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  1. a huge amount of Buyers keep leaving very weird reviews, they say they are very satisfied with the workflow I have, I keep contact, I follow the instructions exactly as listed, deliver before the delivery time, do revisions without a problem but then on that "Value of the delivery" area of the review they keep leaving a 4 stars review, when I ask they apologieze and say they are very satisfied so how can I improve something none of the customers have the courtesy to tell me they are not satisfied with ? with the previous system it was easier to understand where I was failing but now, even with the prompts list is very vague, some customer mark "things that you need to improve" and when I ask about those detials they mention that they tougth they are things they are satisfied with or just dont select none of them. Im getting very anxious with the way this new system works, the site keeps punishing me just for having 4.7 star reviews and Im getting less jobs when past month everything was flowing perfectly. So any advice cuz Im totally lost here, I dont understand what Im doing wrong if they say everything is perfect and customers are not very herlpful on this matter to explain me what they are feeling is off
  2. this explanation feels a bit to vague for me to actually trust you , each time I receive a message from fiverr with a vague explanation it always ends on something that affects sellers more than it helps us, Ill wait to see if it works for others cuz each time I tried to take vacations using this feature ti was true nightmare to regain the flow of orders I had before
  3. I'm just thankful that I can finally set times to receive orders, I've been sleep deprived for years due to the unexpected orders and I was near stressed for lack of sleep so thank you for finally putting a useful feature
  4. I didnt knew that, now I have to work with extra stress with this site,I always give the best I can to my customers, and Ive ended up twice in the hospital to give the best service I can and now I have to stress for more stuff? well thanks for letting me know that 🙂
  5. Until last week I had like 20-25 orders, per week, I didnt received a bad rating, but of course some new customers that dont rate the services as usual even while you ask, anyway, my numbers suddenly dropped down from 20-25 orders to just 10, I dont get the problem, as it never happened to me before, could you please help me to understand and if possible if you have some advice to boost my sales again Ill be very thankful
  6. this is insulting, when they showed me the coupons feature they said it was not gonna take affect on my earnings and now I have to charge extra for the coupon? its better if I only keep the prices I handle with my regular customers instead of wasitng money in this useless feature, I can only provide coupons to customers that have bought something within 60 days I cant even grant coupons to new customers, why exactly wasting money on the couons feature is good? I prefer to give a discount to my customer by myself than keep wasting my earnings
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