fiverr only allows users to have ONE ACCOUNT. They usually delete, remove, or ban users who are found to have more than one account. And yes, they have ways of knowing this. ONE ACCOUNT.
  6. This is some of the worst advice that I have ever seen. Fiverr is clear in their Terms of Service, users cannot have more than one account. One account across all devices. ONE ACCOUNT, period.
  7. I would prefer not to tell your behind anything. 😛 To answer your question, perhaps your competitors are offering a better service, and your likely customers are choosing to hire them instead. If you're getting clicks, but no orders, then there would appear to be something that buyers don't like about your service. Do some competitor research, and figure out how to offer a better service than your competitors.
  8. There was no update, and gigs do not get ranked on the first page. Fiverr does not operate like an internet search engine. It is a matching service, where great gigs are ONLY matched to potential buyers for that gig. No one gets "ranked" on the first page.
  9. Have you considered that fact that there just may not be a strong demand for your particular skills right now? If you aren't seeing the kind of impressions that you want, perhaps there just aren't many good buyer matches for you at this time.
  10. You claim to be a "professional digital marketer". Please use your claimed digital marketing skills to grow and build your own business, instead of begging for customers on a largely seller-used freelancer forum. We are not your target customers.
  11. No, no, and NO! The Buyer Request feature is being removed from Fiverr. Very soon NO ONE will see any buyer requests. And, no, staying online all the times does not guarantee sales, and it DOES NOT guarantee more soon-to-be-gone buyer requests. Please stop expecting Fiverr to do everything to ensure that you have sales. Stop expecting BRs to be your primary source of orders. And, @opumijan, please stop posting bad/false advice.
  12. High quality work, and pleasing your clients ARE what Fiverr is all about. Achieve what Fiverr encourages you to achieve, and you will likely see an increase in your performance, and by default, your visibility in the marketplace. And when your visibility is low, work to bring in your own marketed customers from elsewhere.
  13. The algorithm is not new. This very algorithm (in general) has been around, and in use, for years. You are not a victim or anything here on Fiverr. You are blaming something external to you, rather than learning how to work within the existing algorithm, and build your success on your own terms (within the rules, of course). Fiverr did no such thing. Your seller performance, and seller metrics, fell. When the metrics are not maintained, you are automatically demoted. When you are demoted, you usually have to start over in some strategies, and work your way back to the top. This is -- and has always been -- how business, and life, works. Then perhaps there is something about your services that no longer appeals to your target customers. Become a great seller, whom your target customers NEED to hire. I just did. Good luck!
  14. Research your competitors. Offer a better service that causes your target customers to hire you, and not your competitors.
  15. Be a great seller whom your target customers need to hire. Appeal to the people who need what you have to offer.
  16. I bet if you read the forum -- particularly the popular, or pinned posts -- you'd learn some insight you didn't know. None of us are going to do your work for you. Great sellers do their own research. Wisdom is not hard to find.
  17. Ugh. I cannot smack my hand against my head any harder. You clearly did not read the Terms of Service, so Fiverr was right to not approve you as a seller. You cannot have more than one account on Fiverr. You broke this #1 rule before you even got started as seller. Come on, newbies, for Pete's sake.... READ THE TERMS OF SERVICE!
  18. Any alleged "update" has nothing to do with you not getting orders. And the Buyer Request feature is going away for good, so it makes perfect sense as to why you are not seeing any BRs. Please stop complaining, and learn how to be a freelancer who doesn't need hand-outs to become successful. Believe me, you CAN become a successful seller without buyer requests, you just have to be willing to stop complaining, and start doing what needs to be done to connect to your target customers, and convince them to hire you. You can start by no longer complaining. Start thinking like a businessman, and not someone who is entitled to free success. Success takes time, and hard work. It does not -- and should not -- come easy. Earn your orders. Earn your customers. Earn your success.
  19. Why does it matter? Buyer Requests are going away for good, so whether anyone liked that feature is pointless. It's not coming back. The only valid option remaining, therefore, is the Brief & Match feature. You can either learn to like this new feature, or turn it off and not worry about it.
  20. So, you are complaining because you got three orders in the past 15 days? That's a great 15-day response! Do more of what you did to get those three orders.
  21. Exactly. Your seller performance fell, so your visibility impressions did as well. That's how Fiverr works. Improve your seller performance, and your impressions might start to rise again. Fiverr wants to show buyers the services of top performing sellers. Be a top performing seller. Your impressions are already working normally, whether you like it or not. Be a top performing seller -- please your future buyers, and give them reason to praise your work -- and your impressions may rise again.
  22. You are the only person who can answer this question for yourself. We have no ability to see your future.
  23. Be a great seller, whom your target customers need to hire. It's as simple as that.
  24. The Buyer Request section is going away. No on will be able to use it.
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