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Everything posted by newsmike

  1. What do the articles, trade journals and websites that you are reading about growing a business suggest? What have you tried besides asking us?
  2. You guys really made the wrong call. This one which took only an "honorable mention" is far more creative and technically superior to the rest which are mostly snapshot quality.
  3. If it is available to you as a seller you would find it in your inbox.
  4. Says helpless noob who is begging for help. And don't refer to your mom that way, it's not polite.
  5. You seriously cannot find the search box at the top of this page? CLUE: It is labeled SEARCH. Perhaps this whole internet freelancing is not for you?
  6. We have a new winner for most ridiculous, made up nonsense, masquerading as an answer. Congos.
  7. So funny watching people threaten to rage quit over something that they clearly haven't even bothered to understand.
  8. Good to have alternatives when AI replaces all dev positions.
  9. Unless of course a written agreement with different terms exists. I am surprised they did not teach you about this. BTW, you are responding to 4 year old threads.
  10. Wouldn't that have been true for every long term pro that started out as a newbie and worked hard to get where they are? Everyone started as a newbie. Do the work, expecting this to be handed to you is naïve.
  11. Are you suggesting that spellcasting works? I have gotta find that magic 8 ball and make a new gig.
  12. I admire your effort Tommy, but the way I figure it, here's you and me in 100 years anyway, and I get to sit on my ass.
  13. You are expecting everyone to support you? You do realize this is a business website, right?
  14. In a perfect world, yes, I agree. But people do observe and react. I prefer lower risk activities and tend to make purchases that way. Some folks are adventurers. or thrill seekers.
  15. Not really. If 1.5 million potential buyers per day search for talented sellers on Fiverr, is it not better that they are given, let's say, 900 vetted, talented, literate choices, as opposed to having to search for those good sellers amongst a sea of tens of thousands of sellers, many marginally to completely untalented, faking their qualifications, lying about their English proficiency, stealing content and using software like ChatGPT and auto refreshers to hide their dishonest offers? The same amount of profit would be made, just across a truly talented collection of sellers, pickpockets would not be making sales. Win-Win.
  16. Something tells me you are not paying proper attention to your business.
  17. @theratypist Please note new name for "Fiverr" Favabar
  18. There is only one way to get on the first page. Sell a lot of services.
  19. No, but you could explain that to your seller and ask them to send you a custom offer for the amount you wish to add.
  20. Other than the fact that you are being dishonest about your status?
  21. First off you should read and learn lean how things work. For example you have violated Forum rules by spamming your gig in this category.
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