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Status Replies posted by vickiespencer

  1. Thank you

    1. vickiespencer


      Hello, @designers52

      Why are you thanking me? 

  2. Want to listen to my last track?


    1. vickiespencer


      The music is lovely and the singer is good too. 

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  3. Fiverr Gig Gallery Best Image Upload Format an Officialy Suggest (TIFF (.tif, .tiff) · Bitmap (.bmp) · JPEG (.jpg, .jpeg) · GIF (.gif) · PNG (.png) · EPS (.eps) · RAW Image Files .raw)

    1. vickiespencer


      Please stop posting AI-Generated content on the Fiverr Forum. All you accomplish is cluttering the Forum. 

  4. Hi @vickiespencer! Great job getting your seller intro video done! 👍 Looks professional!

    1. vickiespencer


      Thank you. My hubby is a Master of Photography. He set up the lighting for me and helped me shoot it. I could not memorize the entire text, so I shot it in sections and had a video guy splice it together. 

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  5. How to increase impression  ?


    1. vickiespencer


      You can ask your question by creating a post on the Forum. 

  6. Why am I not getting Order On My Best Selling Gig

    1. vickiespencer


      Because you continue to post Chat-GOT answers on the Forum, which is against Forum rule # 8. 

  7. Hi @vickiespencer,

    I'm out of posts for the day:



    On briefs:

    I have my minimum budget for briefs set at $200 and this works better than when I was in the $50-$100 range. I also changed how I approach briefs - I used to submit offers but now I only contact the buyers. This has been really effective for me because usually, the brief lacks detail and the amount doesn't match what I'd like to offer the buyer. I find buyers are just happy that someone actually read their briefs and responded differently (most will just send an offer at their prices).

    By responding to their criteria/requirements, asking questions, and sharing relevant portfolio pieces, buyers often respond and ask me to create custom quotes different from the amount they posted. For example, most briefs are set for $200, but I had a buyer accept a custom offer tailored to their needs at $325.

    I also think you have to limit what types of orders you want to get through briefs. I only plan on getting resume or pitch deck orders and reject/mark everything else as "I don't offer this service" (even if I do have a gig for it).

    1. vickiespencer


      Thanks, Vickie,

      I reject everything but proofreading/copyediting. My issue is that the buyers for those services want 60,000 words done for $100 or less. Also, I prefer to work with 15,000 words or less. Today I changed my budget to $200.

      How is life in Hawaii? I know a family that lives on the big island, but the mom died a few years back, so I lost track of them. The dad drives a tourist bus, and her son married a Hawaiian native and still lives there. What island are you on?   

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  8. Hi, vickie 
    How is your day going ? Is that Chat-gpt makes some problem for your work ? Just hope everything all right with your kind of work. 
    Greeting from Lily

    1. vickiespencer


      Hello, Lily,

      When I saw your post, I planned to your profile and greet you. Then I found you had already sent me a message. 

      Chat GPT has not had much of an effect on my business. For sure, it would not affect yours. I just looked at your profile. You have added so many gigs, and your dancing impresses me.

      My 12-year-old granddaughter is in a Children's Theater where she dances and sings. Maybe she will be as good as you someday!  

      Keep up the excellent work.

      Vickie ☀️

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  9. I was not aware of Fiverr Forum rule #8, thank you very much for alerting me💌

    1. vickiespencer


      A Fiverr Forum maude told me about rule #8 when I asked if I could report them. However, like you, many users are unaware of rule #8, and I do not want to overwhelm the maudes by reporting all of them, so I comment on them instead. 

  10. Sellers who name drop companies they never worked for in their “top clients” feature:

    Fiverr is now aware of it -thanks to yours truly- and will start making moves. 🙂 


    1. vickiespencer


      I hope these shenanigans will be removed now. 

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  11. OK, it’s settled. Everyone, mark your calendars. March 20th, 8pm GMT +2.

    Fiverr 4.0.

    I’m already 3 pages in.

  12. New profile pic? I want to refresh but unsure of the direction. Any opinions? 🙂

    new profile pic anyone.jpg

    1. vickiespencer


      When I cover the left side of your face with my hand, the right side appears warm and friendly. When I cover the right side of your face, the left side looks hard and angry. The image sends mixed messages to the viewer. However, I think correcting the eyes could unite your face into one that is warm and friendly. 

      Screenshot2023-02-21at4_45_54PM.thumb.png.b6da4c7bb59161c467392679cb251378.png       Screenshot2023-02-21at4_46_56PM.thumb.png.3aa9ecdd2c167947e8ac94609bf1895a.png


    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  13. New profile pic? I want to refresh but unsure of the direction. Any opinions? 🙂

    new profile pic anyone.jpg

    1. vickiespencer


      Is this a birthday present for yourself? It looks like you are going for a more edgy look.

      As an ex-photo retoucher—who did the work by hand with pencils, oil paints, and chalk—I would ask your photo retoucher to enhance the tiny white reflection dot in the upper left part of your left eye. It is not very bright and makes that eye look more "dead". Also, since the only light in the image is coming from your right, the little white dot in your left eye should be in a similar position as the one in your right eye.

      And now that I look at the eyes again, the blue curve of your iris on your right side is much brighter than the one on your left side, which is odd because that eye is on the side of your face with less light on it. Maybe it was retouched to be a brighter blue. So, I enlarged your eyes and found this. ⬇️ Do your eyes naturally have a darker ring around the outer edge? (I have a granddaughter whose eyes are like that.) Do you see how your left eye looks more prominent than your right? They should be more similar. Some of the work on your left eye looks overdone, and on your right eye, it is a bit underdone. Screenshot2023-02-21at4_09_33PM.thumb.png.acc064d00375b3ee82baeab4af7218c6.png 

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  14. Super bored right now. Uninspired to work. Anyone up for a quick impromptu live Q&A session?

    1. vickiespencer


      I saw that I could set my availability, so I would have to dress up on only certain days. Would I know ahead of time that I had a video chat?


    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  15. Super bored right now. Uninspired to work. Anyone up for a quick impromptu live Q&A session?

    1. vickiespencer


      Danno, I know. That made me think three times about it. I have not activated it for now. Also, buyers take a lot of my time just going on and on in the inbox, so I am not sure I want to be "caught" in a video call. 

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  16. Super bored right now. Uninspired to work. Anyone up for a quick impromptu live Q&A session?

    1. vickiespencer


      Looks like @vickiespencerwould also be interested in that topic.

      Kinda, sort of. I am not sure it is a feature I want to use. Unlike @frank_d, I prefer not to dress up for work. 

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  17. Super bored right now. Uninspired to work. Anyone up for a quick impromptu live Q&A session?

    1. vickiespencer


      My question is, why am I getting so many custom offer requests for copywriting? I am a proofreader/copy editor, which is written in all my gig images and descriptions. Maybe I need a FAQ to state that, although this type of buyer would likely not read it. 

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  18. Today marks the 1-year mark since I posted my first gig on Fiverr! 🥳🎉

  19. Hello, Vickie,

    Smash said you might have posted a screenshot of what Fiverr asks the buyer when they request a revision. However, I cannot find it. Can you point me to which topic it was on?

    1. vickiespencer


      Thank you. I have seen that before, and I did not place value on it as I never do the other things. However, a few weeks back, I started to attach my delivery documents one at a time because I was receiving revision requests because the red lines did not appear on the track changes copies I sent to the buyers. However, the red lines did appear when I attached the docs one at a time. Now, I wonder what those sellers chose when they said they were not ready to complete the order, as I saw a slowdown in orders after that.

      PS. I had to copy and past the above because it was not saving. Then two posts appeared. 🤔


    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  20. Hello, Vickie,

    Smash said you might have posted a screenshot of what Fiverr asks the buyer when they request a revision. However, I cannot find it. Can you point me to which topic it was on?

    1. vickiespencer


      Thank you. I also wanted to say you do not look old enough to have a 13-year-old son.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  21. Covid-19 sucks. Running a high fever for 5 days straight. 

  22. Covid-19 sucks. Running a high fever for 5 days straight. 

    1. vickiespencer


      I have been fortunate to avoid COVID. Here is wishing yo a speedy recovery.

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

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