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Everything posted by newsmike

  1. Besides English fluency, what else on your profile is fabricated?
  2. There is no second 20% fee. I don't ever, ever fault people with limited English skills, except when they lie about it in their profile. Do you understand the difference?
  3. Considering that you have made 7 sales in 3 years, how would you propose to explain the process to anyone? Perhaps you should be asking for help instead of posing as a successful seller. That strategy is nonsense.
  4. A buyer cannot "make you work for free." Only you can do that by being afraid to tell someone how much revisions will cost. This was not the buyer's fault. Why are you unable to either say, "That would be $50?", or otherwise say a very simple, No.?
  5. I am still amazed how the question of quality never even enters their minds. "I'm here, where's my money?"
  6. I can't see how you call that unfair. You blocked him, and he stated that you blocked him. You were the aggressor here. Not a good idea to make people who haven't reviewed you yet angry. Your buyer did nothing wrong by asking for additional revisions, you did by not charging him for them and then regretting your decision, you reacted emotionally, blocking him. You should have negotiated professionally instead.
  7. 1. This is not true. 2. You should have understood the terms when you joined, remember saying you had read and agreed to the terms of service? 3. No one is forcing you to stay here. 4. Absurd is not spelled "obsurred." 5. This is untrue.
  8. Absolute nonsense, ignore please.
  9. Why would you think that you will get orders quickly and without a year or two of hard work? Also, anyone who is actually "fluent" in English would never say "IN Fiverr." One cannot be inside a website. Maybe change your English level to something truthful?
  10. Not a joke, but extremely sad that people can't tell a joke from reality.
  11. Have you considered either telling them how much more that would be, or saying no? Am I missing something?
  12. I don't mind the ill informed screwing up their own gigs with silly nonsense and myths half as much as I mind the fact that they all want to "teach" their nonsense un-answers to others in some misguided attempt to appear knowledgeable and successful. Like a child in class who keeps insisting the world is flat.
  13. Wrong. SEO has nothing to do with it, please don't make up nonsense.
  14. Gigs get to the first page because they made the most money.
  15. You may want to read up on how Fiverr works. No one ever comes to knock on your door.
  16. What services does he buy? Foolishly, I've been thanking my customers.
  17. This is why they need actual experienced marketers running things, unfortunately Fiverr is run 100% by developers and interns. Have you ever attended a webinar of theirs? The advice they give to drive sales is ridiculous. Low competition = less searched Less searched = less traffic Less traffic = "How do I rank gig?" My favorite example is "should Starbucks drop "coffee" from SEO because it is high competition? This sounds great in theory, but is nonsense, unless I expect people to find my Voice Over gig by typing "donuts" in the search bar.
  18. I'd start with removing false information from your profile, like this:
  19. It is mostly fake sellers.
  20. Terrible advice. Better to start with 1 gig and expand later after initial success, also "low competition" means terms that no one searches for. Please don't offer nonsense as advice. You have been on platform for 6 months with only one sale from someone who writes like you and is no longer active. What would possibly compel you to offer advice to others?
  21. Show me where that course says anything about active hours? It does not. Please don't make up nonsense answers. It confuses others and makes you appear ignorant of how Fiverr actually works.
  22. Why would you want to hide your stats? So as to not embarrass others with your awesomeness?
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