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Posts posted by smashradio

  1. 4 hours ago, qubemotion said:

    It's been more than a day (almost 2 days) and still fiverr support did not answer my ticket, at this point I feel like there are no supports or worse they don't care about sellers and their status.

    I don't know if this is normal or not but it is not anything near acceptable, at least they should notify users that it may take longer than anticipated usual time, this is a matter about an order I have and is somehow urgent and still they did not even answered my question. I even replied to it and no answers yet.

    It varies. Since it's the weekend, there are fewer staff members available to handle tickets. You shouldn't expect a response from a business during the weekend.

    Typically, response times range from 24 to 72 hours for most users. If your issue is complex, it may require the support team to consult with relevant departments before they can provide you with a solution. If you're a Seller Plus member, you'll experience shorter wait times. Pro sellers receive even faster service.

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  2. 2 hours ago, shaniiecom said:

    What are the steps to integrate the video consultation feature into my Fiverr services, and how can I determine the eligibility requirements and criteria to offer this feature? Additionally, what are the next steps and requirements after successfully adding the video consultation feature to my services?

    You can read more about the feature here: Paid video consultations for sellers – Fiverr Help Center

    However, the page doesn't say anything about the requirements to become eligible for it. I suspect you'd have to be Top Rated or a Pro seller to offer it. 

    However, all sellers can initiate Zoom calls via the order page, meaning you could technically offer to meet up with your buyers even without this feature enabled on your profile. Just set up a custom offer in chat, and initiate a video call from the order page. 

    You can read more about Zoom calls for sellers here: Video calls (Zoom calls) – Fiverr Help Center

    Perhaps @Lena or @Kesha could enlighten us on the eligibility criteria for offering paid video consultations 🙂

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  3. It would help if the briefs weren't for Chinese translations, French books, and fiction ghostwriting, when I offer nothing of this sort. I haven't received a single relevant brief since they were launched.  The system is about as smart as my cat. Actually, it's probably less smart. At least my cat knows which human to bug for food. The briefs system can't even identify that I don't speak Chinese. 🙃

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  4. The myth that you need to stay active and online constantly to get work is false. It's usually spread by unsuccessful sellers who are just sitting around, hoping for a miracle.

    To get work on Fiverr, what you really need are solid skills, an impressive profile that highlights those skills, and the ability to deliver exceptional quality when you do get orders.

    You also need to respond quickly when potential buyers do reach out (they often message multiple sellers) so download the app, and you can respond even when you're not on. 

    If you do that, you can rise the ranks and become successful. There’s more to it than just that, but being online all the time has nothing to do with it.  

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  5. 3 hours ago, bismaa_8 said:

    Hi, my brother wanted to start his fiverr account, as I already have a one is it fine to create 2nd account with a different email and pc but we have same wifi? Or is it against the fiverr tos?

    It’s not against the TOS to have multiple Fiverr users in the same household. However, having more than one account per person is.

    You might want to reach out to support to get things clarified. If you run into issues later because you’re sharing a WiFi, having that verification can be a fallback.

    It’s not a guaranteed fix, but it might help if the system flags your accounts.

    Just remember, the review process can take months, and you could be without an account during that time, so there’s always some risk involved, given that the system on Fiverr is pretty much automated these days. 

    • Like 4
  6. Didn't someone from Fiverr say we shouldn't worry about our success score when we voiced our concerns about the new system?🙃

    I think that’s the way to go, unless you’re up for dealing with hallucinations, hypertension, autoimmune issues, and burnout. These are all real situations sellers are going through. The gamification is making people seriously ill, and Fiverr doesn't seem to care.

    I’ve stopped checking mine altogether. I just focus on what I do best: work.

    The smartest move for your business, no matter your current order volume, is to diversify. Don’t put all your eggs in one basket.

    If anything, Fiverr’s shown us that we need to expand our reach to other platforms, preferably ones we can control. Just in case they decide to tank your whole career overnight due to some arbitrary decision  made by an AI developed by the same "developers" who brought us the worst chatbot on the internet.

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  7. In the shockingly upbeat Q1 report from Fiverr, CEO Micha Kaufman sprinkled some corporate fairy dust, claiming:

    “Since moving to the semi-annual product release cycle last year, we have received very positive feedback across our community” 

    What I've seen, are posts claiming that Fiverr's gamification of our careers is causing mental health issues. One seller even experienced hallucinations due to stress and lack of sleep because of Fiverr, allegedly. 

    Several million-dollar sellers have abandoned the platform due to these changes, the relentless pressure Fiverr places on its sellers, and a noticeable decline in the quality of leads.

    But perhaps the positive feedback comes from investors? 


    Or perhaps not. 

    One has to wonder, where exactly is this “positive feedback” hiding? If someone finds it, do let me know  I’ll be here, not holding my breath.

    • Like 10
  8. 2 hours ago, aubergine07 said:

    @smashradio has some great suggestions.

    If the issue is a bad customer, I usually say "I'm so sorry, I won't be able to take this on right now" and leave it at that. If they get belligerent with you, which I have had happen, then I just block them. Not sure if that effects my stats, but I dont care in this situation.

    I often feel like just typing "No." and blocking them, but I've found that politeness can be beneficial down the line. One time, a guy reached out and he gave me a bad vibe. But, my ultra polite "No" apparently impressed him so much that he referred a colleague to me a few months later, who ended up becoming a regular customer and earned me thousands.

    2 hours ago, aubergine07 said:

    And fair warning, I have had people place an order straight through a gig after I told them I wasn't comfortable with recording their content. In that situation, to avoid a hit to my stats, I completed the order immediately and then blocked them once the order was completed, since they don't know how to take "no" for an answer. 

    Fortunately, I haven't had many customers like that, but whenever I get a bad feeling, I enable RTO before sending the message. Stops them in their tracks. 

    • Like 3
  9. 1 hour ago, sharminslucky said:

    What is the best way to say No to an offer / buyer as a new seller though the gig description matches with the job requirements but  I am not interested to this specific buyer.

     I find that the best option is to express gratitude by thanking them for considering your services, but that this opportunity isn't something you can take on at the moment. If possible, I try to tactfully explain why. I will also try to recommend someone else that might be a better match for them if I can, and wish them best of luck with their project. If your reason is that the buyer is horrible (this happens!), just skip the reason. 

    Something like this: 

    "Thank you for getting in touch! I really appreciate the effort you've put into considering me for your project.

    After giving it some thought, I've concluded that I might not be the best fit for your project due to [reason].

    I’ve included a link to some search results for other sellers who might be a perfect match for what you need.

    Best of luck with your project, and thanks again for considering me!

    Best regards,


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  10. 1 hour ago, rimon_32 said:

    What is the IP problem?

    I'm not quite sure which issue you're referring to. Are you talking about location inconsistencies and the use of VPNs, multiple sellers using the same network,  or is this about some sort of intellectual property concern? If you could give me a bit more detail on your problem, we can help you out better. 🙂

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  11. 2 hours ago, bittereva said:

    I've been hearing a lot of chatter lately about the New Review System in the Fiverr community. Some of my friends have even jumped ship to other platforms because of it. As someone who tackles large, complex book projects, I only see about 3–4 orders per month, mostly from my regular customers since I've been on Fiverr for quite some time. So, it took me a while to warm up to the new system.

    After being a top-rated seller for many years, I started receiving lower reviews from my customers. Two of them admitted it was a mistake, and they managed to retract it. But my last customer mentioned she wasn't happy with my "language" and "value for money" (both of which I believe are biased), despite loving my design. This resulted in a 4-star rating. Some might say, "Hey, 4 stars is still good." But it really gets to me because I always give my all, going the extra mile for every customer. So, what does Fiverr want me to take away from this experience? What does this transparency bring?

    Phew... I had to let that out first 🫠

    Now, my question to the community: how do you handle situations like this? What practical approaches do you take to avoid them? Who can share some valuable insights? Or maybe we should collectively start a petition? 🙂 Just kidding... or am I? 🤐


    The updates to the review and rating systems have definitely stirred up a mix of reactions among sellers, some justified, others less so.

    Regarding your 4-star rating, remember, all ratings are inherently subjective. It's unrealistic to expect a buyer to be entirely objective when evaluating a purchase they've made. Emotions often drive our purchasing decisions.

    On that note, I also believe the "value for money" metric shouldn't be part of a proper review system. It just makes buyers scrutinize their spending rather than appreciate their purchase, which can lead to fewer 5-stars.

    Now I'm no expert, but I think that a buyer leaving a 5-star review only serves to reinforce their satisfaction with their own purchase. So, if a buyer leaves five stars, my theory is that this very action makes them happier with their choice.

    If that's true (and this is just my theory, of course), then a buyer leaving less than five stars might make them less happy about it.

    And if that's the case, the question is: will this affect their overall perceived value of using Fiverr as a whole, or just their experience with the seller? Somehow, I suspect this isn't a smart move on Fiverr's part. But that's just me.

    According to Fiverr, 4-star ratings are deemed "more trustworthy", supposedly based on "research." Of course, they haven't disclosed this research or provided any solid rationale for this claim, but this is Fiverr, so we can't expect that. 🙃

    Now, to you questions: 

    If I received a 4-star rating because a buyer was dissatisfied with my "language" and "value for money," I'd reflect on whether there was anything I could have done differently.

    Did I fully understand their needs before starting? Was my communication effective and on their level?

    Regarding value, it tells you that the buyer regretted their decision or parts of it after completing the order.

    To avoid this from happening in the first place, I work hard to deliver exceptional service. I personalize communication by using the buyer’s name. I educate them on the value I add before starting an order and encourage ongoing feedback. I try to always highlight the positive impact of their purchase.

    Creating a sense of scarcity (genuinely, since it’s true - I don’t create artificial scarcity) can also enhance the perceived value of my services. I'm selective with projects, which I communicate upfront. It helps buyers understand why their project is a good fit for me and that I won't take on just any project. 

    Effective pricing strategies are important too. When I'm asked for a quote, I don't just ask for their budget: I provide options. I offer a premium option, a standard recommended one, and a budget-friendly choice if necessary. This only applies on projects without fixed rates, of course. If they can't afford my initial ideas, I simply tell  them "Sure, I can do that for X, if we take out Z and Y from the scope". 

    This approach not only demonstrates transparency (unlike Fiverr, I think that's important) but also frames the most suitable option as the best deal.

    Just make sure not to offer something you think they won't need. If you do, it's like supermarket decoy pricing- like when they show you that $600 bottle of wine to make the $20 one seem like a steal, even though the $5 bottle is more than good enough for most. But there's nothing wrong with putting things into an (honest) perspective!

    I also emphasize that buyers are free to choose the option that best suits them, even if it isn't mine. This is relevant if they're the "someone else will do it for less"-type. I find that this often leads to increased compliance and respect for the value I provide.

    The idea that I'm not hunting for jobs and that I'm totally OK with them choosing someone else if they feel like it, makes me appear as the serious option when others might push for a sale. It makes you authoritative without being pushy.

    Then again, I actually want those Scrooge McDuck buyers to go somewhere else, because they're the very people who are more likely to be dissatisfied with the "value for money" factor. If that's the case, I'll just wish them good luck moving forward and thank them for their consideration. 

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  12. On 5/3/2024 at 2:52 PM, Kesha said:

    For many digital industries, AI has fundamentally transformed the industry and standards. In such cases, professionals in these fields must quickly embrace the new tools and technologies if they don’t want to get left behind.

    So, let me get this straight... Are we to understand that failure to utilize AI-generated content could result in us being left behind, even when AI content sucks?

    On 5/3/2024 at 2:52 PM, Kesha said:


    The great news? Our Seller’s AI Hub offers extensive resources

    Are you referring to the AI seller hub inundated with AI-generated content, that even your own SEO team thought deserved a no-index?

    On 5/3/2024 at 2:52 PM, Kesha said:

    producing quality materials for social can feel daunting

    Not if you know what you're doing. If your approach involves merely copypasting AI-generated content, I can understand why that might seem daunting.

    On 5/3/2024 at 2:52 PM, Kesha said:


    Today, leveraging AI in your social media marketing efforts transcends beyond being a nice-to-have.

    No, it doesn't. AI serves as a tool that generates outcomes based on input. The human intellect significantly exceeds that of any AI, particularly when extending beyond rudimentary data organization. While AI can be useful (I'm a big fan of AI!), it doesn't diminish the longstanding ability of humans to produce quality. As exemplified by platforms like Fiverr's AI hub, AI struggles to compete even against level 1 sellers with a success score of 3. Fiverr is living proof that AI has it's limits. It's not some magical solution that renders human intellect obsolete, except maybe for Gen Z'ers who prefer not to use their brain.

    On 5/3/2024 at 2:52 PM, Kesha said:


    The AI-Powered SEO specialist

    As an SEO specialist, you have a variety of AI tools at your disposal, designed to enhance the efficiency of your work. With so many options available, understanding each tool and their benefits is key, as no single-solution AI tool exists just yet. 

    Our featured AI Hub article breaks down some of the popular tools for AI-assisted in SEO copywriting, keyword identification, and tracking and reporting performance, and more. 

    You can read the full article here.

    For the Data Analyst 

    With all the technologies emerging in Data Analytics, it’s crucial for analysts to embrace AI in their workflow. AI makes it easier to gather complex data and use it to make informed decisions. Automating repetitive tasks, creating easy-to-understand visualizations, and getting software and solution recommendations are some of the many other ways AI can elevate your work as a data analyst. 

    Check out our recent article on the AI hub for tips on incorporating AI into your workflow and mastering the latest tools on the market here. 

    Incorporating AI into your workflow across these industries is no longer a luxury but a necessity for staying ahead. Explore our Seller’s AI Hub for expert insights and advice on how to maximize productivity and thrive in this new era of AI-driven innovation.

    Even Google, the serp pumping out more AI generated junk than anyone else, is urging caution regarding the dependence on AI for SEO copywriting. Generating a list of keywords or monitoring performance doesn't require AI. It requires a list. Any company saying otherwise is just trying to hop on the AI bandwagon to make themselves look trendy. 

    On 5/3/2024 at 2:52 PM, Kesha said:


    Incorporating AI into your workflow across these industries is no longer a luxury but a necessity for staying ahead. Explore our Seller’s AI Hub for expert insights and advice on how to maximize productivity and thrive in this new era of AI-driven innovation.

    Informed decisions? Relying on whatever a generative AI churns out? Seriously? And that AI hub of yours... Expert? 

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  13. 4 minutes ago, uk1000 said:

    Though I thought private reviews were at least valuable or more to Fiverr for the stats so getting one of those could be just as okay to the system (eg. the buyer satisfaction rate is more likely made up (or mostly) of stats from private ratings). Maybe the message asking for feedback could say they could leave private feedback if they didn't want to leave the public review. Though for the things buyers in general see then the public reviews will help if they're positive (or a few negative ones could also be okay as long as there's not too many and they're replied to well by the seller).

    When I mentioned reviews, I was talking about both the public and private. But Fiverr's already bugging buyers enough, so I usually just keep it general and ask for feedback overall. If you start singling out private feedback, I bet the buyers who aren't keen on leaving public reviews would be the ones more likely to leave negative feedback. So I just keep it simple and ask for feedback in general.  

    • Like 6
  14. 8 hours ago, craig_ross said:

    I went to the order page and did not click "deliver now" but rather in the "gigg" chat, I, without thinking dragged and dropped the finished audio of my voiceovers in the chat only to finally wake up that although I had delivered my work in record time i forgot to follow process will this mess up anything for me ? Just as things are starting to pick up for me 😞 

    So you didn't use the system as it's supposed to be used. I suggest using the delivery button next time. I've made this mistake myself once and I've been here for a decade. 

    As for the order: if it's not delivered (technically) yet, ask the buyer for an extension and politely explain the situation. 

    If that's not an option, I suggest reaching out to support. Perhaps they can help you remove that stain from your record. 

    If not, at least you've learned how to use the delivery button for your next order. 


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  15. 6 hours ago, ana_tomy said:

    Hi @geckotechgpt, please read our Terms of Service, you'll see that our Customer Support team never contacts you via chat. You'll also find info on how to proceed with scammers like this one, so that the team can block them from the platform. If you need any additional reading material on how to become successful, feel free to let me know and I'll provide you with some reading material. Thanks for understanding and good luck 🍀

    Instead of just expecting everyone to decipher the wall of legalese  TOS, maybe Fiverr should think about throwing up a warning about scams that misuse the Fiverr brand. This scam has been making the rounds for a while, and plenty of sellers have fallen right into it.

    When your brand is getting abused like that, it's on you to step up and make sure sellers know what's up in a clear, no-nonsense way.

    May I suggest a message at the top of the inbox, letting sellers know that any request for their credit card info isn't coming from Fiverr? Here, I'll even write it for you: 

    "Fiverr support or Fiverr staff will never ask you to provide your credit card information or to use such information to verify your Fiverr account." 

    P.S. Support might not contact you through chat, but Fiverr staff certainly do, including your editorial team. 

    P.S.S. You're still allowing scammers to use "Support" and "Fiverr" in their usernames. 


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  16. On 5/4/2024 at 12:51 PM, faik_akcay said:

    Hello, I have a question: Can a user open 2 Fiverr accounts with the same credentials? I'm afraid my account will be closed soon and I think I'll need it. Also, can a new account be opened from scratch with the information from the closed account?

    No. You're not allowed to have more than one account. If your account gets suspended,  you're certainly not allowed to open a new one, and any accounts you make will likely get banned too. 

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  17. 2 minutes ago, karrimanfive said:

    Mi Descripción no me permite publicarla. ¿Como puedo escribir mi Descripción para poder ofrecer mis servicios?


    This forum is primarily in English, so I suggest you write or translate your message into English. Otherwise, there's a chance your posts might get missed by those who don't speak Spanish. 🙂

    Regarding your question, we'll need to take a look at your description to know that. Could you share screenshots of what's happening when you attempt to post your gig and any error messages you're encountering?



    Este foro está principalmente en inglés, así que te sugiero que escribas o traduzcas tu mensaje al inglés. De lo contrario, existe la posibilidad de que tus publicaciones pasen desapercibidas para quienes no hablan español. 🙂

    En cuanto a tu pregunta, necesitaremos echar un vistazo a tu descripción para poder ayudarte. ¿Podrías compartir capturas de pantalla de lo que sucede cuando intentas publicar tu servicio y cualquier mensaje de error que estés recibiendo?

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  18. 3 hours ago, dponzio said:

    A couple of my gigs often do not get a public score from buyers, as I believe that such gigs are readily available works that it's easier to purchase and deliver. 

    They just buy them and forget about it, although I send at least one follow up message to make sure that they are okay with their purchase, and ask if they have any questions.

    In such case, what happens to the scoring of such gigs? Does anyone know? Thanks for your kind advice. 😉

    Reviews are important so you should do what you can to get them. You can include a request to leave feedback in your follow-ups, just make sure it doesn't in any way come across as a request for positive feedback. 🙂 

    If your competitors are getting reviews and you're not, that could put you at a disadvantage.

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  19. 1 hour ago, accenturevenva said:



    as the title says. I newly registered on Fiverr as a buyer and am looking to put together a team of at least 5 freelancers for different jobs for a project. I need to message and prospect many different potential hires. This is for a job where I need some through expertise and need to gather a pool of potential hires first and then select the right fit.


    Is there a limit that I should be aware of? How many freelancers can I message my job proposal without getting flagged for spam?

    I'm pretty sure at some point the system might auto-flag me prospecting freelancers. Does anyone have information as to what message limit is safe (for a new user) / per day?


    Thank you.

    It all depends on your approach. The system may flag messages that appear too similar or if there's a sudden surge in messages. We're not familiar with all the inner workings of the spam detection system, simply because that knowledge could end up in the wrong hands.

    So instead of focusing on quantity, prioritize quality. Customize your messages for each seller, and ensure your requests are reasonable.

    As long as your requests are genuine and comply with the terms of service, you shouldn't encounter any issues.

    However, if you're simply  copy/pasting the same message to multiplesellers in a short period, you're likely to get flagged. I hope this clarifies things for you!


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  20. On 5/3/2024 at 3:24 PM, manuelmarino said:

    Although I agree with your point about not making assumptions about what buyers want, sometimes it's necessary to understand the client more than they understand themselves. This is because there are clients who don't really know what they want and need guidance. Of course, a novice seller might not be able to do this effectively—it requires a veteran seller with years of experience. You can often tell a client is unsure when they initially ask for an electronic track and then switch to wanting something orchestral, for example. It's in these moments of trial and error that you need to step in and help steer them towards the right choice for their project.

    I'm not saying you shouldn't use your skills and experience to help guide the client. I'm saying you shouldn't assume. But tbh, it doesn't require years of experience to do this. I did it from day one because it made perfect sense to ask before you leap. Steering client's is not the same as assuming, so you're absolutely right about the need to educate our buyers from time to time. 

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