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About stefficolbert

  • Birthday March 8


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  1. 1 things has happened to me: A few times, I got an inquiry about a translation. Clients thought my price was too expensive. Later they come back with a Google translation and ask me to "fix" it because that must be cheaper... I declined every time. I hate to admit, but online translators are getting better and I feel that soon enough people in my category may be out of a job.
  2. "All Quiet on the Western Front" It's a great movie. Now I am re-watching "The Walking Dead", it'll be a binge!
  3. I don't know, they didn't cancel the order.
  4. I have once received a terrible 1-star review because I "delivered too late" even though I delivered before the deadline. I contacted support and they actually removed the review.
  5. Last Book I read was Allen Carr's Easy Way To Stop Smoking... I haven't had a cigarette in 9 months. I feel great!
  6. I have given people a discount before but I no longer do.
  7. Dear Community! I hope you are having a wonderful day! I created videos for my translation gigs yesterday. It is basically the same video each time (with some changes). Also submitted videos on my proofreading gigs today... I totally suck at this and I was hoping to get a little bit of input... Thanks! 😊
  8. Unfortunately, there is a lot of spamming happening lately.
  9. True, I had added a little phrase with the delivery ("It would be great if you could leave a rating"). And once I asked him whether he could leave one. I would never spam anyone about it.
  10. Did they say why you weren't accepted?
  11. I totally get your point, I don't leave that many ratings either, and I am thankful for their business. I just wish I would get a review once in a while.🙂
  12. Here in Germany you only get paid once a month for "normal" jobs. And don't you have that feature where you can pull your money right away (for a fee)?
  13. Yes, it is very low. I have one client who orders about 3 times per week but NEVER writes a review. That is about 150 orders per year that aren't rated - just by 1 client. He doesn't even say anything at all really, just sends the file and accepts my offers, that's it... But he isn't the only one. Most of my repeat buyers don't rate anymore. But I guess I have been doing good because my visibility is pretty good I think.
  14. Ah okay, I did not know that there is a "hidden rating", and I've been with Fiverr for a very long time. 😅 I just looked at the Fiverr Analytics page and it said that only 58 % of buyers are rating my work. 😔
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